Emergency Response Guidelines

Emergency notification and communication

SUNY Oneonta uses a variety of channels to notify the campus community of incidents that occur on campus.

SUNY Oneonta uses Everbridge, an all-hazards alert system we refer to as O-Alert, to enhance the campus’ emergency alert and notification efforts in response to any event or situation that poses a serious health or safety concern.

O-Alert sends emergency notification alerts via email, recorded voice and text messages to multiple telephone numbers (cell, home, work, local) and email addresses that are entered into the system. To update or add ways of being notified, log into myOneonta and click the "Oneonta Emergency Alert" link.

Faculty, staff and students are strongly encouraged to enroll in O-Alert with all their contact information.

Contact the SUNY University Police at 607-436-3550 for more information.

In the past, SUNY Oneonta made use of an outdoor warning siren during certain emergencies. The use of the siren is currently suspended and SUNY Oneonta is researching updates to the siren technology and procedure.

What to do in an emergency

These are the three main emergency directions SUNY Oneonta may give during incidents that could threaten your safety.

Remain indoors. Do not leave until SUNY Oneonta has issued an "all clear" message. This response is appropriate when a situation makes it safer to be inside the building than outside.

Take cover, remain silent and out of view. Do not leave until SUNY Oneonta has issued an "all clear" message. This response is appropriate when a situation poses an immediate threat of violence on campus.

Leave the building. Do not re-enter it until SUNY Oneonta has issued an "all clear" message. This response is appropriate when a situation makes it safer to be outside the building than inside.

Each emergency is different. No matter what the situation, listen for updates and further instructions from O-Alert and University Police.

Campus Safety Numbers

Fire/Police/Ambulance: 911

University Police (24/7): 607-436-3550

Title IX Office: 607-436-2830

Community Standards: 607-436-3353

Student Health Center: 607-436-3573

Counseling Center: 607-436-3368

Environmental Health and Safety: 607-436-3224

Hazing Hotline: 607-436-2410

Oneonta State Emergency Squad: 607-436-3550

Maintenance Operations: 607-436-2507

Off-Campus Numbers

Fire/Police/Ambulance: 911

Oneonta Public Transit (OPT): 607-432-7100

Fox Hospital Emergency Department: 607-431-5000

Bassett Hospital Trauma Center: 607-547-3456

Otsego County Public Health: 607-547-4230 (After hours: 607-547-1697)

Fox Now Walk-in Clinic: 607-431-5052

Bassett Convenient Care: 607-433-6300

UHS Primary Care-Oneonta: 607-432-8477

National Suicide and Crisis Hotlines: 800-784-2433 or 800-273-TALK (8255)

Poison Control Center: 800-222-1222

Mobile Crisis Assessment Team (MCAT) (24/7): 877-369-6699

Violence Intervention Program: 607-432-4855

This preparedness guide for students, faculty, staff and visitors has been provided to you by SUNY Oneonta. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with how SUNY Oneonta plans for emergencies, and to improve your understanding of emergency preparedness and response. This guide is based on presently available information, as well as current federal- and state-recommended protective actions. In every situation, common sense and awareness of personal safety should take precedence over any action described in this guide.