How to Apply for Study Abroad

Starting Your Overseas Journey


Whether you choose one of SUNY Oneonta’s programs or you find an option among SUNY’s 1,000+ programs, you’re sure to find a destination that meets your goals and objectives for studying or interning abroad.

Check out our study abroad checklist below for detailed steps students should take when considering and applying to a study abroad program.

Study Abroad Checklist

Here are the basics for getting started on your journey:

  1. Think about your goals and reasons you want to study/intern abroad. Do you want your overseas experience to be didactic, cultural, community service focused, or a combination? Evaluate what part of the world you’re interested in, which cultures you find intriguing and what country would best serve you and likewise.
  2. Once you have narrowed down your purpose and passion for studying/interning abroad, review the programs available to you on the OGE Study Abroad Website and the SUNY-wide Study Abroad Website. Pay careful attention to the eligibility criteria, cost and details associated with each program.
  3. Make an appointment with a Study Abroad Advisor (First-year students: consult with an OGE Study Abroad Student Assistant/Peer Advisor). Students are strongly encouraged to attend a study abroad info session, held throughout the semester at SUNY Oneonta, or the annual Study Abroad Fair held each September.
  4. Complete application for study abroad program (see the study abroad webpage(s) of the SUNY school(s) that administer(s) the program(s) you are interested in for detailed, program-specific application instructions & cost sheets). You are welcome to apply for a back-up program if your first choice program has a limited number of spots. Speak to the administering SUNY campus if you have questions about this.
  5. If you are applying to a SUNY Oneonta program, you must apply online through the OGE Global Portal to complete the SUNY Oneonta Overseas Application and submit the required information detailed below (Program Info pages for each program can be found on our Study Abroad Page). It is typically not necessary to apply to two Oneonta programs.
  • SUNY Oneonta Overseas Application Information
  • Study Statement (essay detailing your motivations for choosing the program & studying abroad)
  • 2 academic reference letters (must be from university faculty or academic advisors)
  • Official transcripts from universities you've attended
  • Apply for, renew, or upload a color copy of your passport photo and signature pages (new or renewed passport applications are taking 3-4 MONTHS to be processed by U.S. Dept. of State!)
  • Judicial Review/Conduct Form
    • Oneonta Students: bring/send to 119 Netzer Administration Building - Community Standards Office (while remote, email the form to
    • Non-Oneonta SUNY students: bring to your home campus Judicial Officer

6. Meet with your home campus Financial Aid Office with the program cost sheet. Early financial planning is essential when considering studying abroad, which is eligible for financial aid. Whether you are self-funded, in part or in whole, obtain a preliminary overview of what you will need to afford your overseas experience. You’ll notice each SUNY program has a detailed cost estimate sheet to help you make this determination.

7. Meet with Academic Advisement with a list of courses & descriptions from the program of your choosing to make sure the courses will fit within your graduation/degree requirements.

8. Notify your home campus Study Abroad Office that you are applying to study abroad if it's through a different SUNY campus AND when you have been accepted to a study abroad program!