Budget Office Terms & Definitions

Account Manager - First signatory listed on the authorized signatory list for a particular account.

Administrative Overhead - An assessment against revenue in an IFR account to recoup the indirect administrative costs associated with operating an IFR program. The assessment is reflected in the individual IFR accounts as a reduction to the uncommitted cash balance.

Allocation Transfer - Movement of allocation from one account &/or object to another account &/or object. Transfer of allocation from an account decreases the account's uncommitted balance. Transfer of allocation into an account increases the account's uncommitted balance. Allocation transfers may be either one-time (affecting only current year allocation) or permanent (affecting allocations in following fiscal years).

Authorized Allocation - The level of funding available to the account for its operations. Allocations are assigned by major object.

Committed Funds - The total of all outstanding encumbrances and expenditures in an account. In an IFR account, this would include accrued (or “pending” as labeled in SMRT) fringe and overhead assessments.

Dorm Income Fund-Reimbursable (DIFR) - A self-supporting fund that operates on revenue generated from Dorm operations.

Encumbrance - A commitment of a portion of an account's allocation to purchase a particular good or service (e.g. purchase orders). Temporary Service salary payments to be paid over time are also an encumbrance in an account.

Expenditure - A transaction that indicates the approval to issue a check. The transaction could be liquidating an encumbrance or be a direct payment out of uncommitted funds.

Expenditure Transfer (a.k.a. Journal Transfer) - Movement of expenses incurred in one account to another account. Transfer of expenditures from an account increases the accounts uncommitted (i.e. available) balance. Transfer of expenditures into an account decreases the account's uncommitted (i.e. available) balance.

Fiscal Year - The time period used to monitor financial activity. SUNY’s University's fiscal year is July 1 through June 30.

Form 1 Allocation – Account allocations at the outset of a fiscal year.

Fringe Benefits - An assessment against personnel expenses (including both regular and temporary personnel) in IFR accounts to recoup the costs of fringe benefits. The assessment is made against all personnel charges, except students and honoraria that are paid from OTPS, regardless of whether the individual receives the University's entire fringe benefit package.

Income Fund-Reimbursable (IFR) - A self-supporting account that operates on revenue generated from its operations. These accounts are considered a special type of State funds.

Lapsed Period - Allocations are assigned to accounts and intended for use during the fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). Often transactions started during the fiscal year are not completed by June 30. For example, an item ordered in April may not be delivered by the vendor until August. Such transactions that post after the calendar end of the fiscal year are lapsed period transactions. SUNY’s lapsed period begins July 1 and continues to September.

Maintenance & Operations (M&O) Overhead - An assessment against revenues in IFR accounts to recoup the indirect costs associated with the facilities and space used by an IFR program. The assessment is reflected in the individual IFR accounts as a reduction to the uncommitted cash balance.

Object Codes - Numeric codes representing distinct categories of funds within an account; e.g., Personnel Services (“PSR”), Temporary Personnel Services (“TS”), Other Than Personnel Services (“OTPS”) such as Supplies, Travel, Contracts, and Equipment. See also Sub-Object Codes.

Pending Items - Transactions which have been initiated, but have not yet completed the entire transaction process.

Personnel Service Funds - Assigned to accounts to support persons paid with State Purpose and Income Fund Reimbursable appropriated funds.

Recharge Funds - Funds assigned to an account to record the expenses incurred for centrally provided goods and services. The recharge areas include storehouse, telephone, mail, photocopying/printing, and automotive services.

State Purpose Funds - State appropriated funds provided to the campus for program operations.

Sub-Object Codes - A more detailed structuring of expenses within the object codes. For example, the object code supplies can be further detailed to classroom, office, or cleaning.

SUNY - State University of New York.

Temporary Service Funds - Assigned to accounts to fund expenses for hourly or non-permanent personnel.

Uncommitted Balance - The allocation remaining and available for use in the account after deducting all outstanding encumbrances and expenditures from the authorized allocation.

Frequently Used Acronyms
Acronym Definition


Civil Service Employee Association


New York State Division of Budget


Dorm Income Fund-Reimbursable


Income Fund Reimbursable


Maintenance and Operations


Office of the State Comptroller


Other Than Personnel Services


Public Employees Federation


Purchase Order


Personnel Service-Regular


Research Foundation


Temporary Services (Personnel)


Oneonta Auxiliary Services


United University Professions