Clear Your Bill

Bills are issued on a semester basis and are available online. Every student is required to CLEAR their bill by the due date each semester. To clear the bill, the student must accept financial responsibility, confirm their intent to attend SUNY Oneonta, and authorize Financial Aid payment (if applicable) by signing the semester Affirmation Statement. Clearing the bill also means submitting appropriate payment. Bills can be cleared online at myOneonta, by US Mail, or in person. Even if the amount due is zero, the bill must be cleared each semester by the due date. This will activate registration, dining, housing, and enable financial aid disbursement. Click on the appropriate link below for further details:

Please Note: Your financial aid award package is subject to change based on enrollment and other eligibility factors. Please regularly check your Oneonta e-mail account for financial aid notices.

Your bill will include charges for tuition, fees, room, and dining, if applicable. All matriculated undergraduates are billed at the full-time tuition rate regardless of registration at the time of billing. Your bill will also show a credit for the deposits you paid and the semester portion of the financial aid that appears on your award letter (with some exceptions). The amount due simply reflects the difference between your semester charges and your payments and deferrals (financial aid and other credits). You also have the option of making adjustments to your bill, such as adding Dragon Dollars, and claiming other payment credits such as private scholarships.

You will be required to CLEAR your bill by the due date, even if no payment is due. Clearing your bill confirms your intent to attend SUNY Oneonta during the current semester and activates your registration, allows financial aid disbursement, and access to all on-campus services. To clear your bill go to myOneonta and under the "Student" tab, click on Finances (student username and password required) and follow the prompts. Your payment by credit card (Mastercard, VISA, Discover, Am. Ex.) will be accepted. Or you may clear your bill via mail by completing the worksheet on the bill, signing the Affirmation Statement, and returning with appropriate payment in the envelope provided.

Administrative Fee and Drop for Non-Payment - Students who submit their bill after the due date will be charged the Administrative Fee of $30.00.

Be sure to clear your bill online or via mail by the due date, even if no payment is due. Remember that this is required to confirm your attendance for the semester and to activate your registration, financial aid, dining accounts, dragon dollars and student services.

If your bill is not cleared by the due date, SUNY Oneonta will assume you have changed your plans and will not be attending. Your registration, housing, and financial aid eligibility will be canceled and offered to another student.

Financial Aid Refunds: if you are eligible for a refund, have cleared your bill, completed all financial aid requirements, and fully registered, you will receive your refund when SUNY Oneonta receives disbursements on your behalf.

Administrative Fee and Drop for Non-Payment - Students who submit their bill after the due date will be charged the Administrative Fee of $30.00.

You will be required to CLEAR your bill by the first day of classes, or upon receipt of your bill if you register on or after the first day of classes. Clearing your bill confirms your intent to attend SUNY Oneonta during the current semester and activates your registration, allows financial aid disbursement and access to all on-campus services. To clear your bill go to myOneonta and under the "Student" tab click on Finances (student username and password required) and follow the prompts. Your payment by credit card (Mastercard, VISA, Discover, Am. Ex.) will be accepted. Or you can clear your bill via mail by completing the worksheet on the bill, signing the Affirmation Statement, and returning them with appropriate payment in the envelope provided.

Late Payment Fee - Students who submit their bill after the due date will be charged the Late Payment Fee of $30.00.

Payment is due by the first day of class in the session you are enrolled in.

Clear and process your bill online in myOneonta

Please see "Summer & Winter" under Tuition & Fees for information on the cost per credit.

Important Information about Private Scholarships

Private scholarships payments are usually issued directly to SUNY Oneonta and applied to the student account. If you have been awarded a private scholarship it will be factored into your financial aid package and can be deferred as a credit on your bill until payment arrives from your sponsor. We will defer the amount of the scholarship up to 30 days after the start of the semester.

Scholarship award letters should be submitted to the Financial Aid Office before July 21. The amount will be split between the fall and spring semesters unless otherwise directed by the award letter. The semester portion of the scholarship will appear on your bill as a credit in Section D, Financial Aid/Other Credits. If your award letter is not submitted before July 21, you can submit it along with your paper bill and subtract out the fall portion on the Optional Adjustment Worksheet.

If you receive payment directly from your sponsor, endorse and mail the check and scholarship award letter directly to the Student Accounts Office at SUNY Oneonta.


Clear your bill online:

  • Go to myOneonta. Click on “Student Bill” in the left-hand column. Do not mail a paper bill if clearing online. The student username password is required for this option.

Clear your bill via mail:

  1. Print the bill from myOneonta.
  2. Complete “Optional Adjustment Worksheet” on the bill and make any adjustments necessary.
  3. Indicate any declined financial aid items on the bill. Be sure to notify your Financial Counselor of declined aid items.
  4. Report any additional credits on the back of the bill where indicated.
  5. Enclose documentation of approved Alternative Loan
  6. To add a Direct Parent Plus Loan, follow the steps on Applying for Aid under Step. 4 Review your financial aid award > Federal Loans > Parents.
  7. Enclose documentation of any private scholarship not already listed as a deferral in Section C.
  8. If submitting a scholarship check, mail directly to Student Accounts and do not use the envelope provided (addressed to NBT Bank).
  9. Enclose account statement if deferring pending payment from the 529 account.
  10. Sign the Affirmation Statement on the bill

New Students

Go to myOneonta and click on the Student tab then Finances and click on “Federal Financial Aid Authorizations” (required for students receiving any federal grants or loans).

Information about appeals/waivers for the Comprehensive Student Fee.