School of Sciences


The School of Sciences offers rigorous programs with an emphasis on personalized instruction and faculty-student interaction. It’s the perfect environment in which to explore, experiment and discover.

We offer excellent science facilities and equipment, including our digital planetarium, observatory and 40-inch optical telescope, Biological Field Station on Otsego Lake, virtual dissection table and DNA sequencer.

You’ll have exceptional opportunities to put what you learn in the classroom into practice. Study tropical biology in a Peruvian rainforest or examine fault lines in southern California during a faculty-led field course. Present a public planetarium show or demonstrate a chemistry activity for local children at our A.J. Read Science Discovery Center. Build a supercomputer.

Whether it’s in the lab or out in the field, students in the School of Sciences have many opportunities for collaborative undergraduate research with faculty mentors. SUNY Oneonta mathematics and science students regularly attend national academic conferences, often presenting their own scholarly work.

Can’t get enough science? Join the Biology Club, Chemistry Club, Computer Programmers United, Environmental Science Club, Meteorology Club, Sanford Society or Physics Club and connect outside the classroom with other students who share your interests.