Peer Review

Call for Peer Reviewers

SOAR is a peer-reviewed journal, and that means we need peer reviewers (other students) to read and provide suggestions to other student researchers who submit research. Please consider becoming a peer reviewer, and don't forget to sign-up!

About Peer Review

SOAR uses a blinded peer review system to assess the strengths and weaknesses of submissions in order to provide feedback to authors, thus ensuring the production of rigorous scholarly research. Before joining our peer review team, be certain that you will be able to complete the review in the required amount of time. If you are unable to complete the review by the deadline, please inform the SOAR Editorial Board as soon as possible. Should you have or develop a conflict of interest in reviewing a paper, bring it to the Board’s attention as soon as possible. All materials received throughout the peer review process shall be treated as confidential and protected as intellectual property.

Why Peer Review?

Peer review is the system for evaluating the quality, validity, and relevance of scholarly work. The peer review process enables our editors to assess the paper’s suitability for publication in the journal and gives student researchers concise and constructive assistance in shaping their work.
Why Review:
A rigorous peer review process

  • Ensures the highest academic standards of the student publication
  • Builds awareness of emergent research in your field.
  • Expands your network of academic contacts and adds to your professional profile
  • Integrates the reviewer in the process of demonstrating research excellence

Peer Review Guidelines

  1. Please familiarize yourself with the SOAR website ( to get a sense of the scope of the journal.
  2. Identify a faculty member who can serve as an advisor through the peer review process.
  3. Please complete the peer review form by the deadline. The form is fairly self-explanatory, but you may email questions to