New Student Housing Application Information

Application Information


Congratulations on your decision to attend SUNY Oneonta! The university encourages the development of positive academic and social behavior, treating students as decision-making adults. With this in mind, residence hall living will be a rewarding and valuable experience. We look forward to welcoming you when you arrive for classes. Your residence hall will be a community of several hundred students with differing backgrounds and expectations. Living on campus will be one of the most exciting educational experiences you'll ever have.

SUNY Oneonta residence halls are comfortable and friendly. Over the past few years, many of our 15 residence halls have been renovated. Each building has a main TV lounge, study areas for individual and group study, a hall office, laundry facilities, recreation areas, a computer lab, a full kitchen or kitchenette area for preparing snacks, and vending machines. Additionally, all of our residence halls have small fitness centers. This page will provide you with information on the services you have as an incoming student living in our residence halls.

Residence Hall License

Below, you'll find a link to the Residence Hall License for 2024-2025. It is each student's responsibility to read this document BEFORE completing the Housing Application. In it, you will find important information regarding such subjects as refunds, fees, policies, and prohibited items on campus. All students will be held accountable for information in the License. Additionally, students are responsible to read and understand the Campus Policies book. Links to the Residence Hall License, the Higgins/Curtis Hall alcohol policy, and Campus Policies are below. We are not asking you to agree to the Residence Hall License at this time, however we would like you to be aware of the policies. We are continuing to update the Residence Hall License at this time. We'll ask for your agreement to the Residence Hall License later in the housing application process.

Residence Hall License
Higgins Hall Alcohol Policy

Rights and Responsibilities of Resident Students


In accordance with Chapter 416 of the Laws of 1988, the State University Board of Trustees has directed that all campuses operating residence halls adopt policies relating to the rights and responsibilities of resident students. Trustees also directed that such campus policies be published in student handbooks and other similar publications and distributed to resident students. Guidelines to assist campuses in establishing new policies or reviewing any existing policies or codes have been developed at the request of the Board of Trustees.


The following guidelines for development of campus policies on rights and responsibilities of resident students in the residence halls of State University of New York are intended to supplement those principles and policy statements already developed by each campus in consultation with students and with the assistance of its campus council.

1. In the development of campus policies on rights and responsibilities the “1987 ACUHO-I Statement of Student’s Rights and Responsibilities” adopted by the Association of College and University Housing Officers-International should be utilized as a model. SUNY Oneonta adheres to this guideline in the formulation of its campus policies on rights and responsibilities.

2. The Residence Hall License and other handbooks or publications which incorporate a statement of the campus minimum living condition standards and the campus policies relating to resident students rights and responsibilities should use words with common and everyday meanings and should be clear and coherent.

The language in all the above distributed to students are reviewed for coherency and clarity.

3. Campuses should make provisions for the enforcement of resident student rights and responsibilities. SUNY Oneonta will educate the resident student body and assure their rights and responsibilities are both maintained and enforced.

4. Resident students shall not be subject to unreasonable searches and seizures by University officials. Examples of warrantless searches which are proper include those involving threats to health and safety and those which are conducted as inspections with advance notice to student residents. Fire alarm systems should not be utilized for any purpose other than actual fires or fire drill procedures. Residence hall training programs include instruction on the basic principles relating to unreasonable searches and seizures.

Residence Hall Students at SUNY Oneonta will not be subjected to any of the aforementioned improprieties during their stay in residence. All fire safety equipment and procedures will be strictly utilized and enforced in the manner for which they were intended. Residence Hall staff will be versed on the basic principles of unreasonable searches and seizures.

5. Inspection for residence hall damages which will be assessed to resident students should be conducted, when possible, before residents vacate the residence halls. At the time of their departure from the residence halls, resident students should be informed of the damages which have been identified as assessable to them. To the extent possible, at the time damages are identified, resident students should be given a standard repair summary which lists the typical costs for certain categories of damages. A campus appeals process should be instituted through which students may initiate complaints regarding damage assessments. Resident students who vacate residence halls without formal notification to campus officials are not entitled to these pre-departure inspection or identification procedures prior to the assessment of damages.

Residence Halls as SUNY Oneonta are inspected both before and after students vacate the halls. Students are given the opportunity to discuss possible damage charges with the Residence Hall Direction and housing Associate Director during pre-departure inspections. Costs and/or estimates of identified damages are provided upon request of residence hall students. Students may appeal any and all charges assessed during the process through the housing office and directly with the Residence Hall Director.

6. Resident students will be held accountable for damage to residence hall property (buildings, equipment, and furnishings). Resident students have a responsibility to refrain from causing property damage through vandalism or other intentional or reckless misconduct. It is incumbent upon resident students to report to residence hall staff situations involving property damage due to vandalism, along with the names of those responsible, in a timely manner. Resident students and other students responsible for property damage will be billed for damage and may also be subject to discipline in accordance with campus procedures.

All monies collected from students attributable to damages for which they are responsible should be applied, whenever possible, to the repair of that damage within one semester, or during the summer recess period. When the repair is delayed, the cause of the delay should be noted in the physical plant reports.

SUNY Oneonta makes every attempt to assure the culpability is accurately represented with regard to any and all damages incurred in residence. The application of funds collected in the damage charge process are always applied to repairs in residence halls. If a discrepancy or delay is experienced in the application of funds to a particular damage the Residential Experience and Housing Office should correct the discrepancy and/or investigate the delay and will duly make note.

7. Resident students should continue to be involved in campus committees that study or develop policies that impact directly on their living situation; e.g., program planning, budget review, codes of conduct, and residential life planning committees. Student representation will continue to be involved in the development and study of policies that impact directly on their living situation; e.g., through residence hall government, RSO and the internal consultative structure.

Minimum Living Condition Standards for University Residence Halls


The residence halls shall be constructed and maintained to conform with all applicable safety codes and health standards.


1. All furnishings and equipment supplied by the University will meet applicable fire and safety code standards promulgated by the State of New York.

SUNY Oneonta is in compliance with this guideline and meets all applicable state codes when purchasing furnishings and equipment.

2. Each resident’s sleeping room will have an operational smoke detector.

The maintenance department for the residence halls at SUNY Oneonta inspects all smoke detectors twice a year and keeps records of the inspections. Once notified of a non-working smoke detector, this department responds immediately to repair it.

3. Resident students are required to adhere to applicable safety codes and health standards in the use of private equipment and appliances (where permitted).

SUNY Oneonta students are required to sign a residence hall license which informs them to university safety regulations and sanctions regarding the use of private equipment and appliances. New students are given the STUDENT HANDBOOK which also includes this information.

4. Access to residence hall living on each campus that operates residence halls will be provided for the differently abled in accordance with applicable codes and standards (i.e., Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973).

SUNY Oneonta is in compliance with this guideline. Ford Hall has disabled accessible rooms and facilities.

5. Inspections and assessment of the physical facility and its components (e.g., water, electricity, and heating systems) will be conducted by appropriate campus personnel. The report of the inspection should be distributed to appropriate campus personnel. A priority list (as determined by appropriate campus personnel) of repairs/refurbishment should be part of this report, with recommended timetables for completion. Backlogs from earlier reports should be noted.

The SUNY Oneonta facilities office is responsible for inspecting the physical facility annually and reporting the list of repairs/refurbishment to the following campus personnel: The DIFR committee, the Vice President for Administrative Affairs, Physical Plant Director and the Associate Director of Residential Experience and Housing.

The campus maintenance plan shall provide for a regular schedule of cleaning and repair for all common areas in residence halls.


1. A regular schedule for cleaning of common areas including lounges, hallways, bathrooms, and areas used by all residents should be established. Copies of the schedules should be posted. The lounges, hallways, public bathrooms, and laundry rooms will be cleaned every 1-2 days with consideration given to staffing patterns, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 7am-3:30pm. Bathrooms in the apartments and suite halls will be cleaned once each week. In the apartments and suite buildings a notice will be placed on the apartment and suite doors the day before those bathrooms are to be cleaned. The residents of that room will remove personal belongings and someone will be available at the time indicated, or give the staff permission to enter the room.

2. Every reasonable effort by the campus administration and resident students should be made to keep residence halls sanitary and vermin free, and all appliances provided by the University in working order or removed from services.

SUNY Oneonta has a contract with a local pest control company to service the residence halls. The custodial department in the residence halls also purchases a residual insecticide spray to control crawling pests when needed. If rats or mice are found in or around residence halls, custodial staff will respond and eliminate the problem. If the staff incurs difficulty with any type of pest removal the pest control company will be called in to eradicate it. Washers and dryers are checked five days per week and are normally put back into service within
two days of notification of not being in working order.

3. Campuses should have an established procedure, developed in conjunction with the Central Administration Offices of Finance and Business, Capital Facilities, and Student Affairs for declaring student rooms unlivable and for removing them from service until conditions are corrected. The Director of Residential Experience and Housing or his/her designee will make a recommendation to the Vice President for Student Affair and Vice President for Administration as to whether a student room is unlivable and should be removed from service, based on pertinent information from the Director of the Physical Plan and/or appropriate campus personnel. Every attempt will be made to determine if a room is unlivable prior to the period that students occupy the residence halls. If unlivable conditions become apparent after residence hall opening the situation will be handled as stated in Standard V.


The campus shall provide each student resident with adequate living space, furniture, and appropriate and sufficient heat, light, and hot water.


1. The campus will provide each resident student with adequate living and lounge furniture. As a minimum, except in the case of tripling, each student resident will be provided with: a bed, adequate area illumination, chair, dresser/chest, desk/carrel unit, closet or wardrobe. All such equipment should be clean, sturdy, free from major scarring and of acceptable appearance. SUNY Oneonta is in compliance with this guideline. On an annual basis all rooms will be inspected to determine the condition of the each piece of furniture. Pieces identified as unacceptable will be removed from service.

2. Campuses should provide for a planned replacement or rehabilitation of residence hall furnishings. SUNY Oneonta replaces residence hall furnishings on a regularly scheduled basis. Items such as mattresses, lamps, closet doors, and mirrors are reordered each year on an as needed basis.


The campus shall establish procedures for routine and emergency repairs to residence hall facilities.


1. Protocols will be established to promptly address inquiries, requests, and complaints regarding routine repairs and maintenance for the provision of heat, lights, and hot water. The resident student should also be apprised periodically of the status of his/her request. These protocols, along with appropriate telephone numbers should be provided in writing to each resident student. All repairs, especially those involving heat, light, and hot water, should be accomplished within a reasonable amount of time.

Requests regarding routine building repairs and maintenance are handled through the work request system.. If a problem persists, the Residence Hall Director should be requested to inquire regarding the status of the work request. Situations regarding heat, hot water and electricity should be reported to the Residence Hall Director or building Janitor. If the Residence Hall Director or the building Janitor is not available, the Maintenance Operations Center should be contacted directly. The trades person requisitioned to address a problem regarding heat, hot water, or electricity will leave an emergency work request slip at the Residence Hall Director’s office if the problem is not resolvable. This will enable the Residence Hall Director to apprise residents of the action take with regard to their request.

2. To the extent possible, major rehabilitation or other capital projects should take place at times when students are not in occupancy of the residence halls. Major construction projects which are disruptive to on going programs should not continue during scheduled examination periods. If this is impossible, arrangements should be made to house residents elsewhere. SUNY Oneonta is in compliance with this guideline.


The campus shall establish procedures for redress for resident students in the event of the loss of services such as heat, light, and hot water in residence halls for extended periods that are within the control of the campus.


1. These procedures will include a plan for reassignment on campus if conditions continue for an unreasonable time which involve the loss of heat, light, or hot water or the creation of any other condition which is detrimental to the life, health or safety of the resident students.
If a condition exists that is detrimental to the life, health or safety of a student or is declared unlivable for any other reason, that student will be reassigned. SUNY Oneonta reserves the right to assign to: A) any available space on campus; B) any guest room on campus. Determination of what is an unreasonable length of time a student experience a loss of services (heat, electricity, or hot water) will take into account details specific to each situation such as prevailing weather conditions and timing of the semester.

2. If reassignment on campus is not possible, the procedures should also include a plan for the provision of alternate housing at no additional charge to resident students and/or refund of a portion of room rental charges where applicable. If no campus space is available as cited above, the university will assign the student to a local hotel/motel off campus.

When a student experiences a loss of services (heat, electricity, or hot water) for an unreasonable length of time, (as determined by Standard V #1 Guidelines) and the situation is determined to be within the control of the campus, then that student should be reimbursed for the amount of time they were inconvenienced. The reimbursement shall never exceed the full cost of the room rent for the number of days the student has been affected by the detrimental condition.

University Live-In Requirements and Benefits

All newly admitted first-time full-time freshmen who are single, under twenty-one years of age, and do not live with their parents are required by the university to reside in a residence hall for their first four semesters. For first year students living on campus for the first time in the Fall of 2024, this means that you are required to live on campus until the end of the Spring 2026 semester. Continuing students who choose to return and live on campus receive first priority through the annual room selection process each Spring. They are guaranteed a space on campus with a roommate of their choice if they meet the required deadlines. Once you have lived on campus, you will realize why this option is so popular, given the convenience and good value.

State law prohibits us from making assignments based on race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, or sexual orientation.

Residence Hall Benefits

  • 1. You are close to your classes and extracurricular activities by living on campus.
  • 2. The residence hall staff provides study areas and monitors sound levels in each residence hall.
  • 3. You get to know the campus through the assistance of residence life staff, trained to assist you through your first two years in university life.
  • 4. Convenient access to the computer network with state of the art equipment.
  • 5. You get to take advantage of leadership opportunities on-campus life affords you.
  • 6. Laundry service at SUNY Oneonta is easy! The cost of doing your laundry is rolled into your room rental. Each residence hall has laundry facilities located in the building. The laundry rooms are always kept locked but are available to the residents 24 hours a day via card access. The washers and dryers are constantly maintained and can be used as often as you like. "Laundry View" is available for all students. You'll be notified via text, email, or on your PC when your laundry is finished!

Instructions for Applying for Housing Online

Once you've paid your housing deposit, the next step is to submit your specific requests so we can assign you a room. You will need your username and password when you log in to complete the application.

  • 1. Navigate to myOneonta.
  • 2. Log in, using your username and password
  • 3. Click on the "Residence Life Application and Assignment" icon
  • 4. If you do not see a button for "Residence Life Application and Assignment" you can go directly to the Starrez housing portal by clicking here: Housing Portal
  • 4. The first time you click on this icon, you may need to log in. Click on the word "Login" on the right side of the screen.
  • 5. On the Login screen, scroll to the bottom and click the blue button labeled: "Oneonta-STUDENT SSO LOGIN"
  • 6. Log in using your Oneonta username and password
  • 7. Click on "Housing Application and Returning Student Room Selection" under the SUNY ONEONTA logo on the left
  • 8. You'll see a gray box that says "Academic Year 2024-2025" Next to that gray box, there's a red box with a blue button that says "Apply." Click here to begin your housing application.
  • 9. Follow the prompts to complete the application.

You have now entered the Residence Application Form. You must answer all questions. When you are completely finished, click on "submit." Make sure all your choices are correct before submitting your application. Until June 15, you are able to re-enter your application and make changes and updates. After that date, please do not call our office to make changes. If you have questions, feel free to contact us at 607-436-2514.

*If you have not completed your application by June 15, your preferences will still be accepted, however, space will be very limited.*

When you enter your student ID number on the Contact page, you are entering your electronic signature to the terms and conditions of the Residence Hall License. If you are not 18 years of age at the time that you complete your residence hall license, your parent/guardian must complete an agreement form as well. You'll provide us with contact information for your parent/guardian in your application, and we will communicate with them directly.

Housing assignments will be available online on July 1.

If you do not have access to the internet to apply online, please contact the Residence Life Office at 607-436-2514 for a paper copy of the Application Form.

What Room Style is For You, and What Will It Cost?

It's important to really think about the style of room that you will live in when you arrive at school. Oneonta has four room types, and each has different advantages associated with it. Note: All students are billed at the double room rate. After assignments are made, your bill may be adjusted up or down to reflect your ACTUAL ROOM ASSIGNMENT.

The room rates that you will pay throughout your career here at Oneonta are determined based on your entry term. For Housing Rate inquiries, please visit Housing Rates.

Double: A double is normally a room for two and always located directly off the main corridor. In a double room, you have the advantage of living with only one other person, and you are more easily immersed in the activity of your floor and residence hall. Modern bath facilities are located off the main corridor.

Quad: Quad style rooms are available to transfer and returning students only, and are not available to freshman students. This style room has two double bedrooms separated by a middle study/living room. Bath facilities are located off the main corridor. Most often you will find separate gendered quads on the same floor.

Suite: Suite style rooms are not available to freshman students. A suite has two or three double bedrooms, a study/living room, and an attached bathroom. This style of the unit provides the most privacy. Most upperclassmen choose suites after they have met and formed friendships in their first two years.

Apartment: Apartment style rooms are not available to freshman students. This building has 38 apartment units. Each unit houses either five or six students. Each apartment has one double bedroom and three or four single bedrooms. Additionally, there is a kitchenette with a full size refrigerator, cabinets, and microwave, living room, dining area, and 1 1/4 baths. The apartments come fully furnished. This building has a fitness center and computer lab. Laundry and full kitchen facilities are located on most floors.

Roommate Relationships

Whether you choose your roommate or not, the key to a successful situation is communication. Learning to live in an environment with a person you don't know well is very challenging. As roommates, you will be sharing a small space for several months. You WILL FIT in this room, even if you don't believe it at first. Remember to be fair and split the available space evenly.

An important part of the interactions between roommates will be determining what's "yours, mine and ours." You and your roommate need to make decisions together concerning the atmosphere of your room that will permit studying to get done, relaxing and sleeping to occur when you each want, and privacy needs to be met. You will need to become aware of each other's backgrounds, values, habits and feelings enough to be sensitive to each other's needs and know what to expect of one another. A good starting place for discussion are the questions listed below. The time to begin talking is as soon as you receive each other's names.

The following are only a few things you and your new roommate should talk over:

  1. When do you like to study, and for how long? Can you study with music or the TV playing?
  2. When can there be guests? Only on weekends? How long can they stay? (overnight guests MUST be discussed).
  3. What items in the room can be shared and which can only be personal? Does permission have to be granted for use of the TV? Computer?
  4. What time is bedtime? When does the TV go off? Lights off? Quiet time? Personal time? How much privacy do you need? BE HONEST!
  5. What is considered to be a clean room? Who does what jobs? How much tolerance do you have for clutter?
  6. What about using the phone?
  7. Do you like to sleep with the window open?

If you and another person decide that you would like to live together, we will try to accommodate you. BUT, before you make this decision, please discuss the questions above with each other. Just because you are best friends does not mean you'll make good roommates. In fact, sometimes the best thing for your friendship is to live in separate rooms. Once you have decided you do wish to live with your friend, and we receive your mutual requests in a timely manner, we will do our best to place you together.

In any situation where you spend a lot of time together, conflict arises. If you decide beforehand how to talk about problems, they will be that much easier to work out. When you need assistance compromising, seek out your Resident Advisor or your Residence Hall Director/Area Coordinator.

Requesting a Specific Roommate (Fall Term Only)

You will need to identify your specific requested roommate online. Please follow the instructions below to request your specific roommate.

To request your roommate:

  1. Navigate to the student portal.
  2. Log in, using your username and password.
  3. Click on the "Residence Life Application and Assignment" icon.
  4. If you do not see a button for "Residence Life Application and Assignment" you can go directly to the Starrez Housing Portal.
  5. On the Login screen, scroll to the bottom and click the blue button labeled: "Oneonta-STUDENT SSO LOGIN".
  6. Log in using your Oneonta username and password.
  7. Click on "Housing Application and Returning Student Room Selection" under the SUNY ONEONTA logo on the left.
  8. You'll see a gray box that says the term you are applying to (i.e. Fall 2024). Next to that gray box, there's a red box with a blue button that says "Apply." Click here to begin your housing application.
  9. Further along in the application, you'll come to a "Roommate Groups" page. On that group, you can create a group, search for roommates by details, and also ask the application to show roommates who may be a good fit for you.
  10. In order for the request to be filled, the student who creates the group must go back into the application and verify the group as legitimate.

**First Year Students: PLEASE NOTE** While you can request a group of 3 students (yourself and up to 2 additional students), this does not guarantee that you will be placed into a Dragon Triple style room. If you request a group of 3 students, you will either be placed in a Dragon Triple room OR in 2 double bedrooms next to/across the hall from each other in a double style residence hall - 2 members of your group will be placed together, and the 3rd member will receive a random roommate. Room assignments are created based on the date that the housing deposit was made as well as the space available at the time that assignments are created.

**Transfer students: PLEASE NOTE** While you can request a group of 6 students (yourself and up to 5 additional students), this does not guarantee that you will be placed into a suite style unit. Room assignments are created based on the date that the housing deposit was made as well as the space available at the time that assignments are created.

Important note: If your requested roommate has not yet begun their application, you will not be able to request them as a roommate until they have done so. Roommate requests can only be made until June 15, 2024.

Telephone, Television, and Data Networks

  • Telephone: Telephone service including local and long distance calls within the US, and voice mail are provided upon request in each bedroom at no extra cost to the student. Please submit this form when you arrive on campus if you would like a land-line in your room. Students will be billed for international calls and should contact the IT Service Desk for current rates and to request international calling on their line. Students must provide their own telephone. 2.4 GHz phones are not allowed in the residence halls as they interfere with Wi-Fi signal.
  • Television: Cable TV is also provided in residence hall lounges and fitness centers or with streaming SpectrumU TV with a browser or the app on a personal device.
  • Data Networks: Wireless network service is available in every residence hall as are computer labs with computers and printers. Wired network access in residence hall rooms will be provided upon request. Please submit this form when you arrive on campus in the spring. Personal routers and wireless access points are not allowed in the residence halls.


All of our residence halls are COMPLETELY smoke-free. Any student who resides in these buildings is not permitted to smoke in or around the building. While smokers can be assigned there, they simply are not permitted to smoke in the residence hall. If a problem presents itself to you, please see your Residence Hall Director, and we will see if we can assist you in making adjustments.

Living Center Rules

Within the confines of federal, state, and local law, and the regulations of SUNY Oneonta, the development of living center rules has been delegated to the student government within each residence hall. The hall government determines some living standards including, but not limited to, visitation and social situations. All students living in each hall are members of hall government and have a voice in policy making. It is up to each resident to assume a share of this responsibility by sincere interest and participation in hall government.

Becoming Involved in University Life

There are many organizations on campus which need strong student leadership. Included in these are the Resident Student Organization, Residence Hall Government, and Student Association. All groups welcome student inquiries and participation. Become a part of the vibrant student culture on campus, and develop leadership skills that will serve you well into your career.

Q-When will I receive my room assignment?
A-Housing assignments will be accessible online through your Housing Portal on July 1.

Q-When do the residence halls open for new students?
A-You can find all of this information on our Move In webpage.

Q-What size is the mattress?
A-Most mattresses measure 80 inches x 36 inches.

Q-Can I bring a microwave and/or refrigerator?
A-All residence halls have kitchenette areas (though not on each floor) with microwaves for your use. Students are permitted to bring small microwaves, automatic shut off coffee pots, and refrigerators (limited to counter top height) One of each of these items may be placed in each bedroom.

Q-How should my mail be addressed?
A-All mail will be delivered to the Red Dragon Express. Students will keep their same mailing address for their entire career at SUNY Oneonta. Mail should be addressed:
Student Name
Dragon # (insert number here)
68 Bugbee Road

Oneonta, NY 13820
*Note, your Dragon number is DIFFERENT than your Oneonta ID (A0) number. You can access your dragon number in the campus directory or go to myOneonta > Web Services.

Q-What banks are in Oneonta?
A-Key Bank, Community Bank, NBT Bank, and Citizens Bank. On campus, there are two ATMs (Community Bank and NBT Bank) located in the Hunt Union dining area and one ATM (Sidney Federal Credit Union) in Mills Hall.

Q-How do I choose the right meal plan?
A-For information on meal plans, please call 607-436-3367.

Q-What should I bring?
A-View a quick list of what to pack!

Q-Will I need earphones for my devices?
A-Earphones are a VERY good idea. That way you can listen to your music as loudly or softly as you wish without bothering anyone else.

Q-Who do I contact with questions about Orientation?
A-Call 607-436-2255 for questions regarding Orientation.

Q-Can I bring a car to campus?
A-Contact University Police at 607-436-3550, or view the parking regulations.


Residential Experience and Housing
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
106 Wilsbach Hall
Oneonta, NY 13820
Office: 607-436-2514
Office: 607-436-3182

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