Sustainability Courses - Designation

Sustainability Course Designations

SUNY Oneonta designates courses as Sustainability-Focused (SUSF) or Sustainability-Related (SUSR) based on the definitions below. The two-tiered designation system was instituted to track the number and type of courses with sustainability themes taught at SUNY Oneonta, and to give students the opportunity to choose courses and course sections that integrate sustainability concepts within and throughout the curriculum.

Designation Definitions:

  • Sustainability-Focused (SUSF) designations are permanent and assigned at the course level.
    • Course title and/or description must indicate a primary and explicit focus on sustainability. This includes:
    • Foundational courses with a primary and explicit focus on sustainability (ex: Introduction to Sustainability)
    • Courses with a primary and explicit focus on the application of sustainability within a field (ex: Green Chemistry, Sustainable Business)
    • Courses with a primary and explicit focus on a sustainability challenge* (ex: Climate Change Science, Environmental Justice)
    • Application via CurricuLog
  • Sustainability-Related (SUSR) designations are temporary and assigned at the section level.
    • The course must incorporate a unit or module on sustainability or a sustainability challenge, include one or more sustainability-focused activities, or integrate sustainability challenges*, issues and concepts throughout the course.
    • Application via Microsoft Form.

*Sustainability and Sustainability Challenges - The SUNY Oneonta Sustainability Sub-Committee of the Curriculum Committee accepts AASHE’s definition of Sustainability Challenges as follows “AASHE defines sustainability in a pluralistic and inclusive way, encompassing human and ecological health, social justice, secure livelihoods, and a better world for all generations. Major sustainability challenges include (but are not limited to) climate change, global poverty and inequality, natural resource depletion, and environmental degradation. To identify additional sustainability challenges, it may be helpful to reference the principles outlined in the Earth Charter and/or the targets embedded in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”

Application Materials

For either designation, application materials must include:

  1. A sample syllabus with highlighted relevant information. Details included on the application.
  2. A brief rationale or description further explaining the link between course content and sustainability. Details included on the application.

The Sustainability Subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee will review applications and make final recommendations to the Registrar. You will be notified of your approval by the Sustainability Coordinator. Application updated 12.20 based on the STARS 2.2- Academic Courses Technical Manual (2019).

The Sustainability Subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee will review undergraduate applications and the Graduate Committee will review graduate applications. Both will make final recommendations to the Registrar. You will be notified of your approval by the Sustainability Coordinator.