Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education Department

Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education

About the Department

The Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education provides formal study and related experiences in many broad areas to develop knowledge and skills basic to the teaching-learning process, as well as a diverse assortment of social service occupations. These broad areas include:

  • Human Learning and Instruction;
  • Human Growth and Development;
  • Measurement, Evaluation, and Research Design;
  • Motivation, Personality, and Adjustment;
  • Social and Cultural Factors; and
  • Individual Differences (exceptionalities).

Educational Psychology

Our 18 semester-hour educational psychology minor prepares students for graduate school programs in Human Development – Instructional Psychology, Research Design/Statistics – Counseling, or Special Education. Open to all undergraduate students, the minor includes 12 semester hours of coursework selected based on each student’s particular interest, career, or professional goals.

Counselor Education

Our program goal is to prepare counselors to work in school settings using comprehensive developmental programs based on the National Model for School Counseling Programs (ASCA). Counselors are trained to provide services as counselors, collaborators, curriculum providers and consultants to meet the academic, social/emotional and career needs of K-12 students. This program meets the New York state requirements for both provisional and permanent certification through our online master's degree and Certificate of Advanced Study.

Special Education

Our special education master's degree programs provide quality education in special education pedagogy to meet the New York State requirements for certification as a special education teacher.

The purpose of the programs is to prepare teachers who: using evidence-based practices can foster an environment in which students with disabilities can learn effectively; can design, implement, and analyze effective lessons for all students; are advocates for individuals with disabilities; and are skilled at collaborating with each other, parents and other relevant professionals.

Contact Us

Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education
374 Fitzelle Hall
Phone 607-436-3554
Fax 607-436-3664
Suzanne Brown, Administrative Assistant