Budget Office Resources

Funds And Related Accounts

Fund Name

Account numbers typically begin with*:

Fund source

State Purpose

4..., 5…, 6…, 84…, 86…, 98…

funded by State tax and tuition dollars



funded by Dorm rent revenue


90…, 91…

funded by various revenue sources



includes Tuition Overflow and Summer Session revenue

*there are occasional exceptions to the "typical" accounts in each fund; please contact the Budget Office if you have questions.

Sub-object Codes

2000 - Personnel Services - Temporary - Non-Instructional

7200 - OTPS - Equipment

2410 - Personnel Services - Temporary - Instructional 9210 - Recharges - Storehouse
2699 - Personnel Services - Temporary - Students 9310 - Recharges - Telephone
3000 - OTPS (Other Than Personnel Services) - Supplies 9410 - Recharges - Mail
4000 - OTPS - Travel 9510 - Recharges - Duplicating
5000 - OTPS - Contractual 9610 - Recharges - Automotive
7000 - OTPS - Library Acquisitions 7530 - Capital Construction
  • Academic Departments must send allocation transfer requests to their Dean's Office. If approved, the Dean's Office will send to the Budget Office, and the Provost's Office as appropriate.
  • Allocation can only be transferred between accounts that are within the same fund -- e.g. State Purpose allocation cannot be transferred to an IFR account, allocation in a DIFR account cannot be transferred to a State Purpose account. (See below for list of funds and related account series.)
  • When transferring FROM any recharge line, be sure to account for the amount needed to cover recharge expenses through the end of the fiscal year (i.e. June 30th.) If you need help determining an appropriate amount to leave in a recharge line, please contact the Budget Office.
  • Please indicate whether a transfer request is to be 1-time (i.e. only affects the current fiscal year) or permanent (i.e. affects following years as well as current year.)
  • Permanent allocation transfer requests between accounts must be approved by the VP for the division.
  • Permanent allocation transfer requests within an account must be copied to the VP for the division.

Excel Worksheet

Allocation Transfer Form