Academic Dishonesty (Faculty Resource)

This page is for Faculty members. If you are a student, please see the Student Advocacy page.

You are a faculty member and you suspect a student has violated the academic dishonesty policy, what do you do?

  • You should discuss any evidence with the student, using the opportunity to explain the policy and the suspicion, as well as advising the student that you will be following the academic dishonesty policy procedure with the office of Community Standards.
  • You may assign a grade letter “E” for the assignment or course of there is preponderance of evidence that the student did indeed violate the policy. The instance of academic dishonesty and your action taken should be reported to our office using the reporting form and a copy to the department chair. If you have questions about the form, please contact the Office of Community Standards.
    • With the form, include a copy of the course syllabus (uploading option provided at the end of the online form)
    • Use discretion in distinguishing between inadvertent violations and more egregious forms of academic dishonesty.
    • If possible a copy of any evidence should be sent with the form
    • You will be asked to indicated when you've communicated with the student about the academic dishonesty allegations. If this communication took place via email, you may upload those exchanges with the online form. If the student admits to dishonesty, when meeting with the student, have them sign the statement in the form, or provide an additional signed statement.
    • Failure to complete the entire form will not constitute grounds for dismissal of charges against a student.
  • Since examples of academic dishonesty range from ignorance to intention, if in the judgment of the Office of Community Standards, the nature of the case is particularly egregious, or if it is a second offense, the case will be referred to the Standing Disciplinary Board. The student may also appeal a first time academic dishonesty finding, which would go to a standing disciplinary board as well.
  • As the faculty member, we consider you to understand more of what consists of academic dishonesty in your course. You make the initial decision on whether you find the student responsible or not responsible. If you provide our office with the form, you are telling us that you find the student responsible for violating this code in the student code of conduct. A student with a first offense, unless particularly egregious will usually receive a written warning that goes on file. Sanctions may only be added if the case goes to a standing disciplinary board.
  • If a student appeals a charge, in writing within five (5) business days of the date upon which the faculty member explained the evidence to the student, the case will be sent to the standing disciplinary board, where we may request you and or the appropriate academic dean to attend to provide further information.


Community Standards
119 Netzer Admin. Building
Phone 607-436-3353
Fax 607-436-2283