Utility Emergency

In a utility emergency, call Facilities or University Police, or notify the res life staff in your building.

Facilities: 607-436-2507 (weekdays only 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m.)

University Police: 607-436-3550 (evenings/weekends/holidays)

If you are in a building:

  • Use a flashlight or phone. DO NOT light candles!
  • Laboratory personnel should secure experiments or activities that may present a danger when ventilation systems are not functioning or when power is restored unexpectedly.

If you are instructed to leave:

  • Get your keys and any absolute necessities (e.g., medications, SUNY Oneonta ID, wallet, cell).
  • Bring clothing suitable for the weather conditions.
  • Lock the door to secure your belongings.
  • Use a flashlight or phone. DO NOT light candles!
  • Stop using all electrical devices.
  • Do not stand in water.
  • Cease all operations immediately and evacuate the area as soon as possible, notifying others as you leave.
  • Do not switch lights on or off.
  • Do not take the time to open windows or close doors.
  • Do not reenter the building until cleared to do so by a university official.

If you are inside the elevator:

  • Remain calm. There is plenty of air.
  • Use the emergency phone or emergency button to contact University Police.
  • Provide your name and the exact location (building and floor, if known) to the dispatcher.
  • Stay away from the doors. DO NOT attempt to pry the doors open.

If you are outside the elevator:

  • Knock on all elevator doors to determine whether the elevator is occupied.
  • DO NOT attempt to rescue the occupants. DO NOT attempt to pry the doors open.
  • Call University Police at 607-436-3550 and provide the exact location of the elevator.
  • If the elevator is occupied, reassure the occupant(s) that help is on the way.

This preparedness guide for students, faculty, staff and visitors has been provided to you by SUNY Oneonta. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with how SUNY Oneonta plans for emergencies, and to improve your understanding of emergency preparedness and response. This guide is based on presently available information, as well as current federal- and state-recommended protective actions. In every situation, common sense and awareness of personal safety should take precedence over any action described in this guide.