Get Involved with Theatre by Joining the Club

Student Directed production of Boom, 2023
Boom, Spring 2023

Mask & Hammer Theatre Club

Mask & Hammer, the Student Association theatre club, is an active and dynamic campus organization that promotes opportunities for students of all majors to become involved in theatre activities. The club works closely with the theatre faculty and staff to support and promote Theatre Department productions and events. The club also sponsors a variety of social and artistic events throughout the academic year, including a production each semester that is entirely student produced and directed. Auditions for Mask & Hammer productions are held at the same time as those for Theatre Department productions.

Join the Mask & Hammer club.
Learn more about Mask & Hammer and other clubs at Club Expo, an event held in the Hunt Union at the beginning of each semester!

For more information about Mask & Hammer visit Campus Connection, the Mask & Hammer Facebook group, Instagram @maskandhammeroneonta, or attend one of its weekly meetings on Mondays at 4pm in the Fine Arts Center acting studio, FA-103.

Alpha Psi Omega

Alpha Psi Omega is the National Theatre Honor Society that recognizes participation in collegiate theatre. Membership is open to all students who are active in theatre at SUNY Oneonta. Students must earn points by participating in shows to be considered for membership. For more information about Alpha Psi Omega visit Campus Connection.

Alpha Psi Omega Theatre Honor Society

Apollo Music Club

The Apollo Music Club regularly presents musical theatre and opera performances. For more information about Apollo Music Club visit Campus Connection or the Apollo Music Facebook group.

Other ways to get involved...