Contact or Visit the Theatre Department

Once Upon a Mattress

Contact Us

For general inquiries, contact the department secretary in the main office. For inquiries regarding the operation of the theaters or opportunities to work backstage, contact the department Technical Director in the technical office.

Main Office
Kaitlin Webster
Administrative Assistant
106 Fine Arts Center
Ph. 607-436-3456

Technical Office
Technical Director Scott Segar
151 Fine Arts Center
Ph. 607-436-3414

Contact Other Faculty or Staff
To contact individual members of the faculty or staff refer to the Faculty & Staff page

When to Visit

The Theatre Department offices and shops generally operate from about 9am to 5pm, Monday through Friday, throughout the academic year. If you contact the department ahead of your visit nearly any time can be accommodated for a tour, including evenings, weekends, and during the summer. If you haven't contacted the department and you find yourself on campus, you are welcome to drop by. The Theatre Department faculty are happy to provide tours of the facilities and answer questions about SUNY Oneonta and the program.

Directions & Parking

The Theatre Department is located in the Fine Arts Center at the north end of campus, near the intersection of Ravine Parkway and Bugbee Road. Directions to campus and a parking map are available on the SUNY Oneonta website. Refer to the campus parking policy for permit requirements.

Other Info

Mailing Address
Department of Theatre
106 Fine Arts Center
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, NY 13820

Fax: 607-436-3466


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