Academic Probation and Dismissal - Matriculated Students

Approved by the President
September 2005

Latest Revision
June 2023

Policy Contact
Office of Academic Programs
(607) 436-2855

Policy Statement

Students who are not making progress toward completing their declared degree program, as determined by their failure to meet established minimum grade requirements (see table below), are reviewed for dismissal from SUNY Oneonta. First semester students earning a 0.00 GPA will be reviewed for academic dismissal. First semester students earning a GPA between 0.01 and the established minimum grade requirements will be put on probation and required to make use of institutional support services. Students who have been at Oneonta for more than one semester and have not previously been on probation, and do not meet the minimum grade requirements will be placed on probation. Students who have previously been placed on probation and who do not meet the minimum requirements for retention will be reviewed for academic dismissal.

Additionally, any student whose semester GPA is below a 2.00 will be placed (or continued) on probation, regardless of their cumulative GPA. Students who have been on probation for three or more semesters will be reviewed for dismissal, even if their cumulative GPA exceeds a 2.00.

The following cumulative GPAs are the minimum retention standards used by the university.

Minimum Retention Standards
Number of Semesters Cumulative GPA
1st semester freshmen < 1.25
1st semester transfer < 1.50
All 2nd semester students < 1.75
All other students < 2.00

*Exception: Readmitted students – refer to the section on Readmission


New students are given more than a semester to acclimate to the university as long as they are earning credit toward their degrees. Students completing their first semester at SUNY Oneonta will be placed on probation and expected to utilize our academic success program if they receive a GPA of .01 to 1.99. Students may be dismissed for failure to maintain academic progress even if they achieve the above cumulative grade point averages or a cumulative average of 2.00 if review of their performance indicates it is insufficient for retention. Students need not be on probation before being dismissed.

Applicability of the Policy

This policy applies to all undergraduate and graduate students, and all courses independent of modality (classroom-based, blended, online) or schedule type (lecture, lab, independent study, etc.).

Policy Elaboration

At the end of each semester (Fall and Spring), the records of all undergraduate students are reviewed. Students who are not making progress toward completing their declared degree program, as determined by their failure to meet established minimum grade requirements (listed above), are reviewed for dismissal from SUNY Oneonta.


The Committee on Student Progress and Status reviews the records of undergraduate students who are making unsatisfactory progress at the end of each academic semester. The Committee may recommend to dismiss, place on probation, continue on probation, or declare a student ineligible to register until certain conditions are met. The Committee also considers applications for readmission or reinstatement, waivers of degree or residency requirements, and appeals from earlier decisions.

Students dismissed for insufficient academic progress may submit a written appeal. This appeal must be submitted to the chair of the Student Progress and Status Committee who issued the dismissal letter and should contain a report of clearly documented extenuating circumstances contributing to poor academic performance.

Appealing dismissal does not guarantee reinstatement to the University. Students whose appeals to academic dismissal are accepted by the Student Progress Committee will be reinstated on probation. Students whose appeals to academic dismissal are not accepted will not be reinstated (i.e. will not have academic status at the University). However, the may be eligible for subsequent return to the University through the readmission process.




Questions related to the daily operational interpretation of this policy should be directed to:
Office of Academic Programs
(607) 436-2855

Related Documents / Policies

Graduate Readmission

Undergraduate Readmission