Accessible Housing

In accordance with applicable federal and state disability laws, SUNY Oneonta will make every effort to provide reasonable housing accommodations for students who have qualifying disabilities. To properly evaluate how SUNY Oneonta can best meet the student’s need for reasonable accommodations in university housing facilities, SUNY Oneonta requires information to understand how the requested accommodation relates to the current impact of the disability. Reasonable and appropriate accommodations depend on the disability, the housing environment, and the process necessary to create equal access. Only applications that represent a qualifying disability will be considered for housing accommodations. Students that qualify for disability-related housing accommodations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the subsequent Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 as amended in 2008, will receive any such accommodations without any additional charge. SUNY Oneonta reserves the right to amend this policy at any time as circumstances require.

  • When requesting a housing accommodation, applicants are expected to have already applied for SUNY Oneonta housing and have met all eligibility requirements and payment deadlines.
  • All accommodations are determined by the Office of Accessibility Resources (OAR) staff on an individualized and case-by-case basis according to documented need and prevailing standards for reasonable accommodations.
  • A recommendation of housing accommodation is forwarded to the Residential Experience and Housing.
  • The Office of Residential Experience and Housing makes housing assignments based on availability.

Required Submission Dates

  • Returning Students: March 15 (or per the Residential License Agreement Form Deadline)
  • New Incoming Students: July 1 (or per the Residential License Agreement Form Deadline)
  • Spring Admits: December 1
  • Summer Requests: April 1

Housing spaces at SUNY Oneonta are limited. As spaces are assigned to all students, fewer options exist for reasonable accommodations to be made. Therefore, requests for housing accommodations are asked to adhere to the above submission dates.

If the request is approved, the student will be required to register with the OAR as a student with a documented disability. The recommendation for a housing accommodation will then be forwarded to the appropriate personnel in the Office of Residential Experience and Housing. SUNY Oneonta reserves the right to request updated documentation every academic year to verify the continued need for accessible campus housing.

The Office of Residential Experience and Housing will make a housing assignment based on availability of spaces. The assignment generally pertains only to the student requiring the reasonable accommodation and not to any associated roommate(s).

Download the Housing Request Form