Faculty Offices

Department Chairs/ Unit Directors will coordinate office space as required to new staff and faculty members.

Faculty wishing to change offices must have the approval of their department chair or unit director. Moves will be made according to department guidelines subject to the Dean's approval. Staff offices moves are subject to VP's approval

The Facilities and Planning Office is ultimately responsible to make sure faculty and staff are moving into clean offices. Our "office space guarantee" is that if a department notifies Facilities of office vacancies by June 1, we will ensure faculty will have the use of that clean office by August 1.

New Faculty and Staff should make note of the following:

Everything hinges on you signing your Contract letter and returning it to Human Resources. Nothing will happen until Employee Services gets your signed Contract letter and enters you on the University's system.

  • Keys for your office must be picked up in person and signed for between the hours of 7:00 am and 3:00 pm Monday through Friday at the Maintenance Operations Center.
  • ID cards (used for gaining card access to buildings) can be obtained at the ID Office at the Red Dragon Outfitters building next to Hunt Union. If you have not signed your Contract Letter and returned it, your name will not be in the system, and you cannot get an ID card. Card Access requests should come from your Department Chair or Manager - see the key and card access page for more details.
  • A signed Contract Letter also spawns a process to generate your Campus Computer Network Username and Password.

The following rules are codified by the New York State Fire Code, the New York State Department of Health, the New York State Education Department and University Policy:

  • You will not be reimbursed for any items you buy for your office- such as carpeting, bookshelves or chairs.
  • You cannot stay overnight in your office.
  • You cannot bring pets into your office
  • You cannot store items - especially books, papers, or any other flammable items - closer than 2 feet to the ceiling or light fixtures.
  • You cannot block the door into your office from opening all the way
  • You cannot use candles in your office or have an open flame of any kind.
  • You can only use approved power strips to create multiple electrical outlets in your office.
  • If you feel that the temperature of your workspace is inadequate, you should put in a Work Request with the Maintenance Operations Center – we will assess the situation, and if it cannot be remedied we may approve your use of a supplemental heater as long as you get one that meets appropriate standards, plug it directly into a wall outlet, and orient it safely. If any heater fails to meet these criteria or trips circuit breakers, we will not approve its use.
  • Your office is subject to yearly fire inspections.

During the annual fire inspections we will check for :

  • Unapproved extension cords or improper usage.
  • Unapproved heaters, or the existence of any open-flame device.
  • Excessive flammable load on walls- no more than 20 percent of the wall space may be covered by paper or other flammable material.
  • Flammable material too close to a heat source, or any items stored within 24" of a ceiling.
  • General housekeeping - Office clean, appropriate aisles maintained, door can open all the way.


Facilities Planning
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, NY 13820

103 Service Building
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, NY 13820

Work Requests

Any inaccuracies in documents or content should be reported by email or phone.

Emergency Information

During Normal Operation Hours
(Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.)
Please Call the Maintenance Operations Center office at 607-436-2507.

After Hours and Weekends
Call University Police at 607-436-3550 - they will relay the call to our onsite second/third shift staff.

In the event of emergency responses on campus that may affect normal operations (water main breaks, storm damage, power outages... things like that) we will prominently post information on our site and also distribute email notifications as necessary.