Sport and Exercise Sciences Majors and Programs


  • Sport Management
  • Exercise Science
    • Coaching Concentration
    • General Exercise Science Concentration
    • Health Professions Concentration
    • Personal Training and Fitness Management Concentration
    • Strength and Conditioning Concentration


  • Athletic Coaching
    This minor is open to all undergraduates and consists of courses related to coaching, fitness and sport theory. Students completing this minor will have the basic skills, knowledge and understanding of how to prepare a sport team for success. This minor also includes the required course work for NYS Coaching Certification. Candidates for this minor should declare their intentions as early as possible to facilitate advisement. Forms for this purpose are available from the Sport and Exercise Sciences Department, Chase Room 200. For more information, call 607-436-3595.
  • Sports Management
    This minor is open to all undergraduates and helps prepare students for sports-related careers such as athletic administration, sports conference administration and recreation administration. Candidates for this minor should declare their intentions as early as possible to facilitate advisement. Forms for this purpose are available from the Sport and Exercise Sciences Department, Chase Room 200. For more information, call 607-436-3595.


  • NYS Coaching Certification
    Anyone wishing to coach interscholastic athletic activities in New York State schools must apply for Coaching Certification through the NYS Department of Education. The Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences offers the required coursework but note that additional workshops and certifications may be required. Application for Coaching Certification is completed through NYS Dept. of Education TEACH Application Process.
  • Red Cross Certifications
    • CPR Certification (EXSC 1110) Designed for those who are or expect to be involved in lifesaving, water safety, SCUBA, first aid, athletic coaching or any other activity in which competence and/or certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation is required or desired.
    • Lifeguarding (EXSC 2025) Course includes lifesaving skills required by individuals to develop effective lifeguard systems at swimming pools and non-surf open water beaches.
    • Responding to Emergencies (EXSC 2110 Emergency Care and Prevention) Trains candidates in proper techniques necessary for evaluating and caring for common injuries and sudden illness.
