Accessibility Resources - Information for Students

Student success requires collaboration with Accessibility Resources and faculty.

Accessibility Resources is available to help students with self-advocacy, identifying and using campus resources, and determining the accommodations that are appropriate for them. Student responsibilities include:

  • Working collaboratively with Accessibility Resources staff to determine and secure academic accommodation and support services, as needed;
  • Sharing your accommodation plan with your instructors, discussing your academic strengths and needs, and reviewing necessary classroom accommodations;
  • Adhering to the policies contained in our Policies and Procedures;
  • Complying with the SUNY Oneonta Academic Integrity Policy;
  • Attending class, participating, and adhering to course syllabi;
  • Contacting Accessibility Resources if there are any difficulties regarding the implementation of your accommodations.

Registered Students

Students registered with Accessibility Resources have completed the registration process and met with the Coordinator of Accessibility Resources to review their Accommodation Plan. You are not considered fully registered until you complete the registration process.

You can now sign in to Accommodate to view and share your Accommodation Plan, make exam requests, manage your assistive technology, and schedule appointments. For assistance, please view our Accommodate Guides, attend a virtual office hour, or schedule an appointment.

Services & Information: