Annual Reports 2020-2029

View or download the entire contents of the 2023 Annual Report.

56th Annual Report CONTENTS





F. Reyda




Otsego Lake limnological monitoring, 2023.

H.A. Waterfield & M.F. Albright


A survey of Otsego Lake's zooplankton community, summer 2023.

M.F. Albright


Water quality monitoring of the five major tributaries to Otsego Lake, New York 2023 results update.

B. Beck


Water quality of the Upper Susquehanna River, summer 2023. O. Allen 52

Monitoring of Total Microcystins in Otsego Lake, summer 2023

H.A. Waterfield 60
Dreissenid population dynamics during the establishment of quagga mussels (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) in Otsego Lake, 2021-2023 B. Beck, E.J. Holm and W.N. Harman 68
Parasites of coastal fish of Galveston Bay, Texas: Chandler, 1935 revisited M. Fleming, E. Bulmer and F. Reyda 84
Nutrient and discharge monitoring of the most lakeward tributary sites to Otsego Lake, New York B. Beck and M.F. Albright 89
Otsego Lake ice cover phenology, 1842-2023 (2023 update) H.A. Waterfield 104
Flood monitoring in Otsego County spring through fall 2023 L. Hasbargen 108
Quality of the yellow perch (Perca flavescens) population in Otsego Lake E. Croft and D. Stich 135
Identifying freshwater algae and cyanobacteria with BloomOptix™ AI O. Allen 141
Exploring potential hybridization within Lepomis spp. In Lake Otsego through a morphometric approach D.R. Reagan and A. Sotola 148
Fecal coliform monitoring within the tributaries of the Otsego Lake watershed, 2023 E. Croft 156
Continued trap net monitoring of Rat Cove and Brookwood Point on Otsego Lake J. Travis 160
The spatial distribution of zooplankton in Otsego Lake, summer 2023 B. Victory 166
Limnological investigations of Sparrowhawk Lake, Schenvus, NY E. Croft and M.F. Albright 177
Foraging behavior comparison of largemouth bass from Otsego Lake and the stunted 'bass-on-bass' population from Moe Pond J. Travis and C.F. Cotton 185
Taxonomic survey of macrofungi, lichens and slime molds on Biological Field Station lands in Otsego County, NY D. McLean 194
Project update: Monitoring the 2023 spring spawning runds of Rainbow Smelt (Osmerus mordax) and White Sucker (Catostomus commersonii) C.F. Cotton, B. Hefferon, E. Creedon, N. Jordan, Z. Kubsch, and A. Milucky 205
Does depth affect zebra and quagga mussel abundance in Otsego Lake, NY? T.R. Sadekoski 210
Aquatic macrophyte management plan facilitation, Lake Moraine, Madison County, NY W.N. Harman and M.F. Albright 220
First avian survey at Rum Hill in 21 years J.L. Krucina 232

View or download the entire contents of the 2022 Annual Report.

55th Annual Report CONTENTS





W.N. Harman




Otsego Lake limnological monitoring, 2022.

H.A. Waterfield & M.F. Albright


A survey of Otsego Lake's zooplankton community, summer 2022.

M.F. Albright


Water quality monitoring of the five major tributaries to Otsego Lake, New York 2022 results update.

H. A. Waterfield and E. Diaz


Water quality of the Upper Susquehanna River, summer 2022. M. Ballard 55

Fecal coliform monitoring within the five tributaries of the Otsego Lake watershed, 2022.

J.J. Johns-Pasternak 64
Total microcystins monitoring during Microcystis aeruginosa blooms in Otsego Lake, summer 2022. H.A. Waterfield 69
Predation of invasive dreissenid mussels by Otsego Lake fishes. A.T. Javitz and C.F. Cotton 78
Assessing the resistance capabilities of zebra (Dreissena polymorpha) and quagga mussel (D. rostriformis) veligers and young adults to citric acid and Simple Green®. E. Diaz, E. Bolt, M. Albright and D. Stich 83
Predator diets of selected rocky and littoral Otsego Lake fishes. K. Kiser 108
Continued trap net monitoring of Rat Cove and Brookwood Point on Otsego Lake. K. Kiser 111
An analysis of the littoral fish communities of Brookwood Point and Rat Cove. L.T. Spencer 117
Research on acanthocephalans (thorny-headed worms) from fishes of North America: New species and new puzzles. M. Flemming, G. Mendez and F. Reyda 123
Avian survey at the Upper Site, 20 years later. J.J. Johns-Pasternak 128
Age-to-length size comparison for smallmouth bass and rock bass of Otsego Lake to surrounding waterbodies. M. Ballard 156
Parasitological research in Otsego Lake and Thayer Farm Pond. M. Ondračková, M. Tkachenko, Z. Jurajdová, M. Hnilička, R. Kuchta and F.B. Reyda 161
Continued monitoring of Moe Pond, 2022. A.T. Javitz 162
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Cooperstown wastewater treatment wetland, final report. M.F. Albright 171
Third unionid survey of Oaks Creek. K. Minissale and P.H. Lord 182
Aquatic macrophyte management plan facilitation, Lake Moraine, Madison County, NY 2022. W.N. Harman, H.A. Waterfield and M.F. Albright 185
Suitability of introduced structure for yellow perch (Perca flavescens) egg attachment and their preference for natural versus man-made structures. K. Riodan and C.F. Cotton 197
Otsego Lake rainbow smelt spawning run: 2022 update. J.D. Skelton and C.F. Cotton 208
Growth of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in Otsego and Canadarago Lakes, NY. K. Minissale and D. Stich 210
Potamogeton perfoliatus Cooper’s Pondweed: Impact on Otsego Lake 2022. C. Schule 215

View or download the entire contents of the 2021 Annual Report.

54th Annual Report CONTENTS





W.N. Harman




Otsego Lake limnological monitoring, 2021.

H.A. Waterfield & M.F. Albright


A survey of Otsego Lake's zooplankton community, summer 2021.

M.F. Albright


Water quality monitoring of the five major tributaries to Otsego Lake, New York 2021 results update.

H. A. Waterfield and J. Gifford-Neubauer


Water quality of the Upper Susquehanna River, summer 2021. A. Hage 52


Survey of hemlock wooly adelgid beetles on Otsego Land Trust properties. S. Brabant, R. Cozine, and C. Tarlen 61
Changes in the diversity and abundance of underwater plants in Otsego Lake since 1935. W.N. Harman and J. Gifford-Neubauer 69
Bathymetric survey in the vicinity of the Susquehanna River and Cherry Valley Creek confluence, Town of Milford, Otsego County, NY. H.A. Waterfield and B. Guerrero 74
Discharge and suspended sediment load estimation at ungauged turbidity monitoring sites. L. Hasbargen and R. Cozine 79
A 15-year survey of parasites of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) from Otsego and Canadarago Lakes. F. Reyda, K. Silvester, A. Hidalgo, A. Loscerbo, Y. Salinas and T. Pokorny 102
Invasive rusty crayfish in the Upper Susquehanna River watershed. A. Hage and D. Stich 108
Fish diversity surveys of the Upper Susquehanna watershed. A. Hage and D. Stich 113
Changes in the macrobenthic invertebrate community in Otsego Lake between 1968 and 2021 by documentation of the percent biomass of major invertebrate taxa. W.N. Harman and J. Gifford-Neubauer 118
Changes in the diversity and character of the molluscan community in Otsego Lake between 1968 and 2021. W.N. Harman 135
Pearly mussel survey of Crane Brook at Port Byron, NY. P.H. Lord and B. Guerrero 142
Continued annual monitoring of Moe Pond, 2021. J.D. Skelton 152
Survey of macrofungi on Otsego Land Trust properties, Otsego County, NY. S. Brabant and J. Heilveil 161
Assessing the spawning run of rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) in Otsego Lake. J.D. Skelton and C.F. Cotton 168
Detection of estrogenic compounds throughout the wastewater treatment process: Collection and analysis of water samples. C. Tarlen 183
Glyphosate in the Upper Susquehanna River basin stream network: 2021 snapshot. H.A. Waterfield 189
Trap net monitoring in the weedy littoral zone at Rat Cove and rocky littoral zone of Brookwood Point, Otsego Lake, 2021. J.D. Skelton 193
Fishes of Otsego Lake: Update C.F. Cotton 199
Monitoring the effectiveness of the Cooperstown wastewater treatment wetland, 2021. M.F. Albright 201
A geospatial inventory of Otsego Lake tributaries with comments on relevant landmarks. C.F. Cotton, W.N. Harman, M.F. Albright and H.A. Waterfield 210

View or download the entire contents of the 2020 Annual Report.

53rd Annual Report CONTENTS





W.N. Harman




2020 Otsego Lake water levels.

E. Irwin & M.F. Albright


Otsego Lake limnological monitoring, 2020.

H.A. Waterfield & M.F. Albright


A survey of Otsego Lake's zooplankton community, summer 2020.

M.F. Albright


Water quality monitoring of the five major tributaries to Otsego Lake, New York 2020 results update.

H. A. Waterfield



Quagga mussel (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) establishment in Otsego Lake, 2020. S. Coney 51
The ever-changing lake trout fishery of Otsego Lake (2020 update). S.M. Wells and C.J. Clark 57
Parasitological data to enhance the study of lakes: The examples of Otsego Lake and Oneida Lake. F. Reyda 70

P. perfoliatus x P. richardsonii Cooper’s hybrid pondweed: Impact on Otsego Lake 2020.

M. Keefe 80
Diel variation in electrofishing surveys in Otsego Lake. C.F. Cotton and M.P. Von Haugg 107
Demographics of the landlocked rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) spawning run in Otsego Lake. R. Beres and C.F. Cotton 115
White sucker (Catostomus commersoni) spawning site fidelity in Otsego Lake tributaries. R. Nellis and C.F. Cotton 126
Monitoring the effectiveness of the Cooperstown wastewater treatment wetland, 2020. M.F. Albright 134
Preliminary sampling for investigating age structure and parity of American shad (Alosa sapidissima) in the Upper Delaware River. M.J. Best, D.S. Stich and J. Heilveil 143
Trophic driven areal hypolimnetic oxygen deficits (AHOD) in Otsego Lake, 1969-2020. M.F. Albright, W.N. Harman, H.A. Waterfield and D.S. Stich 155
Methods development for detection of contaminants of emerging concern in freshwaters: Collection and analysis of water samples. H.A. Waterfield 164
Long-term trends in chloride concentrations in Otsego Lake from 1925 to 2020. M.F. Albright 170
Trends in recreational watercraft use in Otsego Lake since 1975. W.N. Harman and H.A. Waterfield 173