School of Liberal Arts and Business


The School of Liberal Arts and Business (SLAB) offers 19 baccalaureate degree programs in 13 academic departments, a blend of professional and liberal arts studies. SLAB faculty in all departments are firmly committed to the United Nations frameworks organized around Sustainable Development Goals and work together to offer each student opportunities to understand and practice sustainability, inclusivity, and service—our three core campus values.

Any student in any major may take private or group music lessons, participate in theatre productions, or explore their favorite visual art through coursework. Take some time with us to begin or continue your creative engagements, enjoying the relatively stress-free pleasures of courses and activities outside of your major, taking non-required work Pass/Fail, for example, if allowed. Degrees in areas like Business Administration, Professional Accounting, Music Industry, Theatre, and Art & Design will guide you toward specific professional goals.

Liberal Arts degrees offer diverse learning opportunities that easily translate into lasting and satisfying careers or prepare you generally for post-graduate degrees in areas such as law, divinity, or healthcare. For example, did you know that students who graduate with degrees in the humanities or liberal arts such as History, English, Political Science, and others routinely earn higher salaries than even those in STEM fields over the course of their careers? That greater salary and professional development opportunities over time are more available to graduates with such majors? Or, you may discover that you want to deepen and extend your knowledge of a particular area in graduate school—whether in professional programs or others.

Emphasizing both theory and application, SLAB degree programs provide powerful career development, and versatility characterizes the curriculum of all departments. Put together your own combination of majors, minors, tracks, and areas of concentration that extend the quantitative and verbal command needed to improve your career readiness.

You will find transformational experiences throughout the School that are personally enriching and diverse while also building practical skills. SLAB programs provide the space you need to practice what you are learning and work toward mastery.

Join us in SLAB. We want to meet you where you are in your educational journey. Rich, meaningful experiences are waiting for you!