Get Involved with Theatre by Taking a Class

Stage craft class
Acting Class
Makeup Class

Taking a class is a great way for non-majors to get a taste of what theatre has to offer. Some theatre courses do not have prerequisites or may be used to fulfill a general education requirement. Courses that are required for theatre majors often have seats available for non-majors as well. Some courses are more hands-on or require greater time commitments than others. Here are a few classes you might consider exploring...

  • Theatre Appreciation: Learn about what theatre is and how it works, and see shows for credit!
  • Acting I: Step outside your comfort zone and gain confidence speaking and performing with others!
  • Stagecraft: Build and paint scenery in the shop and help backstage during performances!
  • Stage Costuming: Help build costumes for shows and learn how to construct your own!

See the courses page for a full listing of theatre courses or search for open courses to see what courses are being offered next semester.

Other ways to get involved...