Memorandum of Understanding


The following is the text of the memorandum of understanding (MOU) and accompanying attachments between the United University Professions Oneonta (UUP Oneonta) and the State University of New York College at Oneonta (SUNY Oneonta) regarding an Adjunct Lecturer Promotion and Evaluation Program. These are not the actual MOU and attachments. UUP Oneonta and SUNY Oneonta present this text for informational purposes only. This text is formatted for, and subject to the limitations of, display on the screens of multiple devices.

It is the commitment of both management and the local UUP Chapter at SUNY Oneonta that we should work together on initiatives that are for the betterment of employees, the College and the students that we serve.

With that in mind, management and the local UUP Chapter went into a year-long negotiation for the purpose of developing processes and instruments to evaluate and provide promotional opportunities for qualified teaching faculty in the title of Adjunct Lecturer. The negotiation team met regularly and worked collaboratively to develop the understanding-that is reflected in this MOU and the attached documents.

Management and the local UUP Chapter at SUNY Oneonta agree to the following:

  1. Procedures to be followed for renewal, evaluation and promotion of qualified Adjunct Lecturer are established in the “Part-time Adjunct Faculty Appointments Action Timeline” (Attachment A).
  2. Procedures and instrument to be used by the supervisor to evaluate qualified Adjunct Lecturers is established in the “Adjunct Faculty Evaluation Form Instructions and Adjunct Faculty Evaluation” (Attachment B).
  3. Procedures and requirements for promotional requests are established in the “Guidelines for Crafting the Adjunct Faculty Teaching portfolio” (Attachment C).
  4. The following items are agreed to that clarify process and eligibility:
    1. If final approval is received from off-campus regulating bodies:
      1. The initial roll-out will take place over a three-year period commencing fall, 2019.
        1. To qualify for the Adjunct Assistant Professor, the adjunct faculty member must have at least a master’s degree.
        2. Eligible adjunct faculty who wish to be considered as part of the initial roll-out will need to submit the following materials to signify their mastery of subject matter and teaching effectiveness: student evaluations, each distinct syllabus and all grade distributions for the 2018-19 academic year. These will need to be submitted to the department chair by a date to determined.
        3. Initial roll-out will only provide the one-time opportunity to be promoted to Adjunct Assistant Professor using the process outlined above. Adjunct faculty who wish to be considered for higher level positions must follow the process and timeline as outlined for all adjunct faculty and submit proper paperwork for each level as required in the guidelines.
        4. Teaching-development funds will be made available to adjunct faculty to apply for consideration in fall, 2019.
        5. Article 20.17 of the current State/UUP Agreement governs any salary adjustment that might be considered with a promotion.
      2. This program applies ONLY to standard 3 and 4 credit courses during the fall and spring semester taught by teaching adjunct faculty.
      3. This program does NOT apply to the following categories of employees:
        1. Retirees
        2. UP-8
        3. Pure Extra Service
        4. Other types of appointments such as (but not limited to) fee based, labs and applied music.
      4. Local Memorandum of Understanding are not subject to review in the grievance process.
      5. Nothing in this MOU shall preclude any bargaining unit member’s rights under the Agreement between the State of New York and the United University Professions.
      6. Nothing in this MOU shall preclude management administrative officers of the College from taking such action(s) as the College deems necessary to meet notice requirements in the event of non-renewal of term appointments.
      7. This pilot agreement will be reviewed, for possible renegotiation, if needed by either management or UUP, at the end of three years following the implementation date.

This agreement is accepted by:

William Simons
President – Oneonta Chapter United University Professions
May 13, 2019

Lisa Wenck (Former Senior Executive Employee Services Officer)
Senior Executive Employee Services Officer/President’s Designee for Employee Relations SUNY Oneonta
May 13, 2019

  1. Initial Hire
    • Part-time teaching faculty are hired, as temporary employees, for one semester at a time.
    • Title: Adjunct Lecturer
    • No evaluation is required. APP* and recommendation are submitted through the proper channels up to the President for final decision.
  2. Upon completion of the 4th consecutive semester
    • Employee is eligible for one-year Term appointment (with the understanding that employment could end with the required 45-day notice or salary, benefits, or any other rights or privilege would end if classroom enrollment is inadequate).
    • Employee submits student evaluations, each distinct syllabus and all grade distributions to the department chair annually for reappointment consideration. APP and recommendation are submitted through the proper channels up to the President for final decision.
    • Employee is eligible to apply for faculty teaching development funds.
    • Title: Remains Adjunct Lecturer
  3. During or after the 8th consecutive semester (approximately 4 years of continuous employment)
    • If the employee does not wish to be considered for, or does not qualify for promotion, then he or she continues to follow the guidelines in #2 above.
    • To be considered for promotion to Adjunct Assistant Professor, an eligible adjunct faculty member completes a Teaching Portfolio demonstrating mastery of subject matter and teaching effectiveness and submits it to the department chair. The department chair completes the evaluation form with recommendation for reappointment and completes APP. APP and the recommendation are submitted through the proper channels up to the President for final decision.
    • Master’s degree is required for promotion to this level.
    • If promoted, the employee receives a two-year appointment (with the understanding that employment could end with the required 45-day notice or salary, benefits, or any other rights or privilege would end if classroom enrollment is inadequate).
      • Title changes to Adjunct Assistant Professor at the start of the 9th consecutive semester.
      • Article 20.17 of the current State/UUP Agreement governs any salary adjustment that might be considered with a promotion.
    • The employee continues to be eligible for two-year appointments by submitting student evaluations, each distinct syllabus and all grade distributions to department chair at the start of the final semester of the two-year appointment period, APP and the recommendation are submitted through the proper channels up to the President for final decision.
    • If not promoted, title remains Adjunct Lecturer and employee continues to be eligible for one-year Term appointments as stated in #2 above (with the understanding that employment could end with the required 45-day notice or salary, benefits, or any other rights or privilege would end if classroom enrollment is inadequate).

      * "APP" is the "Search and Transaction APP Form" that must be completed for any employment related transaction.
  4. During or after the 14th consecutive semester (approximately 7 years of continuous employment)
    • If the employee does not wish to be considered for, or does not qualify for, promotion then he or she continues to follow the guidelines in #3 above.
    • To be considered for promotion to Adjunct Associate Professor, an eligible adjunct faculty member completes a Teaching Portfolio demonstrating mastery of subject matter, sustained teaching effectiveness and continuous growth and submits it to the department chair. The department chair completes the evaluation form with recommendation for reappointment and completes APP. APP and the recommendation are submitted through the proper channels up to the President for final decision.
    • Terminal degree is required for promotion to this level.
    • If promoted, the employee would receive a two-year appointment (with the understanding that employment could end with the required 45 day notice or salary, benefits, or any other rights or privilege would end if classroom enrollment is inadequate).
      • Title changes to Adjunct Associate Professor at the start of the 15th consecutive semester.
      • Employee submits student evaluations, each distinct syllabus and all grade distributions to department chair at the start of the final semester in the two-year appointment period. APP and the recommendation are submitted through the proper channels up to the President for final decision.
      • Article 20.17 of the current State/UUP Agreement governs any salary adjustment that might be considered with a promotion.
    • If not promoted, title remains Adjunct Assistant Professor and employee continues to be eligible for two-year Term appointments as stated in #3 above (with the understanding that employment could end with the required 45-day notice or salary, benefits, or any other rights or privilege would end if classroom enrollment is inadequate).
  5. During or after the 24th consecutive semester (approximately 12 years of continuous employment)
    • If the employee does not wish to be considered for, or does not qualify for, promotion then he or she continues to follow the guidelines in #4 above.
    • To be considered for promotion to Adjunct Professor, an eligible adjunct faculty member completes a Teaching Portfolio demonstrating mastery of subject matter and sustained teaching effectiveness and distinctive continuous growth and submits it to the department chair. The department chair completes the evaluation form with recommendation for reappointment and completes APP. APP and the recommendation are submitted through the proper channels up to the President for final decision.
    • Terminal degree is required for promotion to this level.
    • If promoted, the employee receives a three-year appointment (with the understanding that employment could end with the required 45-day notice or salary, benefits, or any other rights or privilege would end if classroom enrollment is inadequate).
      • Title changes to Adjunct Professor at the start of the 21st consecutive semester.
      • Employee submits student evaluations, each distinct syllabus and all grade distributions to department chair at the start of the final semester in the two-year appointment period. APP and the recommendation are submitted through the proper channels up to the President for final decision.
      • Article 20.17 of the current State/UUP Agreement governs any salary adjustment that might be considered with a promotion.
    • If not promoted, title remains Adjunct Associate Professor and employee continues to be eligible for two-year Term appointments as stated in #4 above (with the understanding that employment could end with the required 45-day notice or salary, benefits, or any other rights or privilege would end if classroom enrollment is inadequate).

An adjunct faculty member is evaluated in four areas related to teaching during the academic year:

  1. course planning and preparation
  2. classroom instruction
  3. evaluating student learning and providing feedback
  4. continuous growth related to teaching

Each faculty member is responsible for supplying all relevant information in the form of a teaching portfolio which the department chair uses to determine if the faculty member “Exceeds”, “Meets,” or “Does Not Meet” expectations in each of the four areas-and to establish an overall rating for that faculty member. An adjunct faculty member is not eligible for promotion if he or she receives a “Does Not Meet'' in any area of the evaluation during the preceding year.

By the established deadline, the department chair must write and then upload a narrative evaluation and provide a recommendation to accompany the adjunct faculty evaluation form. A faculty member may choose to respond to the chair's evaluation. In that case, the response must be posted within 10 calendar days of receiving notice of the chair's evaluation.

After the chair submits the evaluation and the adjunct faculty member provides a written response (if desired), the appropriate dean indicates his or her recommendation on the evaluation form. Subsequently, the Provost will also provide a recommendation. The President makes the final decision regarding continued employment and promotion status of the candidate.

Adjunct Faculty Evaluation

Department Chair:


Adjunct Faculty Member:

Purpose of the evaluation (check one):

  • ( ) Renewal
  • ( ) Promotion

Chair Narrative: Attach no more than a one-page statement addressing the candidate’s teaching performance during the evaluation period.

Area Rating: Exceeds, Meets, Does Not Meet Expectations

  1. Course planning and preparation.
  2. Classroom instruction.
    *Sustained teaching effectiveness is required for promotion to Adjunct Associate and Adjunct Professor
  3. Evaluating student learning and providing feedback.
  4. Continuous teaching growth.
    *For promotion to Adjunct Professor distinctive continuous growth is required

Overall Rating (Exceeds, Meets, Does Not Meet Expectations)

Chair Recommendation:

  • ( ) Renew
  • ( ) Nonrenew
  • ( ) Promote
  • ( ) Do Not Promote
    (If Applicable)

Dean Recommendation:

  • ( ) Renew
  • ( ) Nonrenew
  • ( ) Promote
  • ( ) Do Not Promote
    (If Applicable)

Provost Recommendation:

  • ( ) Renew
  • ( ) Nonrenew
  • ( ) Promote
  • ( ) Do Not Promote
    (If Applicable)

The teaching portfolio provides:

  1. self-assessment for documenting the improvement of teaching, and
  2. evaluation of teaching performance for renewal and/or promotion.

The portfolio addresses the following areas related to teaching:

  • course planning and preparation,
  • classroom instruction,
  • evaluating student learning and providing feedback, and
  • continuous growth related to teaching.

The portfolio demonstrates that the faculty member:

  • provided written course requirements and policies at the beginning of the semester,
  • was well prepared for class,
  • presented well-organized course materials,
  • encouraged students to ask questions and make comments relevant to course content,
  • treated students with respect,
  • presented and explained ideas effectively,
  • used fair methods of assessment that reflected course content, and
  • met classes regularly as scheduled.

Components of the Adjunct Faculty Teaching Portfolio

The Adjunct Faculty Teaching Portfolio includes two sections:

  1. Background, and
  2. Evidence of Teaching Performance and the candidate’s self-assessment.

The Background Section establishes a starting point for the instructor’s self-assessment and includes:

  1. Narrative statement of teaching philosophy (one page or less single spaced) addressing your conception of teaching and learning, containing a description of how you teach, and providing a rationale for your pedagogical approach. It might also include items such as a discussion of courses taught, methods of assessing student learning, teaching style, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and instructional goals.
  2. Curriculum Vitae summarizing professional and educational experience relevant to current teaching assignments and providing evidence of continuing growth and mastery of the subject matter of the discipline.
  3. Syllabi for each distinct course taught by the instructor.
  4. Statistical results from the administration of the College-wide student evaluation of instruction instrument for all courses taught during the period of the review. Provide mean scores compared with the departmental average and the College average and include the number of students registered and the number of individuals completing evaluation forms for each section.
  5. Grade distribution data, including numbers and percentages for each section for each of the semesters included in the review period.
  6. One classroom observation by a peer or department chair.

The Evaluation of Teaching Performance Section consists of "data entries," and a narrative statement that contextualizes those data entries in regard to the evaluation criteria noted above.

Faculty members may choose no more than 5 data entries. Example data entries include:

  • Course Assignments,
  • Examinations,
  • Instructional materials prepared by the instructor to include handouts and audio-visual aids,
  • Documented use of technology in class content design and delivery,
  • Evidence of participation in seminars and workshops intended to improve teaching,
  • Evidence of continuous development of assigned courses over time,
  • Publications and conferences related to teaching,
  • Written comments from students,
  • Results from peer observations of classroom instruction,
  • Learning outcomes assessment results.

Other types of data entries are permissible.

The Evaluation of Teaching Performance narrative statement (one to two pages) summarizes and comments on the selected data entries and provides the reader with a comprehensive understanding of the instructor's level of performance during the review period. It may also include a discussion of changes in teaching philosophy as a result of compiling the teaching portfolio.

i This section will be revised to reflect changes in the form used to elicit student feedback.

REVISED SIDE LETTER To MOU on Adjunct Lecturer Promotion & Evaluation Program

This revised side letter is a commitment between SUNY Oneonta and the local UUP Chapter pertaining to the Memorandum of Understanding-Adjunct Lecturer Promotion & Evaluation Program dated and signed May 13, 2019. Revisions have been reviewed and approved by both management and UUP.

  1. All procedures, requirements and instruments stated in the Memorandum of Understanding and its Attachments are in full effect.
  2. The following items are agreed to that clarify salary increments, process and eligibility:
    1. The salary increments will be as follows: $500 for Adjunct Assistant Professor; $300 for Adjunct Associate Professor; $300 for Adjunct Professor
    2. The initial roll-out will occur in fall, 2019.
      1. The amount received will be a $500 increment.
      2. To qualify for the Adjunct Assistant Professor, the adjunct faculty member must have at least a master's degree.
      3. Eligible adjunct faculty who wish to be considered as part of the initial roll-out will need to submit the following materials to signify their mastery of subject matter and teaching effectiveness: student evaluations, each distinct syllabus and all grade distributions for the 2018-19 academic year. These will need to be submitted to the department chair by a date to determined.
      4. Initial roll-out will only provide the one-time opportunity to be promoted to Adjunct Assistant Professor using the process outlined above. Adjunct faculty who wish to be considered for higher level positions must follow the process and timeline as outlined for all adjunct faculty and submit proper paperwork for each level as required in the guidelines.
      5. Teaching-development funds will be made available to adjunct faculty to apply for consideration in fall, 2019.
  3. After the initial eligibility roll-out in fall, 2019, adjunct faculty wishing to be considered for promotion will follow the standard timeline as stated in the Memorandum of Understanding. No more than one promotion will be considered in any 12 month period.
    1. During or after the 8th consecutive semester (approximately 4 years of continuous employment) If promoted, the employee receives a $500 salary increase per three or four credit hour course and a two year appointment (with the understanding that employment could end with the required 45-day notice or salary, benefits, or any other rights or privilege would end if classroom enrollment is inadequate).
    2. During or after the 14th consecutive semester (approximately 7 years of continuous employment) If promoted, the employee would receive a $300 salary increase per three or four credit course and a two-year appointment (with the understanding that employment could end with the required 45-day notice or salary, benefits, or any other rights or privilege would end if classroom enrollment is inadequate).
    3. During or after the 24th consecutive semester (approximately 12 years of continuous employment)
  4. If promoted, the employee receives a $300 salary increase per three or four credit course and a three ­year appointment (with the understanding that employment could end with the required 45-day notice or salary, benefits, or any other rights or privilege would end if classroom enrollment is inadequate).
  5. This program applies ONLY to standard 3 and 4 credit courses during the fall and spring semester taught by teaching adjunct faculty.
  6. This program does NOT apply to the following categories of employees:
    1. Retirees
    2. UP-8
    3. Pure Extra Service
    4. Other types of appointments such as (but not limited to) fee based, labs and applied music.
  7. Local Memorandum of Agreement are not subject to review in the grievance process.
  8. Nothing in this MOA shall preclude any bargaining unit member's rights under the Agreement between the State of New York and the United University Professions.
  9. Nothing in this MOA shall preclude management administrative officers of the College from taking such action(s) as the College deems necessary to meet notice requirements in the event of non-renewal of term appointments.
  10. This agreement will be reviewed, for possible renegotiation, if needed by either management or UUP, at the end of three years following the implementation date.

Revised: August 9, 2019