Teacher Certification Exams

Please visit your TEACH account regularly for important information and links.

  1. Content Specialty Test(s) (CST)

    ECCE B6 Majors: take both multi-subject tests, CHED 1-6 Majors: take only Grades 1-6

    Multi-subject: Teachers of Early Childhood (Birth-Grade 2)
    Multi-subject: Teachers of Childhood (Grades 1-6)

    Each version of the Multi-Subject Test contains three parts:

    Part One: Literacy and English Language Arts
    Part Two: Mathematics
    Part Three: Arts and Sciences**

    Please note: Candidates may register to take all three parts at the same time or may register to take each part separately. However, it is less expensive to register for all three parts at the same.

*Part Three of the test is the same for all Multi-Subject Tests. A candidate applying for more than one Multi-Subject Certificate only need to take and pass Part Three once. All parts must be passed.

  1. Educating All Students (EAS) – Complete after EPSY 3029 and methods

    The Educating All Students test consists of selected-response items and constructed-response items. Each constructed-response item will share scenario-based stimulus material with several selected-response items. The EAS test measures the professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills necessary to teach all students effectively in New York Public Schools.

Visit this site to familiarize yourself NYSESLAT and data referenced on the EAS exam.

Order test preparation materials

Register to take the CST, EAS tests here

Please visit your TEACH account regularly for important information and links.

  1. Content Specialty Test(s) (CST) – suggested to take upon completing major sequence of courses
  2. Educating All Students (EAS) – suggested to complete after EPSY 3029 or EDUC 3046

    The Educating All Students test consists of selected-response items and constructed-response items. Each constructed-response item will share scenario-based stimulus material with several selected-response items. The EAS test measures the professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills necessary to teach all students effectively in New York Public Schools.

    Familiarize yourself with NYSESLAT and data referenced on the EAS exam

​​​Order test preparation materials

Register to take the CST, EAS tests here

Teacher Certification Exams - Summary Pass Rates
Group Number Taking tests Number passing tests Pass rate
All program completers, 2022-23 265 243 92%
Program completers, 2021-22
Partial (incomplete) data set
155 144 93%
All program completers, 2020-21 203 180 89%
All program completers, 2019-20 161 155 96%
All program completers, 2018-19 142 135 95%