Funding Study Abroad


SUNY Oneonta Education Abroad Scholarships:

Several study abroad scholarships are available to SUNY Oneonta students through the SUNY Oneonta Foundation. The scholarships are made possible through gifts and grants from alumni, faculty, staff and community members who share a commitment to SUNY Oneonta and its students.

All short-term faculty-led program participants, international internship participants, and semester study abroad participants with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above are eligible to apply. Should you be awarded an Education Abroad Scholarship, you will be expected to serve as a study abroad promoter through OGE upon your return. The promotional service could be a tabling session at a student fair, a classroom presentation, social media campaign, blog post, photo exhibit, etc.

Apply for SUNY Oneonta Study Abroad Scholarships and see eligibility requirements: OGE Global Portal Scholarship Page

Summer 2025 Faculty-Led Programs Scholarship Application Deadline: CLOSED
Summer 2025 Study Abroad Programs Scholarship Application Deadline: March 3, 2025
Fall 2025 Study Abroad Programs Scholarship Application Deadline: April 10, 2025

  • Julia D. Galusha '71, '75G Endowed Fund for Global Connectedness
  • Caroline Turner '53 Study Abroad Scholarship
  • SUNY Oneonta Foundation 30th Anniversary Scholarship
  • Dr. Warren & Mrs. Rita Wellman Scholarship for Study Abroad
  • Gerald J. Ferrante '77 Scholarship in Memory of Margaret A. Ferrante
  • Gary '71 and Pamela '73 Tutty Study Abroad Scholarship
  • Klaritch Family International Education Scholarship
  • Lori and Gary Wigmore Fund for Global Connectedness - Semester Long or Year Long programs only
  • David Daly '82 & Arthur Dauria Scholarship for International Travel
  • Carrie Krumholtz-Liebman '92 Scholarship - Preference given to students who major in Art
  • Bill and Khuki Woolever Scholarship - Awarded to students participating in programs that take place OUTSIDE of Western European countries, Australia, and New Zealand.
  • Global Connectedness Fund - Awarded to undergraduate AND graduate students
  • Klaritch Family International Education Scholarship
  • Nancy E. Wolters Scholarship
  • Tracey (Wolf) '86 & Keith '87 Drayer Annual Fund for Global Experiential Learning - Preference to International Studies majors, second preference to Business Economics majors

Global Learning for All Grant
For AOP, 1st Gen, and Pell Recipients

All SUNY Oneonta AOP, 1st Generation, and Pell recipients are eligible to apply. Maximum award per person is $1,700. This grant is a stipend to cover non-tuition expenses for summer study abroad.

Deadline to apply for Summer 2025 is April 20, 2025.

SUNY Oneonta Career Planning and Networking Scholarships (For International Internship Participants)

Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship (External Scholarship) for Pell Grant Recipients

This scholarship provides awards for U.S. undergraduate students who are receiving Federal Pell Grant funding at a two-year or four-year college or university to participate in study abroad programs worldwide.

Deadline: March 6, 2025, at 11:59pm Pacific Time. Open in mid-January 2025 for applicants whose in-person programs or internships start between May 1, 2025 to April 30, 2026. This cycle encompasses Summer 2025, Fall 2025, Academic Year 2025-2026, and Spring 2026 programs.

*Students should make an appointment with an OGE professional advisor for help with Gilman Scholarship guidelines, essay, & form.

IMPORTANT: You must notify your home campus Study Abroad Advisor and Financial Aid Counselor after you submit the application, as they must both certify the Gilman application after you have submitted it.

Gilman Scholarship WEBSITE

Selection Criteria Essay Prompts

External Study Abroad Scholarships

List of External Scholarships (Not Affiliated with SUNY Oneonta)

Financial Aid

The cost of studying abroad varies considerably with respect to duration, location, institution, and the timing of your travel. With careful research and planning, you can turn your study abroad dreams into reality.

Though the cost of studying abroad can be significant, the benefits far outweigh the expenditures. SUNY Oneonta has cost-effective exchange programs, as well as faculty-led programs, that are quite reasonable on a student’s budget. Within the SUNY system, amidst 1,000-plus locations to choose from, you’re bound to find a site that matches your financial means. The Office of Global Education encourages you to start saving and planning early in your academic career for the study abroad experience since there are a variety of factors that affect the cost of going overseas.

There are a variety of ways students fund their overseas experience: personal savings, FAFSA, alternative loans, scholarships, grants. The earlier you plan, the more fiscally responsible you are, the more valuable overseas experience will be.

Several factors weigh in on the final costs of going on an exchange program or study abroad program: the exchange rate, global economics, cost of living in a particular country, room & board, differential costs of the overseas university, internship vs. classroom, touring, and of course, your overall financial picture in going abroad and sustaining your time overseas.

Prior to your application and final selection of an exchange program or study abroad experience, consult your financial aid counselor first to see if you will qualify for sufficient funding to support your overseas journey. This will help you narrow down your choices of programs and you will need to demonstrate sufficient funding to the overseas site and for immigration and acquisition of student visa purposes. Unless you’re exclusively using personal savings, the financial aid counselor can give you the best advice on your financial aid eligibility. Bring a cost sheet with you of the program, which is typically downloadable on any of the SUNY sites, including SUNY Oneonta’s.

The Financial Aid Office is highly skilled in advising and preparing students for their study abroad experience, once they are accepted into the direct study abroad or exchange program.