Office of Educator Preparation Services Forms

Local Field Placement Request

If you need assistance in finding a local placement for an education class that has a required early field experience component associated with it, please complete the following submission form in FULL:

Local Field Placement Request Submission Form

About the Process:

Once you have completed your request and the OEPS has received your submission, we will reach out to the local school districts to see if any teachers are interested in hosting a SUNY Oneonta education student for this type of assignment/observation. An email will be sent connecting you with a local host teacher. You are asked to coordinate your schedule with your host teacher for the exact dates/times to complete your observation hours.


Time Frame for a response:

This can take up to several weeks. Placements are made in the order in which your assignment is due, and then in the order the request was made.

Local placements for the Spring semester will not begin until the end of February/beginning of March.

Local placements for the Fall semester will not begin until the end of September/beginning of October.

Placement Guidelines:

By using this service, you are acknowledging that it is your responsibility to present yourself professionally during your observation experience. You understand that you are a guest in the host teacher's classroom. You are agreeing to the following items as part of this request:

  • To communicate with the teacher you are connected with in a timely manner
  • Arrive at the agreed-upon date and time coordinated with the host teacher
  • Dress Professionally
  • Avoid using any electronics during your observation time

Failure to abide by the statements above can affect future requests made by you for a placement in a local school district.

Field Experience Letter Request

If you have requested placement in a school district that requires extra documentation to be able to observe, please complete the following submission form in FULL:

Field Experience Letter Request Submission Form

About the Process:

Once you have completed your request and the OEPS office has received your submission, we will craft a letter customized to your specific needs. You will be indicating how you would like to have this letter sent on your behalf in the submission form above (email, fax, pick-up, etc.)

Time Frame for a response:

This will vary and is dependent on the accuracy of information supplied on the submission form and the volume of requests at the time of submission.

Placement Guidelines:

By using this service, you are acknowledging that it is your responsibility to present yourself professionally during your observation experience. You understand that you are a guest in the host teacher's classroom. You are agreeing to the following items as part of this request:

  • To communicate with the School District/host teacher in a timely manner
  • Arrive at the agreed-upon date and time coordinated with the district/host teacher
  • Dress Professionally
  • Avoid using any electronics during your observation time

Failure to abide by the statements above can affect future requests made by you for placement documentation to a school district.

Field Authorization Form

Please have your cooperating teacher complete and sign the Field Authorization Form at the end of your observation experience. This document indicates that you spent the noted number of hours in their classroom. This form will be submitted to your professor(s) as documentation that you completed the required number of observation hours for the course. Cooperating teachers should not sign any blank forms.

Field Authorization Form

Contact Us

Office of Educator Preparation Services
273 Fitzelle Hall
Phone 607-436-2538
Fax 607-436-3799
Jennifer Mancke, Secretary