Bomb Threat

If you receive a threatening call (bomb, physical harm, etc.), do not hang up. Have someone else call University Police at 607-436-3550 from another phone if possible. Attempt to engage the caller in conversation and obtain as much information as possible.

  • If the threat is phoned in, listen carefully to the person(s) making the threat and write down what is said. If the threat is sent by email, print it out and save it on your computer.
  • Ask questions (see checklist below) and check for caller ID.
  • After the call is complete, immediately call University Police at 607-436-3550.
  • If an evacuation order is given by University Police, DO NOT pull the fire alarm and DO NOT use two-way radios or cell phones during the evacuation.
  • Gather outside at the designated assembly area and follow instructions from university officials.
  • Do not reenter the building until instructed to do so.

Take note of the following:

  • Date
  • Time of call
  • Time caller hung up
  • Exact message (if possible)

Ask Caller:

  • Where is the bomb located? (Building, floor, room, etc.)
  • When will it go off?
  • What does it look like?
  • Who put it there?
  • Why?
  • What's your name?

Information About Caller:

  • Where is the caller? (Describe background and level of noise)
  • Gender
  • Estimated age
  • Pitch of voice (Low, moderate, high)
  • Speech (Stutter, Accent, Peculiar dialect)
  • Other
  • Caller's Voice;
    • Calm, angry, excited, slow, rapid, soft, loud, laughing, crying, normal, distinct, slurred, nasal, stutter, lisp, raspy, deep, ragged, clearing throat, deep breathing, cracking voice, disguised, accent, whispered
  • Background Sounds:
    • Voices, music, motor, clear, dishes, street noises, house noises, animal noises, office machinery, factory machinery, long distance, local, PA system, booth, static, other)
  • Threat Language:
    • Well spoken, incoherent, foul, irrational, message read, message taped

Immediately call University Police: 607-436-3550

This preparedness guide for students, faculty, staff and visitors has been provided to you by SUNY Oneonta. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with how SUNY Oneonta plans for emergencies, and to improve your understanding of emergency preparedness and response. This guide is based on presently available information, as well as current federal- and state-recommended protective actions. In every situation, common sense and awareness of personal safety should take precedence over any action described in this guide.