Adjunct Faculty Promotion, Renewal and Evaluation Program

Important Dates

Timeline For Review Of Renewal And Promotion Applications
Action Date Due by
Candidate application to Chair Feb. 3, 2025
Chair recommendation to Dean Feb. 24, 2025
Dean recommendation to Provost Mar. 10, 2025
Provost recommendation to President Mar. 24, 2025
Candidate notified of the decision Apr. 10, 2025

Teaching Portfolio

The Adjunct Faculty Teaching Portfolio includes two sections:

  1. Background.
  2. Evidence of Teaching Performance and the candidate’s self-assessment.

The Background Section establishes a starting point for the instructor’s self-assessment and includes:

  1. Narrative statement of teaching philosophy (one page or less single spaced) addressing your conception of teaching and learning, containing a description of how you teach, and providing a rationale for your pedagogical approach. It might also include items such as a discussion of courses taught, methods of assessing student learning, teaching style, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and instructional goals.
  2. Curriculum Vitae summarizing professional and educational experience relevant to current teaching assignments and providing evidence of continuing growth and mastery of the subject matter of the discipline.
  3. Syllabi for each distinct course taught by the instructor.
  4. Statistical results from the administration of SUNY Oneonta-wide student evaluation of instruction instrument for all courses taught during the period of the review. Provide mean scores compared with the departmental average and the university average and include the number of students registered and the number of individuals completing evaluation forms for each section.
  5. Grade distribution data, including numbers and percentages for each section for each of the semesters included in the review period.
  6. One classroom observation by a peer or department chair.

The Evaluation of Teaching Performance Section consists of “data entries,” and a narrative statement that contextualizes those data entries in regard to the evaluation criteria noted above.

Faculty members may choose no more than 5 data entries. Example data entries include:

  • Course Assignments,
  • Examinations,
  • Instructional materials prepared by the instructor to include handouts and audio-visual aids,
  • Documented use of technology in class content design and delivery,
  • Evidence of participation in seminars and workshops intended to improve teaching,
  • Evidence of continuous development of assigned courses over time,
  • Publications and conferences related to teaching,
  • Written comments from students,
  • Results from peer observations of classroom instruction,
  • Learning outcomes assessment results.

Other types of data entries are permissible.

The Evaluation of Teaching Performance narrative statement (one to two pages) summarizes and comments on the selected data entries and provides the reader with a comprehensive understanding of the instructor's level of performance during the review period. It may also include a discussion of changes in teaching philosophy as a result of compiling the teaching portfolio.

The teaching portfolio provides:

  1. self-assessment for documenting the improvement of teaching, and
  2. evaluation of teaching performance for renewal and/or promotion.

The portfolio addresses the following areas related to teaching:

  • course planning and preparation,
  • classroom instruction,
  • evaluating student learning and providing feedback, and
  • continuous growth related to teaching.

The portfolio demonstrates that the faculty member:

  • provided written course requirements and policies at the beginning of the semester,
  • was well prepared for class,
  • presented well-organized course materials,
  • encouraged students to ask questions and make comments relevant to course content,
  • treated students with respect,
  • presented and explained ideas effectively,
  • used fair methods of assessment that reflected course content, and
  • met classes regularly as scheduled.