BFS Publications

Published Papers

BFS research is summarized in Annual Reports, Occasional Papers, Technical Reports and in refereed scientific journals.

  • Annual reports summarize the research undertaken by faculty, staff, students, interns, and volunteers at the BFS each year
  • Occasional papers are lengthy reports not appropriate to include in annual reports (i.e. Masters Theses and Lake Management Plans by Thesis Track LM Students)
  • Technical Reports are studies undertaken in our role as environmental consultants and Lake Management Plans by PSM Track students.

These reports are in PDF format. To view them, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. It can be downloaded from Most recent reports are at the top.

Occasional Papers - No. 1 Through 80
Volume Number Title, Author, & date
No. 80 A Preliminary Overview of Fisheries & Aquaculture in Haiti. John R. Foster and Zachary R. Diehl. 2022.
No. 79 The State of Round Lake. Sinéad C. Comerford. January 2023.
No. 78 The state of Piseco Lake, 1993-2021. Marshall Arnwine. June 2022.
No. 77 Management plan and state of the lake report for Paradox Lake, NY. Dan S. Stich and Alexa Tumbarello. June 2022.
No. 76 The State of East Caroga Lake and its Watershed. Lucas LeTarte. June 2022.
No. 75 The State of Crumhorn Lake, 2021 and A Plan for the Management of Crumhorn Lake. David Pfuhler. February 2021.
No. 74 The State of Lake Forest and Lake Allure, NY 2020 and a plan for the management of Lakes Forest and Allure. Samantha R. Carey. January 2021.
No. 73 The State of Big Bowman Pond and A Plan for the Management of Big Bowman Pond. George C. Smith. 2020.
No. 72 SUNY Oneonta Biological Field Station Changes Over the First 50 Years, 1967 - 2017: A Summary. Willard N. Harman. July 2020.
No. 71 Understanding climate impacts on American shad recovery, fisheries management, and influences of dams. Erin K. Gilligan. May 2020.
No. 70 Population Dynamics of Spawning Walleye in Otsego Lake, NY. Hayley B. Dower. February 2020.
No. 69 A State of the Wetland Report and Comprehensive Management Plan for the Koinonia Property. Sonja L. Wixom. February 2020.
No. 68 State of Lake Ronkonkoma, 2019 and Comprehensive Management Plan for Lake Ronkonkoma. Monica Matt. October 2019.
No. 67 The State of the Lake Report and Comprehensive Management Plans for Song Lake, Crooked Lake and Tully Lake. Stradder C. Caves. August 2019.
No. 66 The State of Butterfield Lake, NY and A Plan for the Management of Butterfield Lake. David S. Andrews. May 2019.
No. 65 The State of Cassadaga Lakes, 2019 and A Plan for the Management of Cassadaga Lakes. Joseph R. O'Reilly. May 2019.
No. 64 The State of Sixberry Lake and A Plan for the Management of Sixberry Lake. Kathleen Marean. May 2019.
No. 63 A comprehensive management plan for Lake of the Woods and Boyd Pond, New York. Ryan J. Elliott. January 2019.

No. 62

The State of the Lake and Comprehensive Management Plan for Lake Mohegan and The State of the Lake and Comprehensive Management Plan for Thunder Lake. Patrick Goodwin, December 2018

No. 61

Millsite Lake: State of the Lake and Management Plan. Luke J. Gervase, November 2018

No. 60

Emerald Green Lakes Comprehensive Management Plan. Maxine Verteramo (with edits by W.N. Harman). November 2018

No. 59

The State of DeRuyter Reservoir, Madison County, NY and a Plan for the Management of DeRuyter Reservoir. Leah Gorman, July 2018

No. 58

An Integrative Taxonomic Approach to Understanding Diversity in Neoechinorhynchus (Acanthocephala) Species in North America. Margaret L. Doolin, July 2018

No. 57

The State of Windover Lake, Warren County, New York, and a Management Plan to Address Stakeholder Concerns. Jenna Leskovec (with edits by W.N. Harman), June 2018

No. 56

Comprehensive lake management plan, Goodyear Lake, Otsego County, NY. Caitlin A. Stroosnyder, January 2018

No. 55

The state of Rushford Lake, 2016. Edward J. Kwietniewski, October 2017

No. 54

The state of Truesdale Lake & Truesdale Lake management plan. Christian F. Jenne, July 2017

No. 53

The state of Brant Lake & Brant Lake management plan. Alejandro Reyes, December 2016

No. 52

Determining effective decontamination methods for watercraft exposed to zebra mussels, Dreissena polymorpha (Palla 1776), that do not use hot water with high pressure spray. Eric A. Davis, August 2016

No. 51

Comprehensive Lake Management Plan, Lake Moraine, Madison County, NY. Benjamin P. German, September 2016

No. 50

Cazenovia Lake: A Comprehensive Management Plan. Daniel Kopec, November 2015

No. 49

A Scenario-Based Framework for Lake Management Plans: A Case Study of Grass Lake & A Management Plan for Grass Lake. Owen Zaengle, October 2015

No. 48

Monitoring of Seasonal Algal Succession and Characterization of the Phytoplankton Community: Canadarago Lake, Otsego County, NY & Canadarago Lake Watershed Protection Plan. Carter L. Bailey, March 2015

No. 47

The State of Hatch Lake and Bradley Brook Reservoir, 2015 & A Plan for the Management of Hatch Lake and Bradley Brook Reservoir. Jason E. Luce, March 2015

No. 46

The State of Panther Lake, 2014 & The Management of Panther Lake and its Watershed. Derek K. Johnson, March 2015.

No. 45

The Use of Radium Isotopes and Water Chemistry to Determine Patterns of Groundwater Recharge to Otsego Lake, Otsego County, New York. Elias J. Moskal, August 2009

No. 44

Water Chestnut (Trapa natans L.) Infestation in the Susquehanna River Watershed: Population Assessment, Control, and Effects. Willow Eyres, June 2009

No. 43

The Upper Susquehanna watershed project: A fusion of science and pedagogy. Todd Paternoster. August 2006

No. 42

The behavior of lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush (Walbaum, 1792) in Otsego Lake: A documentation of the strains, movements and the natural reproduction of lake trout under present conditions. Wesley T. Tibbits, June 2007

No. 41

1. The role of small lake-outlet streams in the dispersal of Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) veligers in the Upper Susquehanna River Basin in New York.
2. Eaton Brook reservoir boaters: Habits, zebra mussel awareness, and adult zebra mussel dispersal via boaters.
(begins on Pg. 20) Michael S. Gray, September 2005

No. 40

Re-introduction of walleye to Otsego Lake: Re-establishing a fishery and subsequent influences of a top predator. Mark D. Cornwell, September 2005

No. 39

The benthic macroinvertebrates of Butternut Creek, New York. Michael F. Stensland, June 2005.

No. 38

Biocontrol of Eurasian Water-Milfoil in central New York State: Myriophyllum spicatum L., its insect herbivores, and associated fish. Paul H. Lord, August 2004

No. 37

Plans for the programmatic use and management of the State University of New York College at Oneonta Biological Field Station Upland Natural Resources. Willard N. Harman, May 2003

No. 36

Fisheries Survey of Peck Lake, Fulton County, New York. Laurie A.Trotta, June 2002

No. 35

Geochemistry of surface and subsurface water flow in the Otsego Lake basin, Otsego County, New York. Andrew R.Fetterman, June 2001

No. 34

Trout movements on the Delaware River System tail waters in New York State. Scott D. Stanton, September 2000

No. 33

Moe Pond limnology and fish population biology: An ecosystem approach. C. Mead McCoy, C. P. Madenjian, V. J. Adams, W. N. Harman, D. M. Warner, M. F. Albright and L. P. Sohacki, January 2000

No. 32

Alewives in Otsego Lake NY: A comparison of their direct and indirect mechanisms of impact on transparency and chlorophyll a. D. M. Warner, December, 1999

No. 31

A self guided tour of Goodyear Swamp Sanctuary. W. N. Harman and B. Higgins (Revised by J. Lopez), 1998

No. 30

The State of Otsego Lake 1936-1996. W. N. Harman, L. P. Sohacki, M. F. Albright, January 1997
See the Otsego Lake page for individual sections.

No. 29

Hydrological and nutrient budgets for Otsego Lake, NY. and relationships between land form/ use and export rates of its sub-basins. M. F. Albright, L. P. Sohacki, W. N. Harman, June 1996

No. 28

Nested sub-sets of songbirds in Upstate New York Woodlots. -D. Dempsey, March 1996

No. 27

A limnological and biological survey of Weaver Lake, Herkimer County, New York. -C. A. MacArthur, August 1995

No. 26

Quantitative analysis of periphyton biomass and identification of periphyton in the tributaries of Otsego Lake, NY in relation to selected environmental parameters. S. H. Komorosky, July 1994

No. 25

Biological Field Station safety and health manual. -W. N. Harman. May 1994

No. 24

The biology, invasion and control of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in North America. Otsego Lake Watershed Planning Report No.3. Leanne Maxwell, February 1992

No. 23

A model land use plan for the Otsego Lake Watershed. Phase II: The chemical limnology and water quality of Otsego Lake, New York. Otsego Lake Watershed Planning Report Nos. 2a, 2b. -T. J. Iannuzzi, January 1991

No. 22

The lake book: a guide to reducing water pollution at home. Lake Otsego Planning Report #1. W. N. Harman, March 1990

No. 21

The aquatic invertebrates of the Goodyear Swamp Sanctuary, Otsego Lake, Otsego County, New York. -Robert J. Montione, April 1989

No. 20

The Chironomidae of Otsego Lake with keys to the immature stages of the subfamilies Tanypodinae and Diamesinae (Diptera). -J. P. Fagani and W. N. Harman, August 1987

No. 19

A self guided tour of the Goodyear Swamp Sanctuary. -W. N. Harman and B. Higgins, February 1986

No. 18

Ecological determinants of distribution for several small mammals: A central New York perspective.Daniel Osenni, November 1984

No. 17

The potential use of wood as a supplemental energy source for Otsego County, New York: A preliminary examination. Edward M. Mathieu, February 1984

No. 16

The effect of the internal seiche on zooplankton distribution in Lake Otsego. J. K. Hill, October 1983

No. 15

The fishes of Otsego Lake (2nd edition). R. C. MacWatters, July 1983

No. 14

Hibernating bat populations in eastern New York State. Donald B. Clark. June 1983

No. 13

The systematics and ecology of Najadicola ingens (Koenike 1896) (Acarina: Hydrachnidia) in Otsego Lake, New York. Thomas Simmon, April 1983

No. 12

Mating, aggression, and cement gland development in the crayfish, Cambarus bartoni. Richard E. Thomas, Jr., February 1983

No. 11

Some aspects of predator recognition and anti-predator behavior in the Black-capped chickadee (Parus atricapillus). A. Kevin Gleason, November 1982

No. 10

The dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata: Anisoptera and Zygoptera) of Otsego County, New York with illustrated keys to genera and species. L. S. House III, September 1982

No. 9

Pictorial keys to the aquatic mollusks of the upper Susquehanna. W. N. Harman, April 1982

No. 8

The ecology of the aquatic macrophytes of Rat Cove, Otsego Lake, N.Y. F. A. Vertucci, W. N. Harman and J. H. Perverly, December 1981

No. 7

The fishes of Otsego Lake. R. C. MacWatters, May 1980

No. 6

The distribution and ecology of the aquatic molluscan fauna of the Black River drainage basin in northern New York. D. E. Buckley, April 1977

No. 5

A history and description of the Biological Field Station (1966-1977). W. N. Harman, November 1977

No. 4

An ecology of the Unionidae of Otsego Lake with special references to the immature stages. G. P. Weir, November 1977

No. 3

A basic limnology of Otsego Lake (Summary of research 1968-75). W. N. Harman and L. P. Sohacki, June 1976

No. 2

The relationship of age, growth and food habits to the relative success of the whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and the cisco (C. artedi) in Otsego Lake, New York. A. J. Newell, April 1976

No. 1

The diet and feeding habits of the terrestrial stage of the common newt, Notophthalmus viridescens (Raf.) M. C. MacNamara, April 1976

Technical Reports
Volume Number Title, Author, & date
No. 39 Anawanda Lake - Characteristics, Lake Quality & Management Plan. H. Murphy. May 2021.
No. 38 Interim Management Plan, Pleasant Lake, Fulton County, NY. C. Maier. 2021.
No. 37 Issue Based Management Plan: Beaver Lake, NY. C. Sosa. October 2020.
No. 36 State of the lake and interim management plan, Lake Huntington, Sullivan County, NY. Z. Diehl. September 2019.
No. 35 Management update for Tuxedo Lake, Orange County, New York. K. Kilson. September 2019.
No. 34 Kinderhook Lake Interim Management Plan. A. Setteducate. September 2019.
No. 33 A scientific evaluation of bacterial digesting products in a storm water pond in Volusia County FL, USA. P. Goodwin, CLM. March 2019.

No. 32

Interim management plan, Plymouth Reservoir, Chenango County, NY. P. Rose, D. Andrews, J.B. Casscles, S. Caves, M. Matt, and D. Stich, December 2018.

No. 31b Aquatic Invasive Species Surveys of Five New York City Water Supply Reservoirs and Molecular Sampling. W. Harman, H. Waterfield, J. Heilveil. April 2017.
No. 31a Aquatic Macrophyte Management Plan Facilitation Lake Moraine, Madison County, NY 2011.
No. 30 The State of Canadarago Lake, 2011. M. Albright and H. Waterfield. February 2012. Executive Summary is available separately.
No. 29 Aquatic Macrophyte Management Plan Facilitation Lake Moraine, Madison County, NY 2010.
No. 28 Limnological and Fishery Survey of a Privately Owned Fishing Preserve.
No. 27 Aquatic Macrophyte Management Plan Facilitation Lake Moraine, Madison County, NY 2009.
No. 26 Aquatic Macrophyte Management Plan Facilitation Lake Moraine, Madison County, NY 2008.
No. 25 Aquatic Macrophyte Management Plan Facilitation Lake Moraine, Madison County, NY 2007.
No. 24 Trapa natans: Invasions and Effects and Water Chestnut (Trapa natans L.) in an Oneonta, NY Wetland. March, 2007.
No. 23 Aquatic Macrophyte Management Plan Facilitation Lake Moraine, Madison County, NY 2006.
No. 22 Aquatic Macrophyte Management Plan Facilitation Lake Moraine, Madison County, NY 2004. March, 2006.
No. 21 Establishing a Connection: A Survey of Eurasian Water-Milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum), its Insect Herbivores and Fish in Eight Madison County Lakes. March, 2003. Executive Summary available separately.
No. 20 Continued Monitoring of Vegetative Succession Along the Volney-Marcy South Right-of-Way, Summer 2003. March, 2003.
No. 19 Aquatic Macrophyte Management Plan Facilitation Lake Moraine, Madison County, NY 2003. February 2004.
No. 18 Augmentation of the "Aquatic Macrophyte Moth" (Acentria ephemerella) into Lebanon Reservoir for Control of Eurasian Water-Milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) and Follow-up Monitoring of Fish, Insects and Water-Milfoil. March, 2003.
No. 17 Summary of Water Quality Monitoring of the Otsego Lake Watershed: 1998-2002. February, 2002.
No. 16 Report on the 4th Year of Monitoring the New York Power Authority Transmission Line Right-of-Way within Greenwoods Conservancy, summer 2002. February, 2003.
No. 15 Aquatic Macrophyte Management Plan Facilitation Moraine Lake, Madison County, NY 2002.
No. 14 Report on the 3rd Year of Monitoring the New York Power Authority Transmission Line Right-of-Way within Greenwoods Conservancy, Otsego County, NY 2001. March, 2002.
No. 13 Aquatic Macrophyte Management Plan Facilitation Moraine Lake, Madison County, NY 2001.
No. 12 Limnological Investigations of Four Small Lakes for the Development of Management Recommendations. January, 2002.
No. 11 Report on the 2nd Year of Monitoring the New York Power Authority Transmission Line Right-of-Way within Greenwoods Conservancy, Otsego County, New York 2002.
No. 10 The Aquatic Macrophytes of Madison County: A Preliminary Survey of Nine Selected Lakes. February, 2001.
No. 9 Aquatic Macrophyte Management Plan Facilitation Moraine Lake, Madison County, NY 2000. December, 2000.
No. 8 Report on the First Year of Monitoring the New York Power Authority Transmission Line Right-of-Way within Greenwoods Conservancy, Otsego County, New York 1999. February, 2000.
No. 7 The Nuisance Aquatic Macrophytes of Oswego County. Management Plan Facilitation: 1998-9 Update on the Distributions of Plants in 15 Selected Aquatic Environments. February, 2000.
No. 6 Aquatic Macrophyte Management Plan Facilitation Moraine Lake, Madison County, NY 1999. February, 2000.
No. 5 Aquatic Macrophyte Management Plan Facilitation Moraine Lake, Madison County, NY 1998. December, 1998.
No. 4 Panther Lake Aquatic Macrophyte Management Plan Facilitation: 1998 Update on the Distributions of Nuisance Plants. November, 1998.
No. 3 Macrobenthic Invertebrate Survey of Waneta and Lamoka Lakes, Schuyler County, September 16, 1996 and May 12, 1997. November, 1997.
No. 2 An Aquatic Macrophyte Survey of Lake Moraine, Madison County, summer 1997, as related to management efforts utilizing Sonar.
No. 1 An Analysis of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) as it Relates to the North Fork Hughes Fiver Watershed Project. Ritchie County, West Virginia. May, 1997.

Erickson, R.A., D.S. Stich, and J.L. Hebert (2022) fishStan: Hierarchical Bayesian models for fisheries. The Journal of Open Source Software. Published 21 March 2022. DOI: 10.21105/joss.03444 [Open Access]

Uhrovič, D., M. Oros, F. Reyda, O. Kudlai, and T. Scholz (2021) Redescription of Biacetabulum giganteum Hunter, 1929 (Cestoda: Caryophyllidea), description of two new, closely related species from suckers (Catostomidae) in North America, and a critical review of host specificity of species of Biacetabulum Hunter, 1927. Systematics and Biodiversity. Published online 14 October 2021.

Sholz, T., A. Choudhury, and F. Reyda (2021) The Proteocephalus species-aggregate (Cestoda) in cyprinoids, pike, eel, smelt and cavefish of the Nearctic region (North America): diversity, host associations and distribution. Systematic Parasitology. doi: 10.1007/s11230-021-09975-3.

*Herzog, K.S., R. S. *Meininger, and F. B. Reyda (2021). A new species of elasmobranch tapeworm in the genus Stillabothrium (Rhinebothriidea: Escherbothriidee) from a stingray from Borneo. Comparative Parasitology. 88(1) 34–40.

Caves, S, JR Baumann, and DS Stich (2021) Density-dependent changes in Grass Carp growth and mortality in long-term aquatic plant management. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 41:355-365. [code]

George, SD, DS Stich, and BP Baldigo (2021) Considerations of variability and power for long-term monitoring of stream fish assemblages. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 78:301-311. Open access.

Gilligan-Lunda, EK, DS Stich, KE Mills, MM Bailey, and JD Zydlewski (2021) Climate change may cause shifts in growth and instantaneous natural mortality of American Shad throughout their native range. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 150:407-421.

Oliver, DO, N Rude, GW Whitledge, and DS Stich (2021) Evaluation of recently implemented harvest regulations in a data-limited catfish fishery with Bayesian estimation. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 41:S364-S378.

Sotola, VA, KT Sullivan, BM Littrell, NH Martin, DS Stich, and TH Bonner (2021) Short-term responses of freshwater mussels to floods in a southwestern U.S.A. river estimated using mark-recapture sampling. Freshwater Biology 66:349-361. [code]

Vlk, A, E Bastiaans, D Stich, and D Vogler (2021) Effect of anthropogenic habitat disturbance on the nesting ecology of the wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta). Amphibian and Reptile Conservation 15(2):50-58.

Zydlewski, J, DS Stich, S Roy, M Bailey, T Sheehan, and K Sprankle (2021) What Have We Lost? Modeling Dam Impacts on American Shad Populations Through Their Native Range. Frontiers in Marine Science. [Open access] [anadrofish R package].

Mullin, BR and FB Reyda (2020) High prevalence of the copepod Salmincola californiensis in steelhead trout in Lake Ontario following its recent invasion. Journal of Parasitology. 106(1): 198–200.

Lewis, ASL, BS Kim, HL Edwards, HL Wander, CM Garfield, HE Murphy, ND Poulin, SD Princiotta, KC Rose, AE Taylor, KC Weathers, CR Wigdahl-Perry, K Yokota, DC Richardson, and DA Bruesewitz (2020) Prevalence of phytoplankton limitation by both nitrogen and phosphorus related to nutrient stoichiometry, land use, and primary producer biomass across the northeastern United States. Inland Waters. DOI: 10.1080/20442041.2019.1664233.

Watson, JM, SM Coghlan, JD Zydlewski, DB Hayes, and DS Stich (2019) Role of recovering river herring Alosa spp. populations on Smallmouth Bass diet and growth. Pages 75-92 in M. J. Seipker and J. W. Quinn Editors, Managing Centrarchid Fisheries, American Fisheries Society Symposium Number 87. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.

George, SD, BP Baldigo, and DS Stich (2019) Temporal variability in stream fish assemblage metrics and implications for long-term monitoring.Ecological Indicators. 101:661-669

Reyda, FB, Wells, SM, AV Ermolenko, MS Zietara and JI Lumme (2019) Global parasite trafficking: Asian Gyrodactylus (Monogenea) arrived to the U.S.A. via invasive fish Misgurnus anquillicaudatus as a threat to amphibians. Biological Invasions. doi: 10.1007/s10530-019-02097-4

Franzem, TP, M Kugler, R LaRochelle, D Stich, A Gascho Landis, and P Lord (2019) Reproductive phenology of Elliptio complanata in the Upper Susquehanna River tributaries of New York. Northeastern Naturalist 29:119-128.

Stich, DS, TF Sheehan and JD Zydlewski (2019) A dam passage performance standard model for American shad. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 76: 762-779

Reyda, FB, CP Pommelle, ML Doolin (2019) Asian Fish Tapeworm (Schyzocotyle acheilognathi) Found in New York State for the Fist Time After a Long-Term Fish-Parasite Survey. Comparative Parasitology. 86(2):108-113

Doolin ML and FB Reyda (2018) A new species of Neoechinorhynchus (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) from white sucker (Catostomus commersonii) in New York. J. Parasitol. 104(6):671-678

Dedrick, EA, FB Reyda, EK Iwanyckyj and RT Ruhnke (2018) Two new species of Stillabothrium (Cestoda: Rhinebothriidea) from stingrays of the genus Fontitrygon from Senegal. Folia Parasitologica. 65:014. DOI: 10.14411/fp.2018.014

Yokota K, H Waterfield, C Hastings, E Davidson, E Kwietniewski, B Wells (2017) Finding the missing piece of the aquatic plastic pollution puzzle: Interaction between primary producers and microplastics. Limnology and Oceanography Letters. 2(4)

Hawkes, JP, TF Sheehan and DS Stich (2017) Assessment of Early Migration Dynamics of RIver-Specific Hatchery Atlantic Salmon Smolts. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 146:1279-1290.

Davis EA, WH Wong, and WN Harman (2016) Livewell flushing to remove zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) veligers. Management of Biological Invasions. Vol. 7

DeShon DL, WH Wong, D Farmer, and AJ Jenson (2016) The ability of scent detection canines to detect the presence of quagga mussel (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) veligers. Management of Biological Invasions. Vol. 7

Yang C, Y Sun, T Zhi, T Iwaki, FB Reyda, and T Yang (2016) Two new and one redescribed species of Acanthobothrium(Cestoda: Onchoproteocephalidea: Onchobothriidae) from Dasyatis akajei (Myliobatiformes: Dasyatidae) in the China Sea. Zootaxa. 4169(2):286-300

Heller NP, FB Reyda, and AD Heller (2016) Histopathology of Catostomus commersoni (white sucker) infected with the acanthocephalan Pomphorynchus bulbocolli. J. Parasitol. 102(5): 533-537

Reyda FB, CJ Healy, AR Haslach, TR Ruhnke, TL Aprill, MP Bergman, AL Daigler, EA Dedrick, I Delgado, KS Forti, KS Herzog, RS Russell, and DD Willsey (2016) A new genus of rhinebothriidean cestodes from batoid elasmobranchs, with the description of five new species and two new combinations. Folia Parasitologica. 63:038

Davis EA, WH Wong, WN Harman (2015) Comparison of three sodium chloride chemical treatments for adult zebra mussel decontamination. Journal of Shellfish Research 34(3):1029-1036

Marques FPL, FB Reyda (2015) Rhinebothrium jaimei sp. n. (Eucestoda: Rhinebothriidea: Rhinebothriidea): a new species from Neotropical freshwater stingrays (Potamotrygonidae). Folia Parasitologica. 62:057

Bergman MP, FB Reyda, JS Heilveil (2015) Host use of Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Acanthocephala) from the Upper Susquehanna River Basin, New York, U.S.A. Comp. Parasitol. 82(1):109-114.

Yoo A, P Lord, WH Wong (2014) Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) monitoring using navigation buoys. Management of Biological Invasions. 5(2):159-163

Kocovsky PK, LG Rudstam, DL Yule, DM Warner, T Schaner, B Pientka, JW Deller, HA Waterfield, LD Witzel, PJ Sullivan (2013) Sensitivity of fish density estimates to standard analytical procedures applied to Great Lakes hydroacoustic data. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 39:655-662

Eyring, K. L., C. J. Healy, & F. B. Reyda. (2012) A New Genus and species of cestode (Rhinebothriidea) from Mobula kuhlii(Rajiformes: Myliobatidae) from Borneo. Journal of Parasitology. 98: 584–591.

Reyda, F. B. & F. P. L. Marques. (2011) Diversification and Species Boundaries of Rhinebothrium (Cestoda; Rhinebothriidea) in South American Freshwater Stingrays (Batoidea: Potamotrygonidae). PLoS ONE 6(8): e22604. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0022604

Albright MF (2005) Changes in water quality in an urban stream following the use of organically derived deicing products. Lake and Reserv. Management 21(1):119-124.

Albright MF, WN Harman, H Meehan, S Fickbohm, S Groff and T Austin (2004) Recovery of native flora and behavioral responses by Galerucella spp. following biocontrol of purple loosestrife. Am. Midl. Nat. 152:248-254.

Albright MF, WN Harman, WT Tibbits, MS Gray, DM Warner and RJ Hamway (2004) Biomanipulation: A classic example in a shallow eutrophic pond. Lake and Reserv. Manage. 20(3)181-187.

Harman, WN, MF Albright, and DM Warner (2002) Trophic changes in Otsego Lake, NY following the introduction of the alewife (Alosa psuedoharengus). Lake and Reserv. Manage. 18(3):215-226.

Annual Reports








The Reporter

The BFS publishes The Reporter to show the current activities of the BFS.

Selected issues are available for download please contact the site administrator to request past issues.

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2019 Summer/Fall