Office of Facilities, Safety and Physical Plant

Netzer renovation rendering showing the Ravine Parkway entry
Netzer post-renovation: Ravine Parkway entry
Netzer renovation rendering showing the quad entry
Netzer post-renovation: quad entry
Netzer renovation rendering showing Student Services
Netzer post-renovation: Student Services
Netzer renovation rendering showing the central stairwell
Netzer post-renovation: central stairwell
Netzer renovation rendering showing open stairs on the 2nd and 3rd floors
Netzer post-renovation: 2nd and 3rd floor open stairs
Netzer renovation rendering showing the 2nd floor lounge
Netzer post-renovation: 2nd floor lounge
Netzer renovation rendering showing the 3rd floor suites
Netzer post-renovation: 3rd floor suites

Latest News

Summer construction season is in full swing:

  • Chase Gym is closed for the summer while contractors work on replacing the entire data network within the building, as well as adding exterior WiFi Access Points.
  • Accessibility work continues from last summer – adding railings to the new sidewalks over by Higgins and Hulbert, completely redoing the sidewalks and ramps between Golding, Grant and Wilsbach, updating the walkways by Mills around to Matteson, the crosswalk at Hunt Union and repairing many other locations of concrete sidewalk and brick pavers.
  • Roadway/Parking Lot paving and sealing.
  • Entirely replacing a sixty-year-old retaining wall across the road from Lee Hall.
  • Starting a project to add an elevator to Sherman Hall.
  • Completely replacing the data network inside Blodgett Hall.
  • Installing a off-grid Solar Power array at the Moe Pond Field Research Station in Cooperstown.
  • Installing new entrance signs at the two ends of Bugbee Road.
  • Installing a food waste management system at Mills Dining Hall.
  • Completing a two-year project to update Hulbert Residence Hall.
  • Dozens of other smaller, less-glamorous projects to update and repair Heating, Cooling, Electrical, Landscaping, Signage, Safety and Building Envelopes.
  • All of the standard painting, cleaning and repair work that our Maintenance & Custodial Crews do each summer.


Facilities Planning
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, NY 13820

103 Service Building
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, NY 13820

Work Requests

Any inaccuracies in documents or content should be reported by email or phone.

Emergency Information

During Normal Operation Hours
(Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.)
Please Call the Maintenance Operations Center office at 607-436-2507.

After Hours and Weekends
Call University Police at 607-436-3550 - they will relay the call to our onsite second/third shift staff.

In the event of emergency responses on campus that may affect normal operations (water main breaks, storm damage, power outages... things like that) we will prominently post information on our site and also distribute email notifications as necessary.