Student Progress

Students Studying in Fitzelle Hall


I. Academic Standing

GOOD STANDING vs. PROBATION vs. DISMISSAL Students are required to maintain a 2.00 cumulative GPA (good standing). If a student’s semester or cumulative GPA falls below 2.00, the student will be dismissed or placed on probation.

A student may be dismissed any time the cumulative or semester GPA is less than 2.00, and/or the student fails to make progress toward degree completion.

II. Probation or Academic Dismissal

Student academic performance is evaluated by the Committee on Student Progress and Status. The evaluation is used to determine a student’s eligibility to continue in college.

At the end of each semester (Fall and Spring) the records of all students are reviewed. Students who fail to make satisfactory progress toward an undergraduate degree are dismissed from SUNY Oneonta. All students who are properly authorized to register for the next semester as degree candidates are considered to be in good academic standing and making satisfactory progress toward a degree.

Any student whose cumulative GPA either falls below or remains below 2.00, is placed on probation, continued on probation, or dismissed from SUNY Oneonta. Students are placed on probation whenever their semester GPA falls below 2.00, regardless of their cumulative GPA.

Students may be dismissed whenever they fail to make reasonable progress toward the completion of the requirements for graduation in the program for which they are registered, even if their cumulative GPA is above 2.0. It is not necessary for a student to be on probation before being dismissed.

The factors considered when determining whether a student is eligible to continue in college are: cumulative GPA, GPA for the most recent semester(s), number of semesters on probation, unsatisfactory grades in courses required by the program for which the student is registered, and/or the number of semester hours of work completed.

The following cumulative GPA’s are used to identify students who are subject to routine dismissal for academic reasons. These may not necessarily apply in instances in which the student’s most recent semester average is above 2.0:

Minimum Retention Standards
Number of Semesters Cumulative GPA
1st semester freshmen < 1.25
1st semester transfer < 1.50
All 2nd semester students < 1.75
All other students < 2.00

*First-semester students who do not earn credit (GPA 0.00) will be reviewed for dismissal. First-semester students who earn a GPA between 0.01 and the established minimum cumulative GPA will be put on probation and required to make use of university support services.

**Exception: Readmitted students – refer to the section on Readmission

Students’ GPAs are calculated using grades earned at Oneonta. Transfer grades do not affect the Oneonta GPA. Refer to the section on Readmission for deadlines and policies.

III. Appeals After Academic Dismissal

Academically dismissed students may appeal their dismissal by completing and submitting the Academic Dismissal Appeal Form. Appeals to dismissal must include an explanation of the extenuating circumstances contributing to poor academic performance along with as much documentation of these circumstances as possible. The Student Progress and Status Committee will thoroughly evaluate the appeal, including documentation submitted as evidence of the student’s claims; render and communicate to the student a decision on the appeal. Submitting an Academic Dismissal Appeal Form does not guarantee reinstatement. Students whose appeals are not granted—and those who do not appeal their dismissal—may apply to return to SUNY Oneonta after one full calendar year.

Academic Dismissal Appeal Form

IV. Readmission

The readmission process is overseen by the Academic Advisement Center. Students who withdrew were administratively withdrawn or academically dismissed must apply for readmission. Students who have been academically dismissed are not eligible for readmission until one full year has elapsed since the dismissal. The student must also have successfully completed at least 12 s.h. of new academic coursework with at least a 2.5 GPA at another institution. In all cases, applications for readmission must be received by the deadline dates noted at the end of this section. Readmission is not guaranteed. Past history at SUNY Oneonta, space availability and academic history are all considered.

After meeting these conditions, academically dismissed students may seek readmission under one of two options:

  • Option I—Original Academic Record: Readmission is based on previously-earned GPA with all semester hours earned counted toward the degree.
  • Option II—Reinstatement Record: The student’s GPA is recomputed to 2.0. The student loses previously earned "D" and "E" credit (semester hours and quality points) necessary to compute the GPA at 2.0.

The decision regarding grades to be invalidated rests with the Academic Advisement Center. The grades will be invalidated in the following order:

  1. Low grades will be forgiven to bring the student to a minimum 2.00 GPA. If it is impossible to get to a minimum 2.00 GPA, then all grades will be forgiven from the GPA.
  2. Once a 2.00 or the next highest GPA is achieved, no more grades will be forgiven.
  3. Grades will be forgiven in the following order: "E" in the major, "E" out of the major, "D-" in the major, "D-" out of the major, etc.
  4. If grades of "D-" to "C-" are forgiven, students will lose the credit earned for those courses.

Policies regarding readmitted students and their degree requirements:

  1. Students will be required to complete the degree requirements that are in place at the time of their readmission. If no more than two years have elapsed since the student’s last attendance at SUNY Oneonta and the student was no more than 6 s.h. short of graduation, then the student may return under his/her previous requirements unless the student is a major in the School of Business or Education.
  2. Readmitted students who were previously academically dismissed must maintain a 2.00 cum GPA in all coursework taken since readmission and must complete a minimum of 12 s.h. of new coursework at Oneonta (post re-matriculation) to be eligible for degree consideration. Failure to maintain this GPA will result in a second dismissal.

Students who are academically dismissed after readmission will not be eligible for readmission another time.

Students who choose to decline their readmission will have their Oneonta academic record returned to the academic record in place at the time of their last attendance at SUNY Oneonta.

Application for Undergraduate readmission

Application for Graduate readmission

Questions regarding readmission may be directed to the Academic Advisement Center or 315-436-3390. There is an application fee of $20.

Deadlines for applying are as follows:

  • July 1 for fall readmission
  • November 1 for spring readmission
  • April 1 for Summer readmission


Dr. E. Morgan-Zayachek
Vice Provost, Academic Affairs
333B Netzer Admin. Bldg.
SUNY Oneonta
Oneonta, NY 13820
phone: 607-436-2855
fax: 607-436-2851