OGE Student Employment Opportunities

OGE Student Employees and international students

Check towards the end of each semester for OGE student employment positions for the next semester.

Find and submit applications for the Office of Global Education positions through the SUNY Oneonta Career Planning and Networking job search site, Handshake. See student position descriptions below.

Students should submit the OGE Student Employment application, a cover letter, and a resume to Handshake. Federal Work Study and non-Work Study positions available depending on the position.

Apply to OGE positions Through Handshake
(Career Planning and Networking Center website)

Peer Mentor

Peer Mentors support international student arrival and orientation procedures while helping new international students adjust to American college life. Peer mentors meet regularly with new international students throughout their first semester to aid in appropriate cultural adjustment, to advise about relevant college resources and to support new students to overcome educational obstacles. The Peer Mentors are a key resource to new international students and are an important part of our international students' experience at SUNY Oneonta.

Eligibility: Open to all students with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above.

Study Abroad Assistant

Study Abroad Assistants advise new study abroad inquirers about study abroad options and the study abroad process, promote study abroad through classroom presentations, event coordination and student outreach, and assist with international student field trips and airport pick-ups as needed. The Study Abroad Assistants are both a valuable asset to the OGE and a valuable resource to students; they are a shining representation of the personal value of learning in another part of the world.

Eligibility: Open to students who have participated in a SUNY study abroad program and have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above.

Student OGE Office Assistant

OGE Office Assistants assist with a wide variety of functions of the Office of Global Education. They assist with social media and marketing, tracking and processing forms, collecting data, and special projects for professional staff members.

Eligibility: Open to all students (preference to study abroad or international students) and have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above.

Study Abroad Ambassador

Study Abroad Ambassadors promote study abroad through classroom presentations, tabling sessions in campus dining halls, event coordination, and student outreach.

Study Abroad Ambassadors in the Office of Global Education (OGE) are former study abroad participants who have been selected by the OGE to promote study abroad on campus on a volunteer basis. Each semester, Ambassadors conduct class presentations, general interest meetings, and tabling sessions, as well as assist with study abroad events, including, but not limited to, the annual Study Abroad Fair and Study Abroad Discovery Night.

Eligibility: Open to students who have participated in a SUNY study abroad program and have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above.