Behavioral Assessment/Intervention Team (BAIT)

As a caring community, the students, faculty, and staff of SUNY Oneonta must rely on one another to maintain a safe, supportive learning environment. When someone on campus exhibits signs that are concerning to another member of the community, we encourage the completion of the Concern for Student Form. Once submitted, the information is reviewed by the Behavioral Assessment/Intervention Team (BAIT) who collect information about how the student is doing academically, socially, and behaviorally in multiple aspects of campus life. This helps the Behavioral Assessment/Intervention Team assess the individual's level of risk and need for support services. Support and interventions are then offered by asking key personnel to reach out to the student.

The Behavioral Assessment/Intervention Team’s purpose is to serve as a network of campus resources focused on assessing and intervening in situations involving students experiencing distress, engaging in disruptive behaviors, and/or posing a threat of harm to themselves or others. The members of BAIT will also utilize the topics that are being addressed by the team, to further implement education and training that will be additional intervention and prevention on subjects that are impacting students. BAIT will offer case coordination and consultation, assess needs and at-risk behaviors, and develop intervention and CARE plans for students of concern.

Reportable Behaviors

For the safety of the campus community, any threat, explicit or implied, is considered a statement of intent and will be addressed. Other concerns will be addressed, as appropriate. If someone is in crisis, or if you or others are in need of immediate assistance, please contact University Police at 607-436-3550.

Behaviors that should be reported include, but are not limited to:

  • Threats of harm to self or others (i.e. suicidal comments and/or actions)
  • Comments or evidence of self-injury (i.e. cutting)
  • Preoccupation with death, weapons, etc.
  • Noticeable changes in mood and/or behavior (e.g., hygiene, use of alcohol or other drugs)
  • Changes in academic performance (e.g. grades, attendance, participation, performance on quizzes/tests)
  • Personal struggles related to family, social, and/or financial circumstances
  • Dealing with loss (e.g. death of a family member, relationship ending)

BAIT Response

The Behavioral Assessment/Intervention Team (BAIT) will recommend actions to the appropriate vice president(s) in order to protect students, employees, and the SUNY Oneonta community. Among the actions the BAIT may take are:

  • Coordinate and assess information from faculty, administrators, students, local authorities, and other resources.
  • Create an individual CARE plan that seeks to identify resources and make referrals to appropriate campus and off-campus agencies. This may include but will not be limited to the following:
    • Helping secure therapeutic options such as treatment or counseling, and/or internal or external psychological evaluations.
    • Identify eligibility for appropriate on campus accommodations.
    • Provide referrals to programs and other events both on and off campus.
  • Investigate the incident(s) and recommend appropriate actions, which may include involuntary leaves of absence, filing of criminal charges, campus conduct sanctions up to and including suspension or expulsion; or ongoing monitoring for follow-up and observation of behavior patterns. Recommendations are made necessary to the Vice President for Student Affairs, who shall sign off on action to be taken.
  • Respond to incidents of violence, threatening behavior, unwanted pursuit, harassment, and behavior indicating if a student poses a risk to self or others. When necessary, initiate contacts with appropriate authorities to place a student in the custody of the police or a mental health facility capable of supporting specific behaviors.
  • Authorize notification, within FERPA guidelines, of parents, guardians and/or next-of-kin.
  • Monitor progress of all active cases.

BAIT Members

The Behavioral Assessment/Intervention Team is co-chaired by the Dean of Students and the Associate Director of Community Standards. Representatives from the following offices make up the remainder of the team:

  • Academic Affairs
  • Accessibility Resources
  • Counseling Center
  • Health Center
  • Residential Experience and Housing
  • Office of Student Care & Wellbeing
  • Office of Student Experience
  • University Police