Office of Educator Preparation Services

Education Advisement and Field Experience

The Office of Educator Preparation Services (OEPS) assigns early field experience placements for students prior to their student teaching; and, subsequently, their student teaching experience. Advisement is also offered to assist in meeting these requirements in a timely manner.

Early Field Experience

One hundred hours of early field experience is required to be admitted to student teach, and this is embedded in required education coursework. Non-course requirements for entering the Professional Methods Sequences are listed here. Professional Methods Sequences must be satisfactorily completed prior to student teaching.

Student Teaching

When qualified for student teaching, students register for the student teaching course (which is divided into two sessions). This office assesses applicants' eligibility to student teach. It then coordinates and places qualified students in New York schools for their student teaching experience and monitors their progress.

Office of Educator Preparation Services
273 Fitzelle Hall
Phone 607-436-2538
Fax 607-436-3799
Jennifer Mancke, Administrative Assistant