Majors & Programs

Graduate Programs

College and Programs Ranked Top in State, Nation has ranked SUNY Oneonta within the top 50 Colleges in New York and has top-ranked five of SUNY Oneonta’s degree programs in the nation.

The online magazine's rankings are calculated through a unique scoring system that includes student engagement, the potential return on investment and leading third-party evaluations. analyzed thousands of schools with comparable programs on a scale of 0 to 100, with five SUNY Oneonta degree programs making it to the final list based on curriculum quality, graduation rate, reputation and post-graduate employment. SUNY Oneonta, School of Education, Human Ecology, Sport & Exercise Sciences, was recognized for the following degree programs:

Bilingual Education Advanced Certificate - ONLINE

Educational Technology Specialist (K-12) M.S. Ed. - ONLINE

Literacy Education (All Grades) M.S. Ed. - ONLINE

Nutrition & Dietetics - ONLINE

  • combined M.S. and Dietetic Internship
  • option for RD/RDN's

School Counselor

Special Education M.S. Ed. or M.S.T.

  • Early Childhood (Birth-Grade 2)
  • Childhood (Grades 1-6)
  • Generalist (Grades 7-12)