Anthropology Department

Professor Sallie Han presenting a human skeleton to a guest on campus.
Student presenting a skull to a little girl.

Anthropology is the study of human origins, cultures, beliefs, and practices. As anthropologists, we’re interested in the cultural and biological similarities and differences among human groups, and how these change over time.

Our department offers a wide variety of courses for majors and non-majors across the four major subfields of anthropology: Archeology, Biological Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology and Anthropological Linguistics.

We are strong believers in learning by doing, and we encourage our students to apply their knowledge and skills to real settings. Whether it’s exploring the ruins of Stonehenge during a faculty-led field course, or searching for evidence of ancient hunter-gatherer communities at our summer Archeological Field School, Oneonta students have many opportunities to put their classroom learning into practice.

Student research grants and travel funding are available for scholarly activities. Recent awards have funded projects ranging from an independent cultural anthropology research project on a Colombian island to attendance at the American Anthropological Association’s annual meeting.

Our new home is in the Physical Science Building. It has modern classroom and lab space, and a display area for anthropological artifacts gathered by our students and faculty.


Physical Science 131
Phone: (607) 436-3345
Fax: (607) 436-3315
