Chemistry & Biochemistry Department

The SUNY Oneonta / Hartwick College iGEM Team earn a Gold Medal at the 2024 Grand Jamboree in Paris, France
The SUNY Oneonta / Hartwick College iGEM Team earn a Gold Medal at the 2024 Grand Jamboree in Paris, France
Chem Bio Chem Students
Chem Bio Chem Students
Chem Bio Chem Students
Jessica Shaw
Research student Jessica Shaw
Chem Bio Chem Students
Chem Bio Chem Students
The newly-renovated Physical Science Building at SUNY Oneonta is used by the departments of Chemistry, Prof Gallagher

About the Department

One of the longest professionally recognized departments on the SUNY Oneonta campus, the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry has been offering programs approved by the American Chemical Society for more than 40 years.

We pride ourselves on our close working relationships with our students and the ability of those students to gain hands-on experience with the latest chemical research and techniques. Our classes are small, with most upper-level chemistry labs having fewer than 18 students (some as small as 8). All labs are taught by faculty members in newly renovated laboratories using state-of-the-art instrumentation.

Our department offers four distinct degree programs; Chemistry B.S., Biochemistry B.S., Chemistry B.A. and Adolescence Education-Chemistry (coordinated in close cooperation with the Department of Secondary Education and Educational Technology).


Many students complete research projects before graduation, some starting in their freshman year. For the past eight consecutive years, we have had students write competitive on-campus grant proposals to support their research and fund travel (independently) to present their research results at major scientific meetings.


About half of our majors go on to graduate or medical/health-professions schools after graduation; about a quarter begin as entry-level scientists in chemical industries and the balance go on to become successful high school chemistry teachers.

Come Visit Us

Whatever your personal or career goals, our caring and knowledgeable faculty are here to support you to make sure that you succeed and reach your highest possible potential! We invite you to call us or come visit our department. Private tours coordinated with a campus Admissions tour are available, and we would be pleased to have the department chair or any faculty member sit down with you to discuss your options at SUNY Oneonta.


249 Physical Science
Phone: 607.436.3193
Fax: 607.436.2654

Department Chair
Ron Bishop
Office: 228 Physical Science
Phone: 607.436.3198