Research and Scholarly Activities


Research plays a crucial role in expanding our understanding of the world around us. At SUNY Oneonta, students, faculty and staff are encouraged to create, explore new ideas, solve problems and make exciting discoveries. These research experiences not only advance important fields of study but also provide opportunities for participants to learn on a much deeper level.

When our campus community members collaborate to investigate, ask questions, and find answers, they're not just doing homework—they're uncovering the secrets of the universe! That’s why the university does more than just encourage research and creative activity—we support and facilitate it in any and all ways possible.

Each year, SUNY Oneonta offers thousands of dollars in financial support for research and creative activity, allowing campus community members to study everything from tick-borne diseases to infant care practices around the world. Funds awarded to campus researchers help cover costs associated with research and/or creative activity such as necessary supplies, student assistants, and more.

Annual Showcases

Summer Research Fellowship Program

Each September, recipients of the Student Research and Creative Activity (SRCA) Summer Fellowship display and present their work.

Life of the Mind and Community of Scholars

Each November, faculty research/creative activity, teaching, service, and varied contributions to the intellectual life of the campus and beyond are celebrated at the Life of the Mind (LOTM) Showcase, followed by the Community of Scholars reception to celebrate faculty scholarly activity.

Student Research and Creative Activity

Each April, student research and creative work is showcased at the the annual Student Research and Creative Activity (SRCA) Showcase.