Office of Community Standards

SUNY Oneonta welcome sign

The Office of Community Standards is responsible for communicating SUNY Oneonta’s behavioral expectations via the Code of Student Conduct. The office provides educational opportunities which foster student learning, personal integrity, and ethical development by holding students accountable for behavior that is not consistent with SUNY Oneonta's expectations. The Office of Community Standards assists in the development of positive decision-making skills that impact students' lives and prepare them to enter a global society while promoting healthy and safe lifestyles.

The Office of Community Standards provides the following services:

  • Develop and update code of student conduct
  • Train standing disciplinary board members
  • Support and educate victims
  • Mediation
  • Student advocacy & helping students understand their rights and policies on campus
  • Provide training and educational opportunities to students (areas including conflict management, Title IX, academic dishonesty, peer mediation, etc.)

Weapons Policy Updated

Pepper Spray Training Video


Community Standards
119 Netzer Admin. Building
Phone 607-436-3353
Fax 607-436-2283