Budget Office Frequently Asked Questions

Typically the campus budgets are submitted by the Budget office to SUNY for approval in the mid-July timeframe. After these "Form 1" budgets are submitted to SUNY, the Budget Office emails an excel template of the preliminary budgets to the divisional and departmental leaders/ account managers. These templates should be used as your budget reference until the mid-September timeframe when SUNY posts the approved budgets to BI. Once this upload is complete departments/account managers should use BI (Business Intelligence) to view their budgets.

You can access account and budget information through SUNY’s Business Intelligence – BI system. Faculty and staff requiring financial account access can work with the Accounting Office to update viewing access for those who need it.

Allocation transfer requests can be completed by filling out the Allocation Transfer Request form, receiving appropriate approvals, then emailing the form with approvals to Ben Morris. Allocation transfers typically take 2-3 business days to be completed once received by the office. If there are any issues with the request received (not enough available balance in an object) you will receive an email with a request on clarification. The budget office is also happy to help make recommendations on transferring funds.

IFR (Income Fund-Reimbursable) accounts are a self-supporting account that operates on revenue generated from its operations. These accounts carry both a cash balance, however they are allocated based on historic revenues. The allocation is the authorized spend amount for the account. The allocation amount can typically be adjusted up to the available cash balance amount with Budget Office review and approval. Please reach out to Kathleen Feit for these types of requests.

Overhead is an assessment on revenue received to cover account set up and on-going administrative or maintenance costs. The overhead is assessed monthly (the 1st of the month) for the previous month's revenue received.

IFR accounts are assessed fringe benefits on both PSR and TS fringe costs. Fringe is assessed monthly (the 1st of the month) for the previous month's applicable expenditures.