Exam Accommodations

Students must submit a semester request each semester to authorize your professors to view your Accommodation Plan in order to use their exam accommodations. Visit our Accommodate Guides page for instructions.

In-person Exams

  • If your professor is able to provide your exam accommodations, you may take your exam in the classroom with the rest of the class.
  • To request accommodations for an in-person exam in the Accessibility Resources Testing Center, submit an exam request via Accommodate. Visit our Accommodate Guides page for instructions.
  • You may start an exam between 8:00 AM and 2:00 PM. All exams must be completed by 4:30 PM.
  • Exams and quizzes taken in the AR Testing Center should be taken at the same time and date as the rest of the class unless use of your accommodations conflicts with another class or if your exam takes place outside AR Testing Center hours.
  • AR Testing Center Requests should be made one week in advance of the test date.

Online Exams

Extended Time

  • If students would like to use exam accommodations for an online exam, it is their responsibility to request those accommodations for each and every exam or quiz directly through their professor. Do not assume extended time will be applied automatically.
  • The course instructor is responsible for providing extended time for all online exams and quizzes.
  • If an online exam or quiz does not include extended time, do not start the exam and contact the professor immediately.

Exam Reader

  • Students with this accommodation are still eligible to have their exams read out loud, using assistive technology.
  • One-on-one assistive technology appointments are available with our Assistive Technology Specialist, Alexa. Log in to Accommodate to schedule an appointment or email sds@oneonta.edu for general questions.