Domestic Faculty-Led Programs

For students participating in a domestic faculty-led program: Select Program & Complete Application & Next Steps Forms

SUNY Oneonta offers a variety of short-term, domestic faculty-led programs throughout the year that vary by location, department, and cost. These are courses taught by SUNY Oneonta faculty for credit that include an overnight travel component in the United States. Faculty-led programs may take place during a semester or during breaks. These programs are a professional development opportunity for faculty and give students an experiential learning opportunity in a new setting.

In accordance with the university-sponsored student travel policy, all FLPs must be approved by the faculty member's Department Chair and Dean, and the program must be administered through the Office of Global Education. The following list will guide you through the process. Please see Credit-Bearing Domestic Faculty-Led Program Procedures for further details.

Domestic Faculty-Led Program Timeline
Prospective Departure Term Domestic FLP Request Form & Packet Submission Deadline
Fall February 15
Winter September 15
Spring September 15
Summer November 1
  1. Faculty leader(s) should complete and submit the domestic faculty-led program request packet to their Department Chair and Dean for review and approval. Upon Dean's approval, the request packet should be sent to the Director of Global Education for review. The Request Packet must include:
    1. Domestic FLP Request Form (fillable after you save it to your computer - please type your signature on the appropriate line)
    2. Course Description for existing course, or New Course Proposal Form for a new or Special Topics
    3. Course Syllabus: showing how the travel piece fits into the student learning outcomes of the course
    4. Travel Itinerary: this should include where, when, lodging, and travel to and from site
    5. Line-Item Budget (if applicable)
    6. Emergency Plan
  2. If there will be a program/course fee, the OGE will provide the faculty leader(s) with a Request to Collect Form, which the faculty leader(s) will need to sign and route for signatures.
  3. Once the Domestic FLP Request Form is fully signed, marketing for the course may begin and the course may be added to the schedule of classes. If the travel is mandatory to the completion of the course, then the course MUST be made instructor permission only in the schedule of classes. For this situation, students should submit an add/drop form signed by the faculty leader to the Registrar's Office.
  4. Students must register for the course through the Registrar's Office no later than one month prior to departure.
  5. Students participating in the FLP must create an account through the OGE Global Portal to submit student travel forms no later than one month prior to departure.
  6. Faculty must submit a finalized program participant roster with student contact information (phone number and email) and emergency contact information to the OGE.
    1. If program fee: no later than one month before first program payment deadline
    2. If no program fee: no later than 2 months before departure
  7. Faculty should contact Sue Obergefell in OAS to obtain an OAS debit card if they do not yet have one. All faculty leaders of domestic FLPs should have an OAS debit card, so that necessary funds will be available to them in case of an emergency.
  8. Faculty must submit an emergency plan to the Office of Global Education and share this with their Dean no less than two weeks prior to departure. The emergency plan should be disseminated to all travel participants. See emergency plan template under "Forms."
  9. The OGE will submit the FLP travel information, including the faculty leader's emergency plan and detailed program itinerary, to the university sponsored student travel registry prior to the program start date.
  10. Faculty leader(s) must review emergency protocol procedures prior to program departure and the OGE will provide an electronic student information packet to take with them.
  11. Upon return, complete the Clery Form in accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20USC§1092) and/or the Incident Report Form if applicable.

Questions regarding the domestic faculty-led program process may be directed to Michelle Lopez, at (607-436-3369)


Request to Conduct Domestic Faculty-Led Program

Budget Template

Emergency Plan Template

Faculty-Led Off-Campus Incident Report Form

Faculty-Led Off-Campus Clery Reporting Form