Anthropology Student Opportunities

Student Opportunities Pine Lake

Field Experience

The Pine Lake Archeological Field School, a joint program of SUNY Oneonta and Hartwick College, is offered every other year at Hartwick’s Pine Lake Environmental Campus in West Davenport, about eight miles from Oneonta. SUNY Oneonta anthropology Professor Renee Walker and Cindy Klink, an anthropology lecturer at both Hartwick and SUNY Oneonta, co-direct the field school. During the month-long program, students work eight to 10 hours a day learning basic methods in field archaeology, including survey and excavation techniques, mapping, and flotation and laboratory analysis.

Anthropology Field Experiences Fund

Students may apply for small grants from the Anthropology Field Experiences Fund to help with the expenses related to participation in a field school, field-based research for an independent study or research assistantship, or an unpaid internship. These awards may be combined with other grants. It is recommended that students apply for the fund at the same time they are applying for the field school or submitting their proposals for independent study, RAship or internship. The application can be accessed here.


Each year, anthropology students attend the American Anthropological Association annual meeting with a faculty member from the department. SUNY Oneonta’s Student Travel for Excellence Program and David D’Antonio Student Travel for Excellence Fund offer financial support to help defray expenses for travel to professional meetings and conferences.


Student grants for independent research with faculty sponsors are available, and more than 150 undergraduate students present their research at SUNY Oneonta’s annual Student Research and Creative Activity Day.


The Career Planning and Networking Center offers connections to local and regional internship opportunities. SUNY Oneonta also partners with Academic Internship Council and Connect-123 to offer international internships. Last year, more than 500 students participated in credit-bearing internships.