Parking Registration Office

Parking and Traffic Regulations


  • All students living off campus are eligible to purchase a “Commuter” parking permit.
  • Students living on campus:
    • Students who have completed 57 or more total credit hours (typically 3rd year/Junior status) are eligible to purchase “Resident” parking permits.
    • 2nd year students who have completed 24 or more credits here at SUNY Oneonta are eligible to be placed on a wait list to purchase a Resident parking permit. If there are resident parking spaces still available, students on this wait list will be sold passes on a first-come, first-served basis.
    • 1st year students and 2nd year students with less than 24 credits earned at SUNY Oneonta who live on campus may not purchase parking passes.
  • Faculty and staff are eligible to purchase employee parking permits.


  • Any student, faculty or staff who wishes to park a vehicle (including motorcycles) on campus must purchase a parking permit/decal, which includes paying the parking and registration fees. This is consistent with the current applicable collective bargaining agreements.
  • All campus parking and traffic regulations are in effect 24 hours/day. Parking lots are organized by color and reserved only for vehicles with corresponding-colored decals/permits. (See decal color chart below.) Green parking decals are good only in green lots and are required for parking in those lots 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Orange restricted decals are ONLY allowed to park in the Tennis Court Lot (#79), student areas.


  • All employees and eligible students purchasing a parking permit are charged a parking fee and a registration fee.
  • Parking permits can be purchased for a semester or for the full academic year.
Student Parking Permit Fees
FEE type / Duration






$105.00 $50.00 $55.00



$30.00 $30.00 $30.00


(tax included)

$135.00 $80.00 $ 85.00
  • Students are not allowed to register a vehicle for another student.
  • Proof of ownership and a valid state motor vehicle registration is required.
  • Annual registration is effective August 1. The expiration date for the academic school year is the following August 31.
  • Parking permits are issued with a decal (window sticker). Decals must be always affixed properly to the vehicle and visible. See decal placement instructions and rules below.
  • The same charge will apply for replacement of a lost registration decal. Individuals registering multiple vehicles must pay a $30.00 registration fee for each vehicle.
  • The purpose of these fees is to help us maintain and improve parking facilities, ensure we can maintain and enforce parking regulations, and to offset the actual cost of registering vehicles.
  •  A vehicle cannot be registered if there are outstanding fines. All fines must be paid.


To be valid, the decal must be properly affixed on the left rear side window of the vehicle in the top left corner on the outside of the vehicle. (Taping or partial application does not meet the regulations of properly affixed and will be ticketed.)


Parking is permitted only in marked stalls in paved lots and at bumper blocks in graveled lots. Parking is not permitted in any area not identified as a parking space. No sign means "No Parking."


Space availability: a parking decal does not guarantee the holder a parking space, but only an opportunity to park within a specified area or areas. Drivers are responsible for finding an authorized parking space. Lack of parking space, mechanical problems, or inclement weather can justify an infraction/towable offense.

Decal Ownership: a parking decal signifies an individual has been granted the privilege of parking on SUNY Oneonta property. SUNY Oneonta reserves the right to revoke this privilege if the user refuses to comply with the university's Campus Parking and Traffic Regulations.

Decal Display: parking decals or passes must be displayed according to the parking regulations, or the special instructions provided at the time of issuance. A parking decal is not considered valid unless it is displayed correctly on the vehicle.

Parking Decals

Decal Color


Lot Sign/Color





Resident Student

Green lots ONLY


Restricted Student



Commuter Student

Yellow lots ONLY

White Vendor/Contractor See UPD

Overnight Parking: overnight resident parking is allowed in the green lots ONLY. Overnight visitor parking is allowed in Tennis Court lot #79. Overnight visitors must obtain a night permit at University Police. This night permit is valid only until 8 AM the next morning.

Snow Removal: No parking 2AM-6AM in designated lots from November 1 through March 31.

It is prohibited to park in "No Parking" areas, in a handicapped space without proper handicapped permit, blocking fire lanes, fire exits or within 15 feet of a fire hydrant, blocking doorways, in loading zones unless actually loading, in service entrances, construction sites or spaces reserved for maintenance vehicles, on the lawn, sidewalk, crosswalk, blocking parking lot entrance ways, straddling painted lines, exceeding time in time-limited areas, in lots where the permit is not valid, or on the roadway where parking is prohibited.

The registered purchaser of a parking decal is responsible for the parking violations of vehicles displaying the decal.


Visitor passes (for guest not affiliated with SUNY Oneonta) may be obtained at any time at the University Police office, at the Netzer Administration reception desk, or other campus locations as designated by the Director of University Police. The Motor Vehicle Laws of the State of New York and Department of Transportation Orders are applicable and enforceable on property maintained by the State University. All drivers are expected to know and observe State Motor Vehicle Laws, Department of Transportation Orders and Campus Parking Regulations.


Disabled members of the campus community with mobility impairment should contact the local Department of Motor Vehicles or your local municipality. A university parking decal is also required as well as any parking application fee.


Violators of the parking regulations will be penalized as follows:

Parking Regulation Penalizations

Number of Tickets within the school year

Amount of Each

1st through 3rd ticket


4th through 5th ticket


6th and subsequent tickets


Handicapped and fire lane violations will be assessed at $100.00 per offense.
Late Fee: $25.00 for any offense not paid within 30 days. Fines can be paid online at our Parking Portal


The appeal process allows a customer to appeal a parking citation believed to have been issued in error. The appeal form must be completed within 10 calendar days of the issue date of the citation. Appeals that are submitted beyond the 10-day period or incomplete will be rejected. Valid documentation (photos, texts, etc.) of the evidence must be provided when the appeal is submitted.

Note that the following are insufficient grounds for accepting an appeal of a parking citation:

  • no permit
  • not know or not being told the rules
  • illegal use of permit
  • being late or in a hurry, for class, work or appointment etc. or meeting, class ran late
  • parking in a lot not designated for overnight parking
  • blocking another vehicle
  • parking in a roadway or driveway
  • blocking a fire hydrant, fire lane, or other emergency zone
  • parking in violation of temporary instructions during a declared snow emergency
  • blocking a trash dumpster
  • Interfering with the free and proper use of a crosswalk or pedestrian way.
  • parking on grassy area
  • parking or blocking a service drive or service area
  • parking in a loading zone
  • blocking entrances to buildings
  • parking where signs or road marking prohibit parking
  • parking outside the lines designated for parking in a space
  • failure to display permit properly
  • there were many spaces available, therefore I was not taking anyone’s parking space
  • vehicle was broken down or inoperable and no attempt by the vehicle operator was made to contact University Police – (607) 436-3550
  • someone else was driving my car
  • my friend or someone else told me it was ok to park there
  • parking in a handicapped area without the proper permit
  • dropping someone or something off or picking them up
  • preferred parking lot is full or too far away
  • I did not visit my car for days and was unaware of receiving tickets
  • inclement weather
  • others parked in the same way and did not receive tickets
  • flashing hazard lights (or four-way lights)
  • the amount of time the vehicle was parked
  • forgetting to purchase, renew, or display a valid decal
  • only parked illegally for a short period of time
  • inability to pay the amount of the fine
  • no other place to park

Decisions are generally made within 2-3 weeks and you will be notified of the decision by email or mail.

The Parking Appeals Board will consider appeals from faculty, staff, students, contractors, and visitors who have received parking tickets. The Board meets every two weeks throughout the academic year. The Parking Appeals Board is comprised of a faculty member, a staff member, and a student.

Late fees will be incurred 30 days, even if the ticket is in the appeals process. You may pay the ticket and if the appeal is granted, you will be refunded or credited.

Appeals may be filed online by accessing the Parking Portal or by stopping by the Parking Office, located in the Emergency Services Building and pick up an appeals form.

The decision of the Parking Appeals Board is final.


University Police is authorized to tow, at the discretion of the officer, at the owner's expense, any motor vehicle parked illegally in any posted tow away zone on campus, any abandoned vehicle, a vehicle parked illegally in a handicapped space, a vehicle in a fire lane or blocking a drive or building emergency exit and a vehicle that obtains multiple summonses.

If a vehicle is towed all fines must be paid before car will be released from the towing company.


The parking decal must be placed on the vehicle immediately. If a decal is lost or stolen, the owner of the vehicle will pay the full amount of the fee to have it replaced. Recovered lost or stolen decals should be returned to the University Police immediately.


When a person replaces one vehicle with another, it is necessary to remove the decal from the window and bring it when applying for a new decal. There is a fee for a replacement decal. Unless the University Police is presented with evidence that such decal has been removed, the full parking fee will be charged. Decals are non-transferrable.


Parking fee refunds will only be made for individuals who are leaving the SUNY Oneonta community (e.g., withdrawal of a student, termination of SUNY Oneonta employment) and who request a refund. The refund request must be made in writing to the University Police. The applicant must return the decal to the University Police. If a person has paid for the full year and leaves before the beginning of the fall semester, a full refund will be issued. If a person leaves during the fall semester, but before the spring semester begins, the spring portion of the fee will be refunded. Registration fees are not refundable.


Parking Office is open Monday - Friday 8 AM to 4:30 PM and closed for lunch between 12:00-1:00pm . Summer hours are from 8 AM to 4 PM and closed for lunch between 12:00-1:00pm. If you need assistance during these hours, call 436-2644/2645 or email at Parking Portal

Copies of the complete Campus Parking and Traffic Regulations are available at the University Police in the Emergency Service Building. We are open 24 hours each day. On campus dial 3550. Help is just a telephone call away.

REMINDER: Decals will be on sale starting July 5th!


These areas are for guest to the campus ONLY! Employees and Students will get ticketed in these areas!

Emergency Services Building - University Police Building


Located at 26 South West Dormitory Drive

**WATCH Traffic Signs**

Follow the signs for the new traffic pattern.

Campus Parking Map

Parking Portal