Counselor Education Practicum Handbook

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State University of New York College at Oneonta

Counselor Education Student and Practicum Handbook

Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education

Revised May 2024

SUNY Oneonta

The SUNY Oneonta Counselor Education Program developed this handbook to assist students with planning their studies and field experiences.
This handbook contains statements of procedures and guidelines, and/or policies for the program of study, state certification, and professional conduct.


Program Philosophy, Mission Statement, Accreditations ……………………………………………… 4
Overview and Welcome ………………………………………………………… 5
MSED Advisement Guidelines……………..…………………………… 6 - 8
Second Master’s or Second CAS Programs …………………………. 9
Post-Master’s Non-Matriculated Students …………………………. 10
CAS Advisement Guidelines …………………………………………… 11 - 12
Acceptable Paperwork ………………………………………………….. 13 - 14
Disclosure Contract and Dispositions Survey ………………………… 15 - 18
Comprehensive Exam Policy …………………………………………….. 19 - 20
Practicum Guidelines ………………………………………………….. 21 - 23
Internship Guidelines ………………………………………………….. 24 - 26
Audio Recording Policy ………………………………………………….. 27
Pledge of Ethical Standards & Confidentiality ……………………… 28
Applying for School Counselor (K-12) Certification ………………………… 29 - 31
Retention and Pre-Practicum Review………………………………….. 32 - 33

New York State Code of Ethics………………………………………... 34
Links to Counseling Codes of Ethics ………………………………… 35
Laws of New York related to Counselors ………………………………… 36
Mandatory Workshops & Fingerprinting ................................................................ 37 - 38

Note: This handbook is regularly updated. Policies stated herein are subject to change.


The school counseling program promotes students’ self-awareness and professional growth of all candidates through rigorous curriculum and clinical practices. Candidates are expected to become certified school counselors who serve as advocates, leaders, collaborators, and consultants to create culturally sensitive learning environment for all students.


The mission of the Counselor Education Program at SUNY Oneonta is to prepare highly qualified school counseling professionals who would be able to

  • Develop professional identity through leadership, advocacy, collaboration, and ethical behaviors.
  • Demonstrate multicultural competency by designing and delivering culturally sensitive services to underrepresented minority students.
  • Design and implement career development programs which support college/ career readiness for all students.
  • Provide individual and group counseling to promote student success in K-12 settings.
  • Design and utilize data-driven practice in program evaluation.


SUNY College at Oneonta is accredited by Middle States.

SUNY Oneonta Division of Education has AAQEP (Association for Advancing Quality for Educator Preparation) accreditation. The Counselor Education Degree Programs are registered with and approved by the State of NY Department of Education.

Overview and Welcome

To the candidate: Congratulations, you are about to begin a journey filled with challenge, excitement, and professional growth. The program is designed to provide you with the opportunity to participate in the full range of school counselors’ responsibilities. You have brought with you a set of skills and experiences that would be further explored and enhanced through graduate coursework, classroom simulations, as well as hands-on experiences. Practicum and Internship will be the time to apply your knowledge, skills and dispositions to test out your counseling strategies. Keep in mind, you are not alone in this endeavor; there is a whole team of professionals ready to assist you along the way.

Advisement: This set of materials contains copies of the current advisement guidelines for both the Master’s degree and the Certificate of Advanced Study. You are required to meet with your advisor prior to your first registration. After that time, we strongly suggest that you meet with your advisor regularly. If any change in your status as a full or part time student is contemplated, it is urgent that you discuss this change with your advisor to have minimum impact on your program of study. Remember that changes will probably lengthen your time to earn a degree.

Fair Process and Procedures: The Division of Education Counseling Program’s Statement of Fair Process Policy and Procedures are outlined for students. Counseling candidates need to be aware that, as Counselor Educators, the faculty must review and discuss candidate behavior and performance routinely. These discussions can lead to meeting(s) with the candidate’s advisor and/or faculty member. Such meeting(s) will be documented in writing.

Ethical Pledges: Much of the content in several counseling courses is considered confidential material and candidates will be expected to maintain that confidentiality. A sample confidentiality statement is included for your review.

Disclosure Contract: All candidates in the Introduction to School Counseling course are required to read and sign the program disclosure contract. A copy is included. At mid-term in that class, students are given a performance evaluation progress report. Any weakness(es) indicated in that report is/are to be treated as indicating “remedial” need(s).

Comprehensive Examination Guidelines: This set of examinations caps the end of the first year for full-time students. It covers all the content of the first-year courses. You must pass all the examinations with a score of at least 70% correct.

Field-experience Guidelines: These are general information for all students in the Master’s Degree Program. You must attend the pre-practicum and pre-internship meeting semester before you are due to take practicum and internship where more information will be provided.


Effective Fall 2020


  1. 3.0 undergraduate GPA overall.
  2. 9 credits total prerequisite coursework: 9 in Psychology/Educational Psychology.
  3. To be admitted, the candidate must:
    1. submit application, official undergraduate transcripts, and 2 letters of recommendation to the Admission’s Office.
    2. meet the requirements stated above.
    3. pay a nonrefundable admission fee.
    4. be interviewed by members of the departmental admission committee.

Note: We have a once-a-year admission.



  1. Once accepted, all matriculated students will be assigned an advisor. Make an appointment to meet with your advisor in the fall semester to discuss your program of study and plan for practicum and internship. Matriculated students are required to contact advisors before registering to review the program of study (advisement document).
  2. Graduate students are expected to maintain semester and cumulative GPAs of at least 3.0. The university’s academic retention policy will be followed if students do not have a cumulative or semester grade point average below 3.0 (Graduate Catalog: Academic Retention Standard).
  3. Within the first semester (before October), any previously completed graduate courses for which the student seeks transfer credit must be approved by advisor, must be relevant, must be from an accredited college, must be within the 6-year time limit for obtaining the Master’s degree at time of graduation (college policy), must appear on a college transcript, must include a minimum of 37.5 clock hours and must have a grade of B or better. Forms for Course Substitution can be obtained from your advisor. As a general rule, elective credits are most appropriate for transfer. Appropriate documentation of course content (e.g., course syllabus) is to be supplied when the form is submitted. No more than 9 s.h. may be transferred into this program. Introduction to School Counseling and Counseling Techniques may not be transferred in from another institution.
  4. Transfer credits (after the first semester): Any graduate courses students wish to transfer in must have written prior approval by advisor, must be relevant, must be from an accredited college, must appear on a college transcript, must include a minimum of 37.5 clock hours and must result in a grade of B or better. Forms for Course Substitution can be obtained from the Admissions Office or from your advisor. Appropriate documentation of course content is to be supplied when the form is submitted. Acceptance of transferred coursework into this degree will affect the time limit set for completion of degree. Courses taken more than 5 years ago would not be eligible for transfer.
  5. Practicum Prerequisites:
    1. To register for CNED 5235 Counseling Practicum: School, students must have taken the following courses in proper sequence depending on full-time & part-time status.
      1. Full-time students:
        1. Introduction to School Counseling, Statistics & Research, Theories, Techniques
      2. Part-time students:
        1. Introduction to School Counseling, Statistics & Research, Theories, Techniques, Careers, Human Development
        2. Students must obtain a B or better in Intro to School Counseling (5100) and Techniques (5115) and maintain a minimum of 3.0 GPA overall to take Practicum (5235).
        3. Students on Academic Probation will not be permitted to take Practicum. Students with felony/misdemeanor charges will need to request a meeting of the counselor education faculty to review appropriateness for practicum placement. The closer to the beginning of Practicum that charges are incurred, the less likely students will be approved for placement that semester.
  6. Comprehensive Exam (see COMPREHENSIVE EXAM POLICY, p. 19)
  7. Internship Prerequisites:
    1. Students must obtain a B or better in Introduction to School Counseling, Techniques, Group Counseling, Practicum, maintain a minimum of 3.0 GPA overall, and pass the Comprehensive Exam to take Internship.
    2. Students on Academic Probation will not be permitted to take Internship. Students with felony/misdemeanor charges will need to request a meeting of the counselor education faculty to review appropriateness for internship placement. The closer to the beginning of Internship that charges are incurred, the less likely students will be approved for placement that semester.
    3. Internship 1: Must be taking concurrently with Counseling Services, Self-Culture, Consultation (Full-time status) or completed Counseling Services, Self-Culture (Part-time status).
    4. Internship 2: Must obtain a B or better in Internship I (FT and PT) and completed Counseling Services, Self-Culture, Consultation (Full-time status); completed Developmental Counseling, Measurement (Part-time status).
  8. To be eligible for the comprehensive exam, students must have completed, or be concurrently enrolled in courses (Level I level) covered by the Comprehensive Examination in their program. The comprehensive examination is offered near the end of the spring semester. It is expected that full time students will sign up for and take the Comprehensive Exam at the end of their second semester. Part time students should take the exam during the spring semester when they are enrolled in their final required class(es). Students retake the failed section(s), if any, in the summer. Passing the comprehensive examination is a pre-requisite to Practicum and level two courses. If a student fails to pass all sections of the exam after the second attempt, he/she will be dismissed from the degree program.
  9. Students will be expected to begin a professional portfolio in the introductory course and to present their completed portfolio during their practicum semester.
  10. Application for the Master’s degree must be completed online through Registrar’s office. Students are expected to submit their application for NY certification directly through the State Education TEACH website. Office of Education Advisement and Field Experience office website provides guidance on NY certification.
  11. Students earning a B- or lower in CNED 5100, 5115, 5230, Practicum or Internship will not be permitted to continue or finish the program. Please see Academic Policies in the College Graduate Catalog for details.
  12. Students may not request an individual enrollment in a class to bring them to full-time status for financial aid purposes. Students can request an individual enrollment if they have a faculty sponsor.



  1. Successful completion of related Master's Degree.

Before admission -

  1. Students must complete the graduate application online, pay a nonrefundable fee, and submit any necessary documentation by the deadlines to the Admissions Office.
  2. Students may (even if graduated from SUNY Oneonta) be asked to attend an interview.

After admission -

  1. Students are required to contact advisors prior to registering to review their program of study. Any other changes made must be with advisor's approval and include appropriate documentation to be sent to the Admissions Office (e.g. transcript).
  2. Students must complete all the prerequisites, as stated in earlier section, prior to placement in Practicum.
  3. Students who have not taken the Comprehensive Examination at Oneonta will be required to do so at the end of level one courses.
  4. At least half the credits for the new degree (24 s.h.) must be completed following matriculation.
  5. See policy re transfer credit, stated above. Up to 6 courses may be transferred in with the approval of the advisor. * Students should contact advisors after admission and request the transfer of credits.

*Courses completed prior to admission to a degree or certificate program that are accepted toward the degree cannot be more than six years old at the time the degree is awarded (see College Catalog).

Post-Master's Non-Matriculated Students


  1. Master’s degree in Education/School Counseling.
  2. Valid New York State Provisional or Initial Certification in School Counseling.

Students who possess a 48-credit School Counseling Master’s degree and wish to take coursework toward Permanent/Professional Certification in School Counseling can apply for non-matriculated status. This option is available for qualified applicants who are not degree-seeking but wish to receive course credit as they work to satisfy New York State’s 60 s.h. academic requirement for Permanent/Professional certification. Students approved for non-matriculated status will be eligible to register for online courses offered in our Certificate of Advanced Study program, as well as our online elective courses. Permission of the instructor and Department Chairperson is required to enroll in CAS courses. The Extended and Community Learning office will assist with this process.

Non-matriculated students can only take up to 12 credits with our program. The Counselor Education program does not provide advisement for non-matriculated students who seek NY certification through the individual pathway. Non-matriculated students are NOT eligible to take Internship in School Counseling or to take an Independent Study/Research project (CNED 6555).

For non-matriculated students, approved courses beyond the Master’s degree including:

  • CNED 6455 Developmental Counseling Services 3 s.h.
  • CNED 6505 Teaching Pro Social Skills 3 s.h.
  • CNED 6525 Brief Approaches to Counseling 3 s.h.
  • CNED 6350 Consultation in Educational Settings 3 s.h.
  • Elective courses



  1. Master’s degree in Education/School Counseling.
  2. New York State Provisional or Initial Certification in School Counseling.
  3. Two (2) professional references if student did not obtain his/her Master’s degree from SUNY Oneonta.

The CAS provides post-Master’s study which, when combined with SUNY Oneonta Master of Science in Education degree (School Counselor), satisfies the 60 s.h. academic requirement (Master’s degree and CAS or related course work) of New York State for Permanent/Professional Certification in School Counseling. Two full years of professional experience as a school counselor are also required for Permanent/Professional certification by New York State. This program is a part-time study. The college allows a maximum of six calendar years to complete all requirements for the program. Since the NYS Provisional Certificate is valid for five years, students are encouraged to complete their CAS within this time period.


Before admission -

  1. Applicants must complete Application for Admission and submit this form to the Admissions Office. Include a copy of NYS School Counselor provisional or initial certificate by deadline of February 1 for fall semester. For those students graduated with a Master's from SUNY Oneonta (School Counseling), letters of recommendation are not required.
  2. Applicants may be asked to attend an interview.

After admission -

  1. Transfer credit from other college or SUNY Oneonta into CAS:
    1. No more than 9 credits (taken at SUNY Oneonta) beyond our MS/Ed program may be applied to the CAS.
    2. Students may arrange with advisor for approval of up to 9 relevant credits for transfer from another institution.
  2. At least half the credits (9 s.h.) for the CAS must be taken following matriculation
  3. Prior approval from advisor (assigned upon admission) is necessary for transfer in elective credits once admitted. Electives taken elsewhere must meet the following requirements:
    1. from an accredited college with official transcript supplied.
    2. minimum of 37.5 clock hours of instruction and must result in a grade of B or better.
    3. related to school counseling*
  4. Students are required to contact advisors before registering to complete their program of study form and obtain permission to register. Any changes made must be done with advisor's approval and the appropriate documentation sent to the Graduate Office. No more than 9 s.h. can be taken in courses titled Seminar.
  5. Internship (I and II) in School Counseling is for degree students only.
    1. students can use a full-time school counseling job they hold.
    2. If students are not employed, they are expected to find their own placement. Office of Education Advisement and Field Experience office may provide guidance to assist with this process.
  6. Internship can be replaced with 2 advisor-approved electives. Students are expected to contact their advisor and submit the verification of paid experience form (proof of 2 years of paid experience) to advisor before the internship substitution is approved (via a petition in DegreeWorks).
  7. Students needing a time extension to complete the degree should write to their advisor outlining the reasons for the extension. Generally, the program faculty can grant extensions for up to one year. An extension beyond that requires the review of the College’s Graduate Committee. Time extensions granted by the college are used for degree completion in SUNY Oneonta. It is not in any way connected to extensions granted by the State of New York Education Department.
  8. At the CAS level, degree status is required for students in 6897 Internship and 6555 Independent Research.
  9. Application for the CAS degree must be completed online. Students are expected to submit their application for NY state certification directly through the State Education TEACH website. Office of Education Advisement and Field Experience office may provide guidance to assist with this process.
  10. Required CAS courses are available in distance learning format, with exception of CNED 6897/6997 Internship. Please review policy #6. Contact your advisor for advisement on course substitution and approval.
  11. Students are required to contact advisors prior to registering to review their program of study each year. Any changes made must be with advisor’s approval and include appropriate documentation sent to the Admissions Office.
  12. National Counselor’s Exam: Courses offered in the CAS program (school counselor) may be used to fulfill part of the eligibility requirements for the National Counselor’s Exam.


(for Individuals Who Applied for Provisional or Permanent School Counselor Certification through the “Individual Evaluation” Pathway On or After July 1, 2019)

Category 1: Becoming a Certified K-12 School Counselor

Courses include but are not limited to: foundations of professional school counseling, role and responsibilities including student support and advocacy, ethics of counseling, counseling theories and techniques, and counseling or educational research.

Becoming a Certified K-12 School Counselor
School Counselor Certificate Sought through the Individual Evaluation Pathway Total Number of Graduate Semester Hours (S.H.) in School Counseling Required Number of Graduate S.H. in Courses that Are in a State Approved School Counselor Education Program
(in any state)
Number of Graduate S.H. Related to School Counseling at a Regionally Accredited Institution
(courses that are not in a state approved school counselor education program)
Provisional certificate 30 S.H. Minimum 18 S.H. Maximum 12 S.H.
Permanent certificate 60 S.H.
Semester hours counted towards the Provisional certificate would count towards the Permanent certificate.
Minimum 36 S.H. Maximum 24 S.H.
  • Examples of Acceptable Courses that Must Be in a State Approved School Counselor Education Program
  • Ethics of / Ethical Foundations of School Counseling
  • Group Counseling and Practice
  • History / Development / Role of the School Counselor
  • Interviewing and Counseling / Interviewing Skills
  • Introduction to / Foundations of / Orientation to Counseling
  • Issues in School Counseling
  • Principles of School Counseling
  • School Counseling / Counseling Theory and Practice
  • School Counseling Research / School Guidance Research
  • Techniques of Counseling the Individual / the Elementary Child / the Adolescent

Examples of Acceptable Related Courses that Must Be Completed at an Institution of Higher Education with State Approved Graduate Programs Leading to Teacher Certification

  • Statistical Methods / Research Methods in Education
  • Trends in Education

Examples of Acceptable Related Courses that Can Be Completed at any Regionally Accredited Institution of Higher Education

  • AIDS Education and Human Sexuality / Sex Equity
  • Approaches to LGBTQ Issues
  • Assertiveness Training
  • Death and Dying
  • Decision Making
  • Drug /Alcohol / Substance Abuse Dependency Counseling
  • Grief Counseling / Crisis Counseling
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Problem Solving

Last Updated: January 30, 2022
Source: NYSED, Office of Teaching Initiatives - Certification


The following areas have been discussed with me by the members of the counseling faculty. I understand the items below and agree to abide by the rules and policies of State University of NY at Oneonta’s school counseling program.

  1. I am aware that the requirements of the school counseling program are contained in the Graduate Catalog and through the Counselor Education Student Handbook. I understand that as a graduate student at SUNY College at Oneonta I must maintain at least a 3.0 grade point average and pass certain courses as outlined in the catalog and student handbook with a B or better. I understand that the coursework proposed on the plan of study must be completed within six years after admission (or the first course transferred into the program). I understand that I must obtain a B in certain designated courses and that if I repeat a required course, it cannot count as an elective in the program.
  2. In order to successfully complete the program, I will be expected to demonstrate academic competence; professional writing competence; functional competence; practicing in a professional and ethical manner; and personal characteristics appropriate for a student in counselor education. I realize that my progress will be continually evaluated and discussed. Failure to attain such competencies, skills, ethics, and characteristics may result in my being referred for a Retention Review to determine my eligibility to begin a Practicum/Internship or continue as a student in the Counselor Education Program.
  3. understand that my performance in the school counseling program will be reviewed and evaluated on a continual basis in various formats by the counselor education faculty members. The evaluation will be based on academic knowledge, functional competencies, personal characteristics and my dispositions as evaluated in Techniques, Groups, Practicum, and Internship. I am expected to successfully complete all academic courses, all clinical experiences, and conform to the ethical standards of the American Counseling Association (ACA Code of Ethics, 2014). In addition, I must:
    1. Display good listening skills.
    2. Respect divergent points of view.
    3. Express thought/knowledge effectively.
    4. Demonstrate realistic expectations of self.
    5. Show developed sense of self-awareness regarding skills and talents.
    6. Demonstrate an ability to develop and sustain rapport with both men and women.
    7. Use personal power and authority appropriately.
    8. Work collaboratively with others.
    9. Demonstrate an ability to articulate one’s feelings.
    10. Demonstrate an awareness of cultural issues.
    11. Demonstrate the ability to receive, give, and integrate feedback.
    12. Demonstrate appropriate boundaries: sexual, ethical, and professional.
    13. Exhibit ability to take responsibility for one’s actions.
    14. Demonstrate appropriate in-class behavior
    15. Interact appropriately with authority.
    16. Contribute to a positive classroom environment.
    17. Exhibit dependable behaviors with regard to assignments, group activities, and attendance.
  4. With the assistance of my faculty advisor, I have developed a program of study.
  5. There is a residency requirement. I must complete at least 39 semester hours in residence.
  6. I am aware that I must complete a 100-hour Practicum and must follow the departmental policies in terms of placement options and restrictions. I am aware that I must attend a mandatory pre-practicum orientation. I know that I must obtain liability insurance and complete the 2-hour child abuse recognition and reporting workshop, the SAVE workshop, and the Dignity for All Students Act 6-hour workshop before Practicum. Practicum requires a minimum commitment of 2-3 days per week; one on campus, 1-2 on site.
  7. I am aware that I must complete a 600-hour Internship and must follow the departmental policies in terms of placement options and restrictions. Internship requires a minimum commitment of three days per week on site.
  8. I understand that the counselor education program encourages self-growth and requires participation in experientially based courses. Self-disclosures will not be used as a basis for grading in these courses. However, should I disclose information indicating impairment or the potential for harm to clients, I may be referred for a Retention or Pre-Practicum Review to determine my eligibility to begin a Practicum or continue as a student in the Counselor Education Program.
  9. Proficiency and professionalism are expected for the successful completion of the counselor education program. If I fail to meet performance standards or behave in an unprofessional or unethical manner, I may be referred for a Retention or Pre-Practicum Review to determine my eligibility to begin a Practicum or continue as a student in the Counselor Education Program.
  10. I will be expected to successfully pass the Comprehensive Exam at the end of the Level I core courses. These courses are: Introduction to School Counseling, Counseling Theories, Counseling Techniques, Statistics and Research Methods, Career Development, Human Development, and Group Counseling, and Practicum. For full time students, this means the end of their spring semester in year one of study. They may take any failed section(s) in the summer of the same year. Under no circumstance can the comprehensive examination or any portion thereof be taken more than twice. All sections of the Comprehensive Exam must be passed before an Internship placement is sought.
  11. The completion of the Master’s Degree in School Counseling does not guarantee my acceptance into the Certificate of Advanced Study.

___________________________________ _____________________
Student Signature Date

Printed name

Witness (CNED 5100 Instructor)

Attached: Dispositions Survey

Dispositions Survey

Counselor Education Program – SUNY Oneonta
Dispositions as suggested by ASCA: "The personal attributes or characteristics of school counselors are very important to their success. (Students will be rated on a customed scale.)

Effective counselors usually:

1. Have a genuine interest in the welfare of others;
Does not communicate concern for the client. Actively works to communicate concern
for the client.
2. Are able to understand the perspective of others;
Are unable to see problems from the client’s view. Can put themselves in the client’s shoes.
3. Believe individuals are capable of solving problems;
Solves problems for the client. Encourages clients to be an active participant in
problem solving.
4. Are open to learning;
Resists and/or dismisses feedback. Incorporates feedback willingly.
5. Are willing to take risks;
Sticks to what is familiar. Tries new things.
6. Have a strong sense of self-worth;
Ignores own strengths. Recognizes own strengths.
7. Are not afraid of making mistakes and attempt to learn from them;
Unable to recognize errors and Sees own errors and uses them for
cannot use them for self-improvement. improvement.
8. Value continued growth as a person;
Closed to new information. Seeks out new information as needed.
9. Are caring and warm;
Appears distant and insensitive to clients. Conveys warmth and concern.
10. Reached high level of self-awareness;
Unable to identify deficiencies. Is aware of one’s own limitations, biases, and/or well-being


Both full-time and part-time students in Counselor Education program will undergo a comprehensive evaluation to demonstrate their competency in school counseling. To be eligible for the comprehensive exam, students must have completed, or be currently enrolled in the Level One courses covered by the Comprehensive Examination including CNED 500, 540, 541, 516, 502, 560, 525, and EPSY 530. The comprehensive examination is offered near the end of the spring semester. It is expected that full time students will sign up for and take the Comprehensive Exam at the end of their second semester. Part time students should take the exam during the spring semester they are enrolled in their final required class(es). An individual who does not achieve a satisfactory score on the first attempt to pass the examination may retake the failed section(s) at a time in the summer scheduled by the exam coordinator. If a student fails to pass all sections of the exam after the second attempt, he/she will be dismissed from the degree program. Passing the comprehensive examination is a pre-requisite to enter Level Two courses and Internship.

PURPOSE: The Comprehensive Exam is designed as a method to assess students’ having obtained the minimum skills and knowledge base necessary for competent practice as counselors.

METHOD: The comprehensive is given near the end of spring semester and consists of multiple-choice questions that review and integrate material covered within the core courses in the Counselor Education Program.

SCOPE: There are six (6) sections to the exam:

  • Section I. Counseling Theories and Techniques
  • Section II. Statistics, Research, Measurement and Appraisal
  • Section III. Group Techniques
  • Section IV. Career Development
  • Section V. General – School Counselor Concentration
  • Section VI. Human Development and Learning Across the Life Span

PREREQUISITES: Students must have successfully completed or be currently enrolled in all the above-mentioned courses covered by the Comprehensive Examination in their program. Students in doubt of their status in the above courses should seek the advice of that professor in determining eligibility.


  1. Students must obtain an OVERALL minimum passing grade of 70%, with no subsection score lower than 70% as well.
  2. If students fail the entire test or any subsection(s) on the first attempt, they are permitted to retake the failed sections(s) at a time scheduled by the exam coordinator, usually no sooner than the next regularly scheduled offering, in the summer. No exceptions will be made to this.
  3. Students are not allowed to take the exam more than two times. If a student fails to pass all sections of the exam after the second attempt, they will be dismissed from the degree program.
  4. Students will receive a letter from the department within 10 business days of the exam date that provides information regarding successful passing or which illuminates sections(s) failed.

PRACTICUM GUIDELINES (Starting in Spring 2023)

NOTE: Reading these guidelines does not exempt students from having to attend the mandatory pre-practicum orientation meeting.

Pre-Practicum Orientation
All students must attend the pre-practicum orientation group meeting the semester before they wish to apply for practicum placement. The graduate faculty committee of the Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education must approve all placements. Students deemed ineligible for practicum will be allowed to meet with the subcommittee for review.

To register for Practicum for School Counseling (CNED 596), students must have taken the following courses in proper sequence depending on full-time & part-time status.

Full-time students:
• Intro., Stats & Research, Theories, Techniques
Part-time students:
• Intro., Stats & Research, Theories, Techniques, Careers, Human Dev.

Students must obtain a B or better in Intro to School Counseling (500) and Techniques (541) and maintain a minimum of 3.0 GPA overall to take Practicum (596).

Students on Academic Probation will NOT be permitted to take Practicum. Students with felony/misdemeanor charges will need to request a meeting of the counselor education faculty to review appropriateness for practicum placement. The closer to the beginning of Practicum that charges are incurred, the less likely students will be approved for placement that semester.

Time Commitments:
In addition to the field placement, the practicum includes 37.5 on-campus hours which consists of individual supervision (with instructor and a peer). The seminar consists of weekly case presentations by students and discussion of problems, issues, and situations encountered in the field and coverage of material in required text. Practicum is a one semester, 100-hour field placement (appx. 7-10 hours/week) in a school counseling setting. Be prepared to commit the minimum number of hours to the practicum, distributed as follows:

1. Direct Contact 40 hours (i.e., individual & group counseling, lesson delivery)
2. Supportive Services 60 hours (i.e., developing, implementation and evaluating key school counseling program)

3. Individual Supervision regularly
4. Peer Supervision monthly
5. Group Supervision weekly

Additional time will be required for: writing case notes, transcribing counseling recordings, preparing for case study and supervision meetings, time logs, PILs, and peer supervision. Plan for one to two week breaks in school schedules and for snow days. You must work the legally contracted FULL day for the host school.

You are expected to have liability insurance and to submit a copy of this by the date specified the semester before Practicum. You can obtain inexpensive insurance through ACA or ASCA. Currently, if you join ASCA or ACA, liability insurance is included in the premium and therefore you will need to simply supply a copy of your membership and to keep this active throughout the Practicum semester. You must assure that your membership remains active throughout the practicum experience.

You are required to audio-record all counseling sessions with students for whom permission has been obtained. Permission must be obtained prior to recording.

Practicum Policies:

  • You may not do a Practicum where you went to school or in the district in which you work(ed), where your spouse/partner works, or where your children attend school. It is preferable that you not do Practicum where you have ANY relatives.
  • Only one student can be in a BUILDING to have an independent experience.
  • Your field coordinator must have tenure and be a NYS certified school counselor.
  • You must work under ONE supervisor even if your duties overlap with other counselors.
  • You must be on-site for time commitment (not a consultant) and train there during school hours.
  • You must be there weekly for an entire semester and FULL days.
  • You must complete your time commitment during the course of ONE semester. If an emergency arises you will need to request a medical withdrawal and begin again the following spring with your hours starting at zero.
  • You cannot receive an Incomplete. Liability issues prevent you from going before the start of our semester or after finals end.
  • BOCES Placements will need to be carefully screened to assure you do more than counseling.
  • You may not take Practicum if you are on Academic Probation.
  • You must notify the department should you be charged with a misdemeanor or felony before or during practicum.

Common Placement areas
Most areas within the counties around Oneonta including Otsego, Chenango, Schoharie, and Delaware counties are acceptable. Sites in Broome, Herkimer, Oneida, and Madison Counties may be acceptable, if within one hour of Oneonta. Talk to Dr. Tang and the Office of Education Advisement and Field Experience before approaching an “iffy” location. We are looking to use the same sites repeatedly to establish rapport and clear expectations. Placement in a new school site is not recommended due to various reasons. Before committing to a school site, students are 23 strongly encouraged to discuss practicum course requirements with the potential host counselor to ensure he/she can support you via close supervision and provide adequate school counseling experiences during the practicum semester.

You are expected to find your own placement, treating this as a job interview. There is a binder with various site information and feedback from prior students. Dr. Tang also has names and locations to suggest, if you’re stuck. You are NOT to begin practicum before the first day of the semester at SUNY Oneonta, or to continue after the last day of undergraduate finals.

If you incur misdemeanor or felony charges before practicum (or during) you must notify the department immediately, submit official court documents, and attend a department meeting. Failure to disclose these charges will result in dismissal from Practicum.

Other commitments, requirements and stressors:

You must have completed the mandatory 2-hour Mandated Reporter Training, 6-hour DASA training, and the SAVE training PRIOR to the end of the semester before Practicum. You may do this online through a NYSED approved vendor or attend a session in the area through BOCES. Supply a copy of your certifications to the Registrar’s office directly.

Placement is not automatic upon completion of prerequisites. Students whose dispositions, functional competence, and behavior indicates that they may not be ready to be recommended for field placement will be notified and specific guidelines will be provided to them as to how they can demonstrate readiness for Practicum.

INTERNSHIP GUIDELINES (Starting in Fall 2023)

To obtain approval to take the Internship for School Counseling, students must successfully complete the Level I courses, including Practicum, and pass the Comprehensive Exam. For part-time students, please meet with your advisor one semester prior to the Internship semester for further guidance.

Students must maintain a minimum of 3.0 GPA overall to take Internship. Students on Academic Probation will NOT be permitted to take Internship. Students with felony/misdemeanor charges will need to request a meeting of the counselor education faculty to review appropriateness for practicum placement. The closer to the beginning of Practicum that charges are incurred, the less likely students will be approved for placement that semester.

A brief Internship orientation will be provided by the Office of Education Advisement and Field Experience. Students will be provided with Internship application materials and guidance in the orientation meeting. Students should submit electronically required documentation (in pdf format) to the before the required deadline to obtain approval for Internship registration. No internship application will be approved without all the required documents.

Time Commitments:
Internship is two semesters, a total of 600 hours supervised field experience. A minimum of 300 clock hours of the internship must be in the elementary and middle school grades (K-8) and a minimum of 300 clock hours of the internship must in the secondary grades (9-12).

Direct Services: 240 hours (i.e., individual & group counseling, and lesson delivery)
Supportive Services: 360 hours (i.e., developing, implementing and evaluating key school
counseling program elements)*
*This may include: student outcomes and standards, curriculum, individual student needs and plans, responsive services, consultation with others on behalf of student, time management, school counseling program goals, data analysis, action plans, calendars/schedules, and advisory panels, councils, and committees.

You must work the legally contracted FULL day for the host school. In addition to the field placement, the practicum includes 37.5 on-campus hours which consists of group and individual supervision (with instructor and a peer). The seminar consists of weekly case presentations by students and discussion of problems, issues, and situations encountered in the field and coverage of material in required text.

Additional time will be required for: transcribing tape portions, preparing for peer and instructor supervision meetings, writing case notes, time logs, PILs, and peer feedback sheets. Plan for one to two week breaks in school schedules and for snow days.

You are expected to have liability insurance and to submit a copy of this with required documentation. You can obtain inexpensive insurance through ACA or ASCA. Currently, if you join ASCA or ACA, liability insurance is included in the premium and therefore you will need to simply supply a copy of your membership and to keep this active throughout the Practicum semester. You must assure that your membership remains active throughout the practicum experience.

You are required to audio-record all counseling sessions with students for whom permission has been obtained. Permission must be obtained prior to recording.

Internship Policies:

  • You may not do an Internship where you went to school or in the district in which you work(ed), where your spouse/partner works, or where your children attend school. It is preferable that you do not do Practicum where you have ANY relatives.
  • Only one student can be in a BUILDING to have an independent experience.
  • Your field coordinator must have tenure and be a NYS certified school counselor.
  • You must work under ONE supervisor even if your duties overlap with other counselors.
  • You must be on-site for time commitment (not a consultant) and train there during school hours.
  • You must be there weekly for an entire semester and FULL days.
  • You must complete your time commitment during the course of ONE semester. If an emergency arises you will need to request a medical withdrawal and begin again the following spring with your hours starting at zero.
  • • You cannot receive an Incomplete. Liability issues prevent you from going before the start of our semester or after finals end.
  • BOCES Placements will need to be carefully screened to assure you do more than counseling.
  • You may not take Internship if you are on Academic Probation.
  • You must notify the department should you be charged with a misdemeanor or felony before or during practicum.

Common Placement areas
Most areas within the counties around Oneonta including Otsego, Chenango, Schoharie, and Delaware counties are acceptable. Sites in Broome, Herkimer, Oneida, and Madison Counties may be acceptable, if within one hour of Oneonta. Talk to Dr. Tang and the Office of Education Advisement and Field Experience before approaching an “iffy” location. We are looking to use the same sites repeatedly to establish rapport and clear expectations.

New and Remote school sites: If you plan on finding a school site farther than the above mentioned regions, you should contact the Office of Education Advisement and Field Experience. Individual consultation is required.

You are expected to find your own placement, treating this as a job interview. Dr. Tang has names and locations to suggest and feedback from prior students in a binder in her office, if you’re stuck, You are NOT to begin Internship before the first day of the semester at SUNY Oneonta, or to continue after the last day of undergraduate finals.

If you incur misdemeanor or felony charges before Internship (or during) you must notify the department immediately, submit official court documents, and attend a department meeting. Failure to disclose these charges will result in dismissal from the Internship.

Placement is not automatic upon completion of prerequisites. Students whose dispositions, functional competence, and behavior indicates that they may not be ready to be recommended for field placement will be notified and specific guidelines will be provided to them as to how they can demonstrate readiness for Internship.



Students in the Practicum/Internship in School Counseling are expected to audio record all of their counseling sessions for which client and/or parent permission is obtained.

These audio-recordings are the chief vehicle for students to receive counseling supervision from the university instructor and from peers within the group seminar. Students will use segments from these recordings to practice skills of self-evaluation and giving/receiving feedback. A portion of the student's grade in Practicum/Internship is based on their case presentation and individual/peer supervision evaluations which result from recordings made.

Students and the university supervisor will treat these audio files in a manner that respects clients' rights to confidentiality. Practicum/Internship students have been made aware of ethical taping practices and of the absolute necessity of maintaining client confidentiality. At the end of the semester, all audio-recordings will be deleted from students’ computer and recording device.

Students are supplied with a sample taping permission form which clearly states the purpose of recording use and the deletion of recordings at the end of Practicum/Internship. All students have been advised to conform to the requirements/forms of their field placement setting in regard to taping. They are also told that no student in their site is to be denied counseling services if permission to record is denied.

Each student is required to sign a pledge of confidentiality, a sample of which is attached.


I, as a counselor-in-training, agree to uphold the ethics of the counseling profession as defined by the American Counseling Association (ACA).

I pledge to honor the confidentiality of:

  1. Any personal information, feelings, or concerns explored within the Practicum course setting.
  2. Specifically, I agree to “retain as private” anything revealed in this course whether by clients, peers, instructor, or demonstration tapes. Such information is to be discussed only with the course instructor and among counselors-in-training in this class who are also bound by this pledge. This means that I agree not to reveal any of this information with other trainees in the program or anybody else.
  3. I agree to treat the tapes/videos made for this course as confidential material. Specifically, I pledge not to involve anybody other than my peers in this class, my field supervisor, and the course instructor in the actual videotaping, viewing, or discussing of these tapes/recordings.
  4. At the end of the course, I agree to turn in all recordings to the instructor for destruction in order to prevent the recordings from being used for any other purpose. If any digital recording device was used in my counseling sessions, all the electronic files of sessions will also be deleted from all my computer(s) and the digital recording device at the end of the course.

I understand that violation of these ethical principles can do great damage to the trainees and clients. I also understand that violations (including disclosure and/or idle discussion of confidential information) may result in course failure and/or expulsion from the Counselor Education Program.

Student signature:
Course instructor:


Please use these instructions as a guide when applying for Provisional or Permanent School Counselor (K-12) certification in New York State via the TEACH system (online). Read each screen in the TEACH application carefully and follow all instructions.

  1. Go to TEACH Online Services
  2. Login to TEACH with your username and password. You set up your TEACH account when you applied for fingerprinting clearance. DO NOT set up a new account if you cannot remember your user name or password. You must go through the process to retrieve this information if you have forgotten it.
  3. Click on “TEACH Online Services”
  4. Click “Update/Add Education, Employment, and Personal Information” at the top of the TEACH Home page (under the section Profile Links) in order to check your personal information.
    1. Make sure your personal information is correct, and click “Edit Personal Information” if changes are necessary.
    2. Click “Edit Education Information” and input the correct information regarding your educational history according to the questions. Refer to DegreeWorks to gather information about total credits. See chart at end of document for semester dates to report dates of attendance.
    3. The “Employment Information” section should be completed to reflect your paid employment experience in education. If you have professional paid work experience as a school counselor (2 years paid experience is REQUIRED for application for Permanent Certification):
    4. Click “Edit Employment Information”
    5. Fill in the appropriate information on your work experience
    6. When finished, Click the “Add” button
    7. If you have more work experience, repeat the above steps
    8. When completely finished, click the “Done” button
    9. Once your profile is verified and updated you can then return to the TEACH Home page by clicking on the link at the top of the page.
  5. Click on “Apply for Certificate” and proceed through screens. The steps to complete the application process are:
    1. Verify / Update Profile
    2. Select Certificate(s)
    3. Sign Affidavit
    4. Confirm and Sign Application
    5. Make Payment
    6. Review your profile (which you have just updated in Step #4) for accuracy. If no changes are necessary, click “Next”
    7. To select certificate, make selections from drop boxes and click “Add”:
  6. For Initial Certificate:
    1. Area of Interest: Administration and Pupil Personnel Services
    2. Subject Area: School Counseling
    3. Grade Level: Pre K-12
    4. Title: School Counselor
    5. Type of Certificate: Provisional Certificate
  7. For Permanent Certificate:
    1. Area of Interest: Administration and Pupil Personnel Services
    2. Subject Area: School Counseling
    3. Grade Level: Pre K-12—All Grades
    4. Title: School Counselor
    5. Type of Certificate: Permanent Certificate
    6. You will be prompted to answer a question about Educational Preparation for this certification application only. Answer YES to the question about approved teacher preparation program and enter program code (VERY IMPORTANT)
    1. School Counselor
      1. M.S. Ed. 48cr (Initial) - 41155
      2. C.A.S. 21cr (Permanent) - 79236
  9. Answer “moral character” questions and electronically sign affidavit.
  10. Make sure that you have completed the correct application, READ the information on the next page and click on [Sign Application].
  11. Submit payment for application ($50 per title/extension- online using a credit card or print voucher to send in payment). The next page will show “Application Transaction Summary”- print this for your record.
  12. You must complete a form authorizing SUNY Oneonta to release your academic record to NYSED to make an institutional recommendation for certification. Please return the completed and signed release form to Office of Education Advisement and Field Experience (Fitzelle 273) prior to graduation or completion. Please note, though it refers to student teaching, it is the correct form to submit.

You can find the Information Release Form here:

Once your degree/graduation posts, SUNY Oneonta will recommend you for the appropriate certificate according to your program.

SUNY Oneonta- Semester Dates

Use this chart to determine your dates of attendance for reporting your education in TEACH.

  • FA 2006 08-23-06 TO 12-15-06
  • SP 2007 01-17-07 TO 05-16-07
  • SU 2007 05-29-07 TO 08-03-07
  • FA 2007 08-29-07 TO 12-21-07
  • SP 2008 01-16-08 TO 05-14-08
  • SU 2008 05-27-08 TO 08-08-08
  • FA 2008 08-27-08 TO 12-19-08
  • SP 2009 01-14-09 TO 05-13-09
  • SU 2009 05-24-09 TO 08-09-09
  • FA 2009 08-26-09 TO 12-18-09
  • SP 2010 01-20-10 TO 05-19-10
  • SU 2010 06-01-10 TO 08-06-10
  • FA 2010 08-25-10 TO 12-17-10
  • SP 2011 01-19-11 TO 05-18-11
  • SU 2011 05-31-11 TO 08-05-11
  • FA 2011 08-24-11 TO 12-16-11
  • SP 2012 01-25-12 TO 05-16-12
  • SU 2012 05-29-12 TO 08-03-12
  • FA 2012 08-22-12 TO 12-14-12
  • SP 2013 01-16-13 TO 05-15-13
  • SU 2013 05-20-13 TO 08-09-13
  • FA 2013 08-28-13 TO 12-20-13
  • SP 2014 01-15-14 TO 05-17-14
  • SU 2014 05-19-14 TO 08-08-14
  • FA 2014 08-25-14 TO 12-16-14
  • SP 2015 01-21-15 TO 05-15-15
  • SU 2015 05-18-15 TO 08-07-15
  • FA 2015 08-31-15 TO 12-22-15
  • SP 2016 01-20-16 TO 05-11-16
  • SU 2016 05-16-16 TO 08-05-16
  • FA 2016 08-29-16 TO 12-20-16
  • SP 2017 01-18-17 TO 05-10-17
  • SU 2017 05-15-17 TO 08-11-17
  • FA 2017 08-28-17 TO 12-19-17
  • SP 2018 01-17-18 TO 05-09-18
  • SU 2018 05-14-18 TO 08-10-18
  • FA 2018 08-27-18 TO 12-18-18
  • SP 2019 01-16-19 TO 05-08-19
  • FA 2019 08-26-19 TO 12-17-19
  • SP 2020 01-15-20 TO 05-06-20
  • FA 2020 08-24-20 TO 12-15-20
  • SP 2021 01-25-21 TO 05-13-21
  • SU 2021 05-17-21 TO 08-13-21
  • FA 2021 08-23-21 TO 12-14-21
  • SP 2022 01-26-22 TO 05-18-22
  • SU 2022 05-31-22 TO 08-12-22
  • FA 2022 08-29-22 TO 12-20-22
  • SP 2023 01-25-23 TO 05-17-23
  • FA 2023 08-28-23 TO 12-19-23

Updated January 2024


Retention Statement:
Counselor trainees are responsible for meeting all requirements of the SUNY Oneonta Counselor Education program. More specifically:

  1. Students must maintain satisfactory academic standing.
  2. Students must adhere to the policies set forth in this Counselor Education Student and Practicum Handbook.
  3. Students must maintain the ethical standards of the American Counseling Association, (2014).
  4. Students must demonstrate functional competence in fulfilling the professional tasks and duties of the discipline. The Counselor Education Faculty considers lack of functional competence to include, but not be limited to the following:
    1. an inability or unwillingness to acquire and integrate professional standards into one’s repertoire of professional behavior;
    2. an inability to acquire professional skills and reach an accepted level of competency; and/or
    3. an inability to control personal stress, psychological dysfunction, or emotional reactions that may affect professional functioning (Lamb, Cochran, and Jackson, 1991).

The 2nd, 3rd and 4th requirements empower the Counselor Education Faculty to place on probation or dismiss a counselor trainee when ethical standards are violated, and/or functional competence is inadequate.

Retention and Pre-practicum and pre-internship Review:
In view of the seriousness of such situations, the Counselor Education Faculty has established the following procedure for addressing questions regarding retention or readiness for practicum/internship:

  1. As a first level of action, a Counselor Education faculty member shall meet with the student(s) in question, express the specific concern(s) and seek to establish a student action plan to remedy the situation.
  2. As a second level of action, Counselor Education faculty as a whole shall meet to discuss a student’s progress and/or competence in the program and attempt to help the student to remediate the situation in an informal approach.
  3. If the informal approach developed at level two fails to accomplish the desired goal, the respective faculty member will present specific concerns in a formal Retention Review to the Counselor Education faculty. The purpose of the formal Retention Review is to determine if a more specific student plan of remediation can be developed or if the student should be retained in the program. The student’s advisor, the department chair, and concerned faculty member/s will monitor progress of the student remediation plan as long as appropriate or until it is decided to terminate the student’s tenure in the program.

During retention or pre-practicum review, Counselor Education Faculty as a whole and the student’s advisor will review the student’s status in the program. Second, the student will be provided the opportunity to present any appropriate information. Third, the concerned faculty member/s will have an opportunity to elaborate on the nature of their concerns.

After the Counselor Education Faculty member/s and student have been heard, discussion by the Counselor Education faculty shall proceed with the goal of making a decision, which may be one of the following:

  1. The concerns warrant no further action, for whatever reason, and the student will be allowed to continue in the program of study without restriction.
  2. The student may be placed on probation or leave or maybe blocked from practicum with specific requirements established for remediation. Remedial action may include being required to repeat course work, obtain personal counseling or complete other departmental requirements. Procedures must be developed relevant to the individual’s needs so that the advisor and department chair can monitor progress. The Counselor Education Faculty as a whole must be consulted and will decide if and/or when the student will be removed from probation/leave or allowed to proceed into practicum. While on probation, a student will not be allowed to enroll in a counseling practicum or internship.
  3. The student may be dismissed from the program and may not enroll in further coursework in the Counselor Education Program at SUNY Oneonta.

After determination of action by the Counselor Education Faculty, their decision will be communicated to the student in writing. The student may appeal the decision in accordance with the Academic Grievance Policy,

Academic Grievance Policy


New York State Code of Ethics for Educators

Links to Counseling Codes of Conduct

Laws of New York Related to Counselors

Links to Counseling Codes of Conduct

American Counseling Association Code of Ethics (2014):

American School Counselor Association Ethical Standards for School Counselors (2016):

Association for Specialists in Group Work Best Practices Guidelines (2007):

Laws of New York Related to Counselors

Felony and/or Misdemeanor Convictions Policy (related to Practicum & Internship)
This topic is brought up as early as possible so that candidates realize they may not be able to complete fieldwork and/or student teaching, complete their coursework or earn teacher certification if they have a misdemeanor or felony. It is important that student candidates realize that a felony or misdemeanor conviction may affect their ability to receive certification from the State of New York. This information is officially determined when Fingerprinting and Criminal History Checks are completed by the State Education Department during the certification application procedure.

Candidates who have been charged and/or convicted of felonies and/or misdemeanors, should direct any questions to their Advisor. All information will be confidential. Each situation will be reviewed on an individual basis. The Department will request, at the candidate’s expense, a copy of the original deposition of the case in order to review these documents and take appropriate action. Certain crimes are considered more serious than others in the evaluation process and can possibly deter any chance of certification. The nature of the crime, how recent, and/or frequent are the factors considered when deciding on potential certification. If a candidate has a felony or misdemeanor charge, and working with children or youth is determined to be inappropriate, the department will not set up a fieldwork experience for this candidate

Laws of New York - By Authority Chapter 128
The following education law pertains to the obligation of certain school authorities to protect practice teachers from liability for negligence.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

Section 1. Section three thousand twenty-three of the education law, as added by chapter five hundred eighty-three of laws of nineteen hundred fifty-five, is hereby amended to read as follows.

3023. Liability of a board of education, trustee, trustees, or board of cooperative educational services.

Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, general, specific, or local, or the limitation contained in the provisions of any city chapter, it shall be the duty of each board of education, trustee or trustees, in any school district having a population of less than one million, and each board of cooperative educational services established pursuant to section nineteen hundred fifty of this chapter, to save harmless and protect all teachers, practice or cadet teachers, authorized participants in a school volunteer program, and members of supervisory and administrative staff or employees from financial loss arising out of any claim, demand, suit or judgment by reason of alleged negligence or other act resulting in accidental bodily injury to any person, or accidental damage to the property of any person within or without the school building, provided such teacher, practice or cadet teacher, authorized participant in a school volunteer program, or member of the supervisory or administrative staff or employee at the time of the accident or injury was acting in the discharge of his duties and/or under the direction of said board of education, trustee, trustees or board of cooperative educational services; and said board of education, trustee, trustees or board of cooperative educational services may arrange for and maintain appropriate insurance with any insurance company created by or under the laws of this state or in any insurance company authorized by law to transact business in this state, or such insurers to maintain the aforesaid protection. A board of education, trustee, board of trustees, or board of cooperative educational services, however, shall not be subject to the duty imposed by this section, unless such teacher, practice or cadet teacher, authorized participant in a school volunteer program, or member of the supervisory and administrative staff or employee shall, within ten days of the time he is served with any summons, complaint, process, notice, demand or pleading, deliver the original or a copy of the same to such board of education, trustee, trustees or board of cooperative educational services. As amended L. 1976, c 844, 1.

To the candidates: The above law refers to the fact that the school’s insurance covers you while you are in the school building.

Mandatory Workshops

New York State requires all applicants for teaching certification to complete workshop in three areas: Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting; School Violence Prevention and Intervention (SAVE); and Dignity for All Students Act (DASA). These trainings must be completed no later than the end of the semester prior to entering Practicum. Candidates for Practicum must provide proof of completion of each workshop. Information about how to complete this requirement is provided at the mandatory pre-Practicum workshop.

Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting Workshop
Chapter 544 of the Law of 1988 requires that classroom teachers, nurses, counselors, coaches, administrators and other school service personnel complete a 2-hour Child Abuse Prevention training from an approved NYSED provider for certification. The law specifies that the training must include information regarding the physical and behavioral indicators of child abuse and maltreatment. This training also includes the statutory reporting requirements set out in the New York Social Services Law, such as when and how a report must be made, what other actions the reporter is mandated or authorized to take, the legal protections afforded reporters, and the consequences for failing to report. The law further states that the training must be obtained from a provider approved for that purpose by the State Education Department.

You can complete this training at no charge. Details are available here:
Self-Directed Online Training

School Violence Prevention and Intervention (SAVE) Workshop:
This 2-hour workshop is required for certification. This workshop will provide school personnel with awareness of violence prevention and intervention skills and techniques that they can use.
The SAVE Workshop is available online and in person at various locations throughout New York State.

You can complete this training online through GST BOCES. There is a fee for this workshop.

The complete list of providers can be found online.

Dignity for All Students Act Workshop
The Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) Workshop provides information about recognizing and responding to discrimination, harassment and bullying in the school setting. This workshop is provided by SUNY Oneonta as well as by local BOCES campuses. The SUNY Oneonta workshop is typically offered in the Fall and Spring semesters annually (subject to enrollment minimums). There is a fee for this workshop.


Most schools require fingerprinting clearance in order to complete practicum. Fingerprinting is also required by the State of New York for teacher and counselor certification. You must begin the fingerprint clearance in the semester before practicum.

Chapter 180 of the Laws of 2000, the Safe Schools Against Violence in Education Act (SAVE) requires the New York State Education Department to request a criminal history background check of all applicants for certification as a school teacher or school administrator on or after July 1, 2001 through the submission of fingerprints to the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This legislation also mandates that all prospective employees of school districts hired on or after July 1, 2001 be fingerprinted and cleared for employment by the Department.

Fingerprinting is required by the State of New York for teacher and counselor certification. You must complete fingerprinting through a NYSED-approved provider. Beginning August 3, 2015, MorphoTrust is the exclusive vendor providing fingerprinting services to NYSED. MorphoTrust’s IdentoGO web site lists all national fingerprinting locations. Fingerprinting must be completed before the end of the semester preceding practicum.
Fingerprinting Fees: $102.00

General fingerprinting process

  • Fingerprints must be scanned at one of MorphoTrust’s locations; appointments are required. Visit Follow instruction by click on “Certification” link.
  • MorphoTrust will require an “ORI Number” in order to release your fingerprinting results to the appropriate agency (NYSED, in this case). The ORI “number” for sending fingerprinting results to NYSED is: TEACH.
  • The fingerprinting fees (see details below) can be paid either (a) with a credit card at the time of scheduling; or (b) with cash or check (payable to “MorphoTrust USA”) in person at the fingerprint-scanning appointment.
  • At the fingerprint-scanning appointment, your photo will be taken. You will also need two forms of identification; at least one form of identification must be a photo ID:
    • photo identification documents: U.S. passport (expired or unexpired), driver license, SUNY Oneonta student ID card
    • additional identification documents: voter registration card, U.S. military card, U.S. Social Security card, birth certificate (original or a certified copy)
  • Fingerprinting results will automatically be posted to your TEACH account.