SUNY Oneonta Academic Research (SOAR) Undergraduate Journal

SOAR - SUNY Oneonta Academic Research

Welcome to SUNY Oneonta's open-access undergraduate journal in Social Science and History.

SUNY Oneonta Academic Research (SOAR) is a selective peer-reviewed forum run by students with faculty advisors. The primary goal is to provide undergraduate students from any university with an outlet for publishing rigorous academic research. We accept submissions on a rolling basis and release a new issue annually in December.

News and Announcements

  • Paper Competition: The 16th Annual PLACES Student Paper Competition is now underway! Please download the flyer for details. The deadline for submissions is April 26, 2025. Please email submissions to
  • Open Call: We have an open call for papers! Please share this with any and all who may be interested in publishing their work with us. Though we are based out of SUNY Oneonta, any undergraduate student in the world is eligible to submit work, including those who recently graduated (within one year). Collaborations with faculty are welcome, provided the first author is a student. Please visit our page for authors if you are interested in submitting a manuscript.
  • Peer Review: In addition to authors, we are also in search of undergraduate students who are willing to serve as peer reviewers. We use a blind peer review process to ensure that our submissions are held to a high standard. If you are interested, then please, sign-up to be a peer reviewer!

16th Annual PLACES Paper Competition

Deadline for Submissions: April 26, 2025 (by 11:59 pm)
Email to:

PLACES Student Paper Competition 2025


The PLACES Paper Competition will accept any paper written by a SUNY Oneonta undergraduate student. Papers should address some contemporary social, political, or historical topic of concern. Examples include sustainability, poverty, environmental change, peace and conflict, education, politics, NY State history, architecture, health, religion, identity, diversity, etc. There are two categories (below).

Category I: Short Essay

Prize: $50.00 gift card to Red Dragon Outfitters, Automatic publication in SOAR Journal
Length: up to ten double-spaced pages in length, not including references and title page.
Type: Submission could be a research note, literature review, or book review.

Category II: Long Essay

Prize: $100.00 gift card to Red Dragon Outfitters, Automatic publication in SOAR Journal
Length: 11-30 double-spaced pages, not including references and title page.
Types: research papers, extended review essays, analysis of data or evidence (research article).

Submission Criteria

Papers must be formatted as Word documents, double-spaced, in Times New Roman, 12-point font, with margins of 1 inch; include a title page with the author’s full name, email address, title of the paper and submission category (Long or Short); include a references page. We recommend APA style formatting for most social science papers, or Chicago Manual of Style for historical papers. These are the standards used by SOAR, and this will facilitate the publication process for the winners. Papers may not be co-authored with faculty or other students. One submission per student.