Fee Waivers & Liability

Alumni Fee

On the web-bill, you will be able to make your selection in the Waive Alumni Dues Fee drop-down menu. On the printed bill complete the Optional Adjustment Worksheet on the bottom section of the bill.

Student Health Fee

Student teachers outside the Oneonta area, students studying abroad and Mohawk Valley Branch students are exempt from this fee. This exemption has already been factored into your charges if registration and student status were finalized at the time of billing. Interns outside the Oneonta area must contact Student Accounts for this exemption.

Transportation Fee

The Transportation Fee will be waived for students studying abroad and student teachers and interns living outside the Oneonta area. This exemption has already been factored into your charges if registration and student status were finalized at the time of billing. Interns outside the Oneonta area must contact Student Accounts for this exemption.

Fee Liability Schedule

Based on the date of a leave or withdrawal from SUNY Oneonta or for student who drop a class, the following is the liability schedule for fees.

  • 100% refund thru day 5
  • 70% refund days 6-10
  • 50% refund days 11-15
  • 30% refund days 16-20
  • 0% refund after day 20

All other fees are mandatory.