Business Advisory Council

The Business Advisory Council offers advice about strategic planning and the mission of Business programs. Council members have no policymaking authority but provide highly valued consultation and act as ambassadors for our programs and students. We seek representation for the Business Advisory Council from a variety of geographic regions (especially our service regions in the surrounding communities and in New York City), from a variety of occupations and perspectives, and from diverse backgrounds. We endorse a membership willing to commit to our campus values and we strive for a Council that is diverse and inclusive.

The Council will ordinarily include representatives from the following constituencies.

  • Undergraduate alumni from our degree programs
  • Individuals from the local community and region affiliated with business, non-profit organizations, or government
  • Emeriti faculty
  • Individuals who represent other regions and constituencies connected to our mission.

Council members are appointed to specific terms by the Dean of the School of Liberal Arts and Business in consultation with the faculty. The Dean’s office and the Chair of the Business Department will be responsible for coordinating the activities of the Business Advisory Council and serve as a liaison to the Council.