Information For Authors

Author Guidelines

  • To Submit to SOAR: Please complete this form to make a submission. Please ensure eligibility to publish, then indicate in your email the type of submission (see below). If you have questions, review the submission guidelines for the journal you are submitting to found at the bottom of the page.


Submissions to the SOAR journal will be accepted from any current undergraduate social science or history student or recent alumni (up to one year post-graduation).

All submissions must be endorsed by a faculty sponsor at a college or university. Your faculty sponsor will indicate their support for your publication by signing the submission form. Students are encouraged to discuss their work with their faculty sponsors on an ongoing basis prior to submission.

Please note that papers with multiple authors, including faculty authors, will be considered, but an undergraduate student must be listed as the first author on all submissions.

Open Access

SOAR is an open-access journal, which means that its articles are freely available to read, download, and share. By publishing in SOAR, authors accept the following:

  1. Your article will be displayed online on this website.

  1. Your article will be archived and distributed in the SUNY Open Access Repository – SUNY Oneonta SOAR Journal collection. Items archived in the repository are searchable in Google Scholar and can be discovered by readers all over the world. Your article will have its own repository page and user/download statistics.

  2. A Creative Commons license will be applied to your article upon publication in the journal. The SOAR Editorial Board recommends and automatically applies a CC-BY-NC-ND license for student works upon publication, but by contacting the E-Board during the submission or peer review process, authors can choose any level of CC license they prefer.

Questions about these policies or about open access, in general, can be directed to or the Scholarly Communications Librarian at Milne Library (

Types of Submissions and Guidelines

Types of Submissions

  1. Research Article: a full study, complete with introduction, literature review, methods, analysis, discussion, and conclusions. The actual structure should be appropriate to the discipline and style of the manuscript. Click for Research Article submission information.
  2. Research Note: an abbreviated study aimed at reporting findings, including a reduced literature review. Click for Research Note submission information.
  3. Book Review: a thoughtful and critical review of a published book-length work of relevance to social science. Click for Book Review submission information.
  4. Review Article: an assessment of current trends, themes, and directions of a defined research literature. Click for Review Article submission information.
  5. Commentary/Response: a thoughtful and critical response to a published research article or note, or to another commentary. Click for Commentary/Response submission information.

Submission Guidelines

Undergraduate work in any social science field and/or topic is welcome. The journal is designed to celebrate the great diversity of scholarly and creative pursuits of undergraduate social science students. Traditional academic research papers, research notes, review articles, book reviews, and commentaries/responses are all welcome. Authors assume all responsibility for producing original material that has not been published elsewhere or infringes upon copyright in any form. Authors also assume responsibility for adhering to the ethical standards upheld by their disciplines and institutions, including obtaining IRB approval. Please examine the appropriate guidelines, found below.

Research Articles and Research Notes (blinded, peer-reviewed)

  • The journal welcomes scholarly research articles and notes from all social science disciplines. Manuscripts that report negative findings and/or demonstrate replicable findings are also acceptable.
  • All documents must be submitted as .doc or .docx formats. Please do not submit documents in other formats, such as PDF documents.
  • Research article submissions should not exceed 30 pages, including figures, tables, and images. References are not counted in the page count. Research notes should not exceed 10 pages including figures, tables, and images.
  • All text should be double-spaced, Times New Roman, in 12-point font, and have 1-inch margins. Formatting should be consistent with the APA Style Guide. Do not edit the headers or footers in the Word document.
  • Manuscripts should be arranged in the following order: title, abstract, and keywords; main text; references; appendices (if applicable).
  • The structure of the manuscript should be consistent with the standards of the social science tradition from which the manuscript is written (i.e., qualitative, quantitative, discipline-specific conventions, etc.).
  • To ensure a fair review process, the author(s)’s name(s) must not appear in the manuscript.
    • The name of the manuscript should be saved as the title of the submission only.
  • A separate title page that includes the author(s)’s name and affiliations, must also be submitted as a separate document. This title page should include the following, in order: title, author(s)’s name(s) and affiliation(s); abstract; keywords; acknowledgements (if applicable).
    • The authors should be listed in the order their names should appear in the publication. An undergraduate student (or recent alumni) must be listed as the first author to be published.
    • The name of this title page should be saved as “Title Page [Title of Submission]”
  • All figures, tables, and images must be placed in the document as you want them to appear. To facilitate publication, all figures, labels, and tables must also be included as separate files with the submission. Each figure, table and image may not span more than one page of the submitted manuscript. Each image must be carefully labeled by a figure number and title as outlined in the APA style guide.
  • Figures (not tables) will only be accepted in .jpg formats. The font used for figures must be Times New Roman, size 9-12. The figure background must be white (not transparent). All figures must have a vertical orientation and be no more than 1,000 pixels wide or 72 pixels per inch tall. In addition, the resolution should be set at 72ppi.
  • Tables must be editable and cell-based. Tables must not be organized using returns, tabs, spaces, or cells within cells. Tables must not include any graphics or embedded tables. The font with the figure must be Times New Roman size 9-12.
  • All submissions in this category must follow the latest APA guidelines for citing, labeling figures and tables, style, and referencing.

Book Reviews (editor reviewed)

  • The journal welcomes reviews of books of relevance to social science disciplines.
  • All documents must be submitted as .doc or .docx formats. Please do not submit documents in other forms, such as PDF documents.
  • Book reviews should not exceed 10 pages.
  • Book reviews should not contain figures, tables, or images.
  • All text should be double-spaced, Times New Roman, in 12-point font, and have 1-inch margins. Formatting should be consistent with the APA Style Guide. Do not edit the headers or footers in the Word document.
  • Manuscripts should be arranged in the following order: title, author, affiliation, text.
    • The name of the manuscript should be saved as the title of the book author last name.
    • An undergraduate student (or recent alumni) must be listed as the first author to be published.
  • All submissions in this category must follow the latest APA guidelines for citing and referencing.

Review Articles (editor reviewed)

  • The journal welcomes review articles from all social science disciplines.
  • All documents must be submitted as .doc or .docx formats. Please do not submit documents in other forms, such as PDF documents.
  • Review articles should not exceed 10 pages.
  • Reviews should not contain figures, tables, or images.
  • All text should be double-spaced, Times New Roman, in 12-point font, and have 1-inch margins. Formatting should be consistent with the APA Style Guide. Do not edit the headers or footers in the Word document.
  • Manuscripts should be arranged in the following order: title, author, affiliation, text.
    • The name of the manuscript should be saved as the title of the review author last name.
    • An undergraduate student (or recent alumni) must be listed as the first author to be published.
  • All submissions in this category must follow the latest APA guidelines for citing and referencing.

Commentaries/Responses (editor reviewed)

  • The journal welcomes and invites commentaries about published research articles/notes.
  • All documents must be submitted as .doc or .docx formats. Please do not submit documents in other forms, such as PDF documents.
  • Commentaries should not exceed 10 pages.
  • Commentaries should not contain figures, tables, or images.
  • All text should be double-spaced, Times New Roman, in 12-point font, and have 1-inch margins. Formatting should be consistent with the most recent APA Style Guide. Do not edit the headers or footers in the Word document.
  • Manuscripts should be arranged in the following order: title, author, affiliation, text.
    • The name of the manuscript should be saved as the title of commentary author last name.
    • An undergraduate student (or recent alumni) must be listed as the first author to be published.
  • All submissions in this category must follow the latest APA guidelines for citing and referencing.

Types of Submissions

  1. Research Article: a full study, complete with introduction, literature review, methods, analysis, discussion, and conclusions. Click for Research Article submission information.
  2. Book Review: a thoughtful and critical review of a published book-length work of relevance to history. Click for Book Review submission information.
  3. Review Article: an assessment of current trends, themes, and directions of a defined research literature. Click for Review Article submission information.
  4. Commentary/Response: a thoughtful and critical response to a published research article or note, or to another commentary. Click for Commentary/Response submission information.
  5. Museum Exhibit Review: a thoughtful and critical review of a current/recent museum exhibit of relevance to history. Click for Museum Exhibit Review submission information.
  6. Film Review: a thoughtful and critical review of a current historical film. Click for Film Review submission information.

Submission Guidelines

Undergraduate work in any historical field and/or topic is welcome. The journal is designed to celebrate the great diversity of scholarly and creative pursuits of undergraduate history students. Traditional academic research papers, research notes, review articles, book reviews, and commentaries/responses are all welcome. Authors assume all responsibility for producing original material that has not been published elsewhere or infringes upon copyright in any form. Authors also assume responsibility for adhering to the ethical standards upheld by their disciplines and institutions, including obtaining IRB approval. Please examine the appropriate guidelines, found below.

Research Articles (blinded, peer-reviewed)

  • The journal welcomes scholarly research articles and notes of a historical nature, even if written for a non-history course.
  • All documents must be submitted as .doc or .docx formats. Please do not submit documents in other formats, such as PDF documents.
  • Research article submissions should not exceed 10,000 words, including figures, tables, images, and references.
  • All text should be double-spaced, Times New Roman, in 12-point font, and have 1-inch margins. Formatting should be consistent with the Chicago Manual of Style. Do not edit the headers or footers in the Word document.
  • Manuscripts should be arranged in the following order: title, abstract, and keywords; main text; references; appendices (if applicable).
  • To ensure a fair review process, the author(s)’s name(s) must not appear in the manuscript.
    • The name of the manuscript should be saved as the title of the submission only.
  • A separate title page that includes the author(s)’s name and affiliations, must also be submitted as a separate document. This title page should include the following, in order: title, author(s)’s name(s) and affiliation(s); abstract; keywords; acknowledgements (if applicable).
    • The authors should be listed in the order their names should appear in the publication. An undergraduate student (or recent alumni) must be listed as the first author to be published.
    • The name of this title page should be saved as “Title Page [Title of Submission]”
  • All figures, tables, and images must be placed in the document as you want them to appear. To facilitate publication, all figures, labels, and tables must also be included as separate files with the submission. Each figure, table and image may not span more than one page of the submitted manuscript. Each image must be carefully labeled by a figure number and title as outlined in the Chicago Manual of Style.
  • Figures (not tables) will only be accepted in .jpg formats. The font used for figures must be Times New Roman, size 9-12. The figure background must be white (not transparent). All figures must have a vertical orientation and be no more than 1,000 pixels wide or 72 pixels per inch tall. In addition, the resolution should be set at 72ppi.
  • Tables must be editable and cell-based. Tables must not be organized using returns, tabs, spaces, or cells within cells. Tables must not include any graphics or embedded tables. The font with the figure must be Times New Roman size 9-12.
  • All submissions in this category must follow the latest Chicago Manual of Style guidelines for citing, labeling figures and tables, style, and referencing.

Book Reviews (editor reviewed)

  • The journal welcomes reviews of books of relevance to history.
  • All documents must be submitted as .doc or .docx formats. Please do not submit documents in other forms, such as PDF documents.
  • Book reviews should not exceed 2500 words, including references.
  • Book reviews should not contain figures, tables, or images.
  • All text should be double-spaced, Times New Roman, in 12-point font, and have 1-inch margins. Formatting should be consistent with the Chicago Manual of Style. Do not edit the headers or footers in the Word document.
  • Manuscripts should be arranged in the following order: title, author, affiliation, text.
    • The name of the manuscript should be saved as the title of the book author last name.
    • An undergraduate student (or recent alumni) must be listed as the first author to be published.
  • All submissions in this category must follow the latest Chicago Manual of Style guidelines for citing and referencing.

Review Articles (editor reviewed)

  • The journal welcomes history review articles.
  • All documents must be submitted as .doc or .docx formats. Please do not submit documents in other forms, such as PDF documents.
  • Review articles should not exceed 2500 words, including references.
  • Reviews should not contain figures, tables, or images.
  • All text should be double-spaced, Times New Roman, in 12-point font, and have 1-inch margins. Formatting should be consistent with the Chicago Manual of Style. Do not edit the headers or footers in the Word document.
  • Manuscripts should be arranged in the following order: title, author, affiliation, text.
    • The name of the manuscript should be saved as the title of the review author last name.
    • An undergraduate student (or recent alumni) must be listed as the first author to be published.
  • All submissions in this category must follow the latest Chicago Manual of Style guidelines for citing and referencing.

Commentaries/Responses (editor reviewed)

  • The journal welcomes and invites commentaries about published research articles/notes.
  • All documents must be submitted as .doc or .docx formats. Please do not submit documents in other forms, such as PDF documents.
  • Commentaries should not exceed 1250 words, including references.
  • Commentaries should not contain figures, tables, or images.
  • All text should be double-spaced, Times New Roman, in 12-point font, and have 1-inch margins. Formatting should be consistent with the most recent Chicago Manual of Style. Do not edit the headers or footers in the Word document.
  • Manuscripts should be arranged in the following order: title, author, affiliation, text.
    • The name of the manuscript should be saved as the title of commentary author last name.
    • An undergraduate student (or recent alumni) must be listed as the first author to be published.
  • All submissions in this category must follow the latest Chicago Manual of Style guidelines for citing and referencing.

Museum Reviews (editor reviewed)

  • We are looking for reviews of museums and their exhibits for SOAR: History. We are looking for reviews that not only discuss the enjoyment factor of an exhibit, but its ability to take objects of historical significance and present a story to visitors. The guidelines for museum exhibit reviews are as follows:
  • Must be a museum or exhibit focused on history or a historical event, including:
    • Historical homes and buildings
    • Sites of historical events i.e., battlefields
    • Exhibits dedicated to a historical person, event, or time
  • General Information
    • Museum description
    • Information on location and how someone can visit
  • Interpretation
    • What objects are being presented?
    • How is the information being presented?
      • Through staff tours, self-guided tours, or informational blurbs?
    • What story is being told through the objects?
      • How effective was the story telling?
  • Overall thoughts
    • What did you learn from the exhibit? Where could they improve?
    • What information was available for follow up questions? How knowledgeable are staff or volunteers, and did that impact your visit?
    • How is this exhibit contributing to a historical conversation?
  • All documents must be submitted as .doc or .docx formats. Please do not submit documents in other forms, such as PDF documents.
  • Commentaries should not exceed 2500 words, including references.
  • Commentaries should not contain figures, tables, or images.
  • All text should be double-spaced, Times New Roman, in 12-point font, and have 1-inch margins. Formatting should be consistent with the most recent Chicago Manual of Style. Do not edit the headers or footers in the Word document.
  • Manuscripts should be arranged in the following order: title, author, affiliation, text.
    • The name of the manuscript should be saved as the title of commentary author last name.
    • An undergraduate student (or recent alumni) must be listed as the first author to be published.
  • All submissions in this category must follow the latest Chicago Manual of Style guidelines for citing and referencing.

Film Reviews (editor reviewed)

SOAR: History is looking for reviews of recent films depicting historical time periods, events, or the lives of historical individuals. The guidelines for movie reviews are as follows:

  • What is the topic/event shown?
    • Describe the movie’s chosen topic.
    • Include background about the topic/period, who is involved, etc.
  • How accurate is the film?
    • Are there any things the film misses in terms of information, general idea of the event?
    • What does the film get right/get wrong, and how does it affect viewing the film from a historical perspective?
  • How is the topic portrayed?
    • How does the director/cinematographer choose to display the topic?
    • Does this choice enhance or dull the information/experience?
  • How well does it capture the “spirit” of the period?
    • Does the film understand the perspective of the public on this period?
    • Does the choice of genre/style for the film improve the experience or heighten its purpose as education through entertainment?
    • Is the film an effective and accurate portrayal of the event or period?
  • Would you recommend the film?
    • If not, what would you recommend in its place and why?
    • Can it still serve as a gateway into history as an academic field, and how?
  • All documents must be submitted as .doc or .docx formats. Please do not submit documents in other forms, such as PDF documents.
  • Commentaries should not exceed 2500 words, including references.
  • Commentaries should not contain figures, tables, or images.
  • All text should be double-spaced, Times New Roman, in 12-point font, and have 1-inch margins. Formatting should be consistent with the most recent Chicago Manual of Style. Do not edit the headers or footers in the Word document.
  • Manuscripts should be arranged in the following order: title, author, affiliation, text.
    • The name of the manuscript should be saved as the title of commentary author last name.
    • An undergraduate student (or recent alumni) must be listed as the first author to be published.
  • All submissions in this category must follow the latest Chicago Manual of Style guidelines for citing and referencing.