Faculty Support for Student Mental Health


The Counseling Center is providing in-person and tele-counseling for students. All our services are free and confidential. Services include:

  • Individual counseling, both in-person and on-line
  • Group counseling – anxiety skills, grief support, senior support, and more!
  • Crisis and same-day counseling
  • Consultations
  • Outreach programs

To set up an appointment, please call 607-436-3368. For more information about our services, visit the Counseling Center’s website.

Try the Campus Mindfulness Trail!

Enjoy the natural beauty of campus in a mindful way! The Mindfulness Trail is a series of spots on campus aimed to bring you into the moment and help you relax, recharge, refocus, and take a moment in the present. Mindfulness can help us enjoy life and understand ourselves better. You can do one spot or all four, make it yours. For more information: Counseling Center Resources | SUNY Oneonta

Or the Meditation Room!

The meditation Room is a quiet and peaceful space in Lee Hall, Room 11B and it’s open to all SUNY Oneonta students and employees. The goal of the Meditation Room is to promote wellness, reduce stress, and restore balance through quiet prayer, reflection, contemplation, and meditation. Semester hours are 12-6 Monday through Friday.

Consultation with a Counseling Center staff member

Counseling Center Website faculty – specific resources for supporting student mental health

Short relaxation/mindfulness exercises – Under the link for relaxation exercises. Each exercise is under 4 minutes and can be used to help the class get in the mindset for learning.

QPR training – Nationally acclaimed on-line training for how to talk to someone about going to counseling.

Crisis resources (when the Counseling Center is closed)

Counseling Center Suicide Awareness training and resources

Otsego County Mobile Crisis Assessment Team*: 1-844-732-6228 – Counselor available 24-hours a day

Text crisis helpline: Text HOME to 741741

University Police: 607-436-3550 (24 hours)

988 National Helpline for mental health and substance abuse crises. (when you call this number, it will direct you to mental health resources in the county associated with the area code of the phone from which you call.)

UAlbany Peer Counseling Hotline: 518-442-5777-1pm to midnight during the semester

Behavioral Assessment/Intervention Team (BAIT) – Student Development 607-436-2513 (office hours only)

What you should know about the new 988 Crisis number

988 is a new phone number (equivalent to 911) so people can get immediate help with a mental health, substance abuse, or suicide crisis. It is a great national resource so remember the phone number! What you should know is that it will direct the caller to resources in the location of the area code for the phone number from which the call is being made. So, for calls from the 607 area code, callers will be directed to our local Mobile Crisis Assessment Team*. However, if students call from their cell phones, they will reach resources in their home area code. We encourage people needing assistance to call MCAT directly if they are in Otsego County. For more information see their website at CALL 988 is here to help | 988 Helpline.

Check out these self-help resources for students!

SUNY Oneonta is a pilot program to test out Wellstart, a new on-line psychological skills program designed for college students by the American College Health Association. Wellstart is an online resilience program for college students that is designed to be a comprehensive, evidence and trauma informed resource. Wellstart is currently in its pilot phase and includes modules on loneliness, identity, stress and transitioning to college life. The Wellstart project team consisted of college health professionals including three psychologists, one wellness expert, one instructional designer and a student. Learn skills for supporting your mental health on-line and in an interactive and engaging way!